I'm still mystified...

...why a seller can specify to be paid by paypal, then expect the buyer to pay the fee. I have yet to hear an argument that makes sense. I, for one, won't buy from anyone that does it.

Showing 6 responses by uberwaltz

All I can say is try pulling that stunt on Ebay and see how long you last.

Maybe it is just me but I just do not agree that is all just about the out the door price.
Anybody who even has the mentality that they think they can try and charge a buyer THEIR legal obligated PayPal fees does not deserve my business and will not even get a look in.

Its all just in the mind I admit but why even take the chance you will alienate potential buyers in this terrible market right now.

If 3% is make or break to you then maybe you need re-examine your price to begin with.
I think majority of you are missing the point but its all good.

I along with many others will simply skip any ad that states " buyer pays PayPal fee".

You REALLY want to limit your potential sales in that way?

But just my opinion, what do I know??
Nobody is getting mad, at least I think not.

What I am trying to get across and it appears to be shared by some is that just saying in your ad that you want the buyer to pick up YOUR paypal fee tab is offputting.

In todays hard fought market place why on earth would you do ANYTHING to potentially reduce your chance of making a sale.

As I have said, its all just psychology......
I did see a dealer list an item on here once where not only did he ask the buyer to pay the paypal fees but the audiogon fees as well, seriously.

I did send him a message about the absurdity of that but he did not bother to reply
Not at all,I have already stated I sell a fair bit and ALWAYS do not charge PayPal fees and never will.

It is all kidology but you need to work the mentality and buyers just see it as another cost they should not be paying. Just add the fee into your price and do not even mention fees.
Try that on eBay and see how long your ad would even last never mind actually completing a sale.

So my shoes fit perfectly thank you!
It is one of my pet hates for sure.
I make a point of usually stating in my ads, no PayPal fees!

It does not matter what I look at and how great the price maybe, if it says buyer pays PayPal fee its move right along time.
Shortsighted maybe but it just irks me and I am very high on principle ... Lol.