I want a new to me CD player but need to have HDCD decoding capability

My CD player is now over 20 years old and I play 2/3 vinyl to 1/3 CD. We only stream in the kitchen and the master bedroom. Because I love an amount of music on CD that was encoded HDCD, including a complete set of Dick's Picks, I have to have HDCD decoding capability. The best sounding CD players that meet that need that I have heard have been EAD and Cary machines though I am almost sure that there are others that would be equally good, but I have been unable to sort out what machines actually have the capability The list over on Steve Hoffman's site is too partial and I have understood that for instance some ARC players had the capacity but don't know which models, same with some of the Sony machines. NAD did on some models but I didn't really like their overall sound that much. Often sellers don't really know. Can anyone here help? Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xoldbear

I want a new to me CD player but need to have HDCD decoding capability

@oldbear, search here under PMD100 you’ll find 133 units that use this hdcd chip.
And then search the later PMD200 you’ll find 33 units that use this hdcd chip.


Cheers George
Not sure what your budget is, but there’s a Spectral unit which decodes HDCD for sale on this site from The Music Room (no affiliation). I believe that the Spectral player was designed in part by Keith Johnson, who did the HDCD recordings for Reference Recordings and was involved in development of the process.
AFAIK Oppo 105 does. If you are handy you can make a gigantic upgrade by getting a LPM from ebaye. I did this, plus replaced the IEC and a jumper to bypass the 110/220 switch (both on ebaye)
I might have 1-2 HDCD discs, but no idea which ones. If you are interested, let me know
Maybe search HiFi Shark with that keyword. It may help guide you in the right direction. 

try this site:
https//: community.klipsch.com>159198-do-you-know

the above is a Forum under Klipsch loudspeakers.
Happy Listening!