If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money

I just got in-house the Jay's Audio CDT-2 MK3 transport to review for hometheaterreview.com.  The build quality and physical appearance make it hard to believe that it retails for around $2,400.  Right out of the crate not even broken in yet, it's out performing my CEC double belt transport in the reference system.  It retains all the liquidity and analog smoothness of the belt driven transport but offers more details, tighter bass frequencies, and a larger layered soundstage with more air between the players.

Alvin, of Vinshine Audio set this review up with me, so if you go to his website you can get a lot more details/pictures on this transport.  The reason I was motivated to review a CD transport was I received scores of requests from my readers asking what is a great sounding transport, for a reasonable amount of money.  So far, in spades the Jay's Audio CDT-2 MK3 fits the bill easily.   
I purposefully did not compare the Jay's Audio CDT2 MK2 with my analog rigs (VPI Prime and two Linn LP12 set-ups having different arm/cartridge combinations).

The SQ commonalities between my CD and LP playback front ends include an incredibly silent background and a huge 3-dimensional sound space.
Just ordered a CDT2-MK2 from Mike Powell in GA. Had a good chat with him this morning. My current player is just a TASCAM 500b which, hooked to an Yggdrasil (new Analog 2 board) via AES, has surpassed every expectation I had for CD playback. So I'm curious what an anecdotally world-class transport will sound like by comparison.

I've been on a vinyl bender for 3 years and for my tastes and preferences it offers what I want in terms of smooth, powerful sound with excellent dynamics and tonal texture. For reference, my vinyl rig is: GEM PolyTable Super12, AT Art9 with Namiki boron MicroRidge, into a Parks Puffin phono stage (which frankly sounds better than it has any right to given how it works and its price tag). Previous phono stage was a Herron VTPH-2. 

Anyway, I digress. I was shocked to find that the TASCAM + Yggy has delivered a few discs that I have on comparable, excellent condition, original vinyl and I preferred the shiny plastic. There are others that overlap in my two collections where I prefer the vinyl, so at no point am I thinking I want to switch completely, I just want to have roughly equivalent sources for both media. And I have also determined that I am now firmly in the camp of physical media. I have Roon and I have tried a MicroRendu as well as a HifiBerry and neither have come close to what I'm getting with a CD of the same provenance.

Should have the Jay's in a couple weeks, can't wait to see how it sounds.
I’ve created a new thread for the Jay’s Audio DAC as it’s unrelated to teajay’s original thread. 
Post removed 
The Jay's Audio DAC has just been released!

If it is anywhere nearly as good as the CDT2 it will be fantastic. Same beautiful casing.

I watch that OCD YouTube video (aka Mike Powell) the other day. I thought when he finished initially (and I clicked off the channel), I concluded he didn’t review the Black Cat digital cable. Returned to it again and found that I had prematurely turned off the video, omitting the extra time at the end devoted to that cable.
Chris's Black Cat Silver Star MK II are the best SPDIF I have ever heard regardless of its $325 price tag. I'm just waiting on the Cable Company to restock their lending library with the digit 75 which is their most popular and mid way in their line-up.

It's an addictive sound and musical instruments are life-like, full bodied but will compare it to my Snake River Boomslang which is very good as well but the Silver Star MK II has me mesmerized...

There's a new video over at OCD HiFi Guy on youtube and he tried out various I2s connections on the Jay's Audio CDT and at the end of the video, he tried and found that SPDIF with Chris Sommovigo's Starlight cable gave the best sound, even better than HDMI. It wasn't definitive, but he'll report back.

All the best,
My initial impressions of the CDT2 MK2 are presented below.

System: CDT2 MK2 transport, Theta Digital DS ProBasic IIIa DAC, Teo Audio Liquid Pre passive preamp, ATC SCM20-2A active monitors, 1.3M Oyaide DB-510 digital IC (Canare BNC-RCA adaptors on the digital cable’s BNC connectors to accommodate the RCA digital input of the DAC), 2ft and 6ft runs of custom HAVE Dual StarQuad parallel integrated audio IC’s per Shroeder Method (2ft run between DAC and Liquid Pre and 6ft run between Liquid Pre and ATC active monitors).

My first listening of the CDT2 included a switched set of audio IC’s running from the Liquid Pre to the ATC active monitors (originally done to isolate a spurious noise at one channel output). That led to my errant conclusion the CDT2 has reversed the channels on the CDT2’s RCA digital output. That error was rectified by reversing the analog output cables at the Liquid Pre.

The CDT2 replaces a CAL Delta transport. And the CDT2 transformed CD playback in so many ways. Soundstage presentation was more expansive in all dimensions. But what amazed was how much the soundstage leaped well in front of the speakers, resulting in their near disappearance from the sound field. The layers of musical complexity was resolved far better, with a much greater degree of both micro and macro dynamics coming forth. The background and inter-passage silence were more evident, immediate and blacker. The degree of quietness was unnerving at times, as if a layer of ever-present glare were removed from the background, leaving utter silence.

The CDT2 drove digital playback of my Theta DAC to incredible heights. It was as if the CDT2 transport literally granted permission to the Theta DAC to reveal all of its glorious potential. I can only hazard how much more improvement can be brought by an updated DAC. I suspect the CDT2’s extremely low jitter levels contributed to how well the Theta DAC negotiated the digital stream. But no matter. I’m tapping to the music at a much more involved level.

I have another digital IC to test in the context of a product from Mark Coles of Sablon Audio of the UK. Will report back when that IC is in the system.

Congratulation on getting nice transport.

The beer made in South Africa must be good.

I stayed in South Africa for only 5 hours on transfer to DR Congo on 2005.

It was business trip.

I wish to have a chance to visit "Cape of Good Hope" someday.
My Jay's Audio CDT2 Mk.2 arrived today (in South Africa) and went straight into my system all the way from Hong Kong and .... WOW!

I'm using the AES/EBU output into my iFi Pro iDSD set to Bit Perfect and Valve+ mode (Thorsten Loesch design) running balanced outputs to Accuphase pre-power and my massive PLLXO DIY open-baffle speakers.

Fluid, musical, but still has bite and the best bass depth and quality I've achieved so far. Sh#t, now I will have to upgrade my vinyl set-up again.

Even beer tastes better listening to the CDT2  ;)
My error on the transport channel reversal. I now recall having done a channel reversal test on my Teo Audio Liquid Pre outs and the L/R channels my ATC active monitors to isolate some weird noise on one channel. 

I am testing a Oyaide digital IC at the moment. I got the Sablon digital IC on Saturday. Should be a fun comparison. 
Hey Celander,

Yes, you will have to put batteries in your remote, they don't ship with them.  I only use the BNC out which does not reverse channels, so I can't address the issue with the RCA out.  

Have fun and share what you think of its performance.  
I just set up my new Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK2 transport. Incredible SQ. Surprised to find no manual for a $2,000 transport, but no issues with set up. Remote functions didn’t work; maybe batteries are required. 😂😂

The RCA digital coaxial output of the Jay’s Audio reverses channels relative to my other transports (CAL Delta transport via all tested digital outputs, including both RCA and AES/EBU outputs and a borrowed NuPrime CDT-8 Pro transport via RCA digital output). I’ll need to test its BNC output.
When will your full review of the CDT2 be posted to Home Theater Review?
@ garrard

I'm really enjoying my CD2 MKII, definitely hearing better extension on top and bottom octaves with more precision in imaging and sound-staging. 

Which DACs have you tried with your CDT2 and have you tried S/PDiff and AES/EBU?
At this point, one of the few transports I'd take over my CDT-2 MK2, would be the CEC TL0x. Or the Kalista transport.

I wish my current DAC had an HDMI I2S input, so I could hear the transport at its best. 


I had CDT2 Mk2 connected to EmmLab Dac2 for 2 weeks.

It is not better than CEC TL0x that I had used 15 years ago.

But it is very close.

Please note that used CEC TL 0x still cost 10K.

CDT2 Mk2 provides good details and well balanced sound stage.

teajay OP1,254 posts10-05-2018 9:10pmHey Thomas,

The answer to your question is yes. Report thisshkong78207 posts10-05-2018 5:35pmHello Terry

I used to use CEC TL 0x about 15 years ago for 3 years.

It had a very sharp focus and details.

I still miss it sometimes.

Do you think that Jay’s CDT-2 Mkii could be better than CEC TL0x in terms of focus and details?

thanks in advance

@lordcloud  Again congratulations on going with the Terminator.

If you are still evaluating DACs, you may want to consider the Rockna. There is one currently listed on Audiogon.

As you know I am very happy with the Terminator's performance in my system. However, these are personal journeys and if you are looking at other DACs, I think the Rockna should also be on your list as should the Aqua Formula xHD.

If you do get one or more in, be sure to share your comparative findings. All the best.

I've also heard the Aqua, but not in my system. The system I heard it in is great, but I couldn't say exactly how much of that is the Aqua, though I imagine it is a sizable amount.

At this point, the Terminator is my choice, but since it will be after the holiday when I'm able to pull the trigger, I'm on the lookout for something that may be better for me. I'm really looking for as much transparency, information retrieval, and neutrality, that I can get for my money. 

Yeah, I did some research and saw what dac you were referring to. It isn't balanced and therefore won't work for me, but I'm still on the lookout to see if there's a dac I'd rather have besides the Terminator. 
I ordered mine through Mike Powell and didn't have to pay any additional fees that I'm aware of. It was delivered by DHL. 
Post office doesnt collect Duties/Taxes etc.  If you use UPS/FEDEX/DHL your screwed and you will be subject to fees.
Are these being shipped from the USA or overseas. If overseas are there any tax issues?
@lordcloud  Congratulations on going forward with the Denafrips Terminator.

I was planning on responding to your post which I believe you have self-removed. If you would like my take on the questions you raised, feel free to reach out via PM. I second @snopro  's assessment. 

All the best.
Lordcloud, you mentioned some excellent DACs but, at a much higher price point. 
I heard the original Aqua Formula and I think the Terminator was very close. I'm sure the updated Formula xHD surpassed the older one but it is $17,000 now.
I'm sure you'll be thrilled with the Termy it's built like a tank and sounds wonderful.
Let us knew how you like it. Give it a couple hundred hours for break-in it gets better with more time.


Thanks for your insight. After doing more research, as of right now I'll be going with the Terminator. It seems to fit the bill for what I'm looking for, versus what I can actually buy. Had I the money, I'd be looking at a Aries Cerat Kassandra, MSB Select II, or TotalDac Twelve.....but the Terminator seems awesome, and I'm loving being able to use I2s. Though I could save up longer and get an Aqua Acoustics Formula......I think I'll be happy with the Terminator. 

Thanks again. 
lordcloud, I have the a Terminator and CDT2-mk.2 transport using the I2s connections and the pairing is excellent.
I like it much better then my PS Audio Memory player and Directstream DAC combo.
The Terminator is open, has great prat, and dynamic with very good micro and macro detail. I think it is transparent and not colored. What it isn't is dry, thin, sterile, and fatiguing. 
Tonally, it sounds natural with nice texture and has some meat on the bones  (which to me is how a lot of acoustic instruments sound) but still has bite when a trumpet is blown harder, IMHO.  

Post removed 
Just unboxed and set my CDT-2 up .......

So far it's destroyed my previous transport (Musical Fidelity M1 CDT). More of everything, and it just puts everything together much better. Images are denser. The picture is more coherent 

This is with less than a couple hours on it. 
Hello Terry

I used to use CEC TL 0x about 15 years ago for 3 years.

It had a very sharp focus and details.

I still miss it sometimes.

Do you think that Jay’s CDT-2 Mkii could be better than CEC TL0x in terms of focus and details?

thanks in advance

Hey k4rstar,

I have three reviews in-line to write, so the review on this transport won't be done for awhile.  If you want more information, please send me an Email through the GON and I'll be happy to discuss the details.
@teajay when will your review on the Jay's be published

I check hometheatrereview.com every day and every night; hoping; praying; to see a new article by Terry London. alas, there is none.

@ teajay

Just waiting on my DAC to arrive on Wednesday/Thursday. See pictures from link below:


Previous SW1X DAC II review:



Hey wig,

Are you close to sharing what you think of the Jay's Audio transport's sonic performance?  A few listeners, last week, were quite impressed in the improvements they heard in my reference system over the CEC double belt transport.  Everyone comments on it's build quality and beautiful appearance.  They all assumed that it must retail for at least 8K to 10K, until I inform them that it's much less expensive.  Then they are quite shocked you get this type of value for such a reasonable price.
please still let us know. With the familiarity you have with your DAC, maybe you will be able to quantify its upgrades and see what the Transport may be adding...maybe.  
While I am looking for a new transport, sadly Jay chose not to include TosLink

Hopefully others who are still spinning CDs will chime in after purchasing this CD Transport which I find the build quality, fit and finish to be Outstanding!

Burning in on my sound-bar until my DAC arrives by the end of next week and it reads discs within 3 seconds which is quite impressive...
