I agree with you. The higher the number the LOWER the loading. At low value of resistors (meaning a lot of loading) small numerical changes do matter a lot (like 30 ohms and 50 ohms are quite different), but, once one gets above 150 ohms, there already isn't much loading and it should not matter that much. The only thing that does matter is where RFI is interfering and overloading the phonostage. In that case, a small amount of loading may be needed to cure that problem and this should not affect the overall sound. A friend suffered RFI that we traced to the default setting on his phonostage being 100kohms (essentially no loading); when we went with 1kohm loading, the problem went away.
On many cartridges, I prefer a lower level of loading (high value resistor) than most people choose for their setup. This delivers a wide open sound. Jonathan Carr, the designer of Lyra cartridges said that modern MC cartridges do not need additional loading to tame high frequency resonant peaks because those peaks are primarily in the ultrasonic range. When loading does improve the sound, it is because those ultrasonic peaks can overload phonostages that don't have enough margins for peak levels. I don't have that issue myself, probably because my phono stage is a tube unit that doesn't have extended ultrasonic frequency response.