I'm still mystified...

...why a seller can specify to be paid by paypal, then expect the buyer to pay the fee. I have yet to hear an argument that makes sense. I, for one, won't buy from anyone that does it.
What's the difficulty here guys?  Just add the 3% to your asking price and offer a 3% discount for cash.  Simple stuff seeing as both PayPal and Visa/MC don't allow merchants to upcharge for using their services.  I'm surprised Audiogon hasn't stopped the ridiculous 3% upcharge crap considering the potential problems.
All I can say is try pulling that stunt on Ebay and see how long you last.

Maybe it is just me but I just do not agree that is all just about the out the door price.
Anybody who even has the mentality that they think they can try and charge a buyer THEIR legal obligated PayPal fees does not deserve my business and will not even get a look in.

Its all just in the mind I admit but why even take the chance you will alienate potential buyers in this terrible market right now.

If 3% is make or break to you then maybe you need re-examine your price to begin with.
where I live, many major brand gas stations charge less if you use cash, many restaurants and retail stores add/subtract 3% depending on cash or credit card.  maybe I'm just used to this type of transaction, plus again, this is a hobbyist site, mostly non professional sellers.