

Responses from rmcfee

I'm new to Step Up Transformers
  Thanks for all the responses -  it's great to have access to all the experience out there.      My Zestos does have a MC section - it has settings for Low Gain or High Gain.  My confusion was because a friend with the same phono preamp as mine... 
Emerald Physics KCIIs or Spatial M3 Turbo S?
That's very interesting. Thanks. 
Best speakers for max. $3000?
Thanks so much for all of the information and taking the time to respond!  I tried the Thiels but they seemed a bit harsh with my amp at least. I have a line on a set of SpatialM3 Turbo S speakers which seem to be loved by many.     Got some think... 
Best speakers for max. $3000?
This is an insane hobby but such a fun one! 
Best speakers for max. $3000?
Many thanks for all the opinions!  I've really only heard a few speakers so I am glad to hear from all of you who have experienced other types.   
Best speakers for max. $3000?
Oh, I use a HSU sub and also a cheaper Triangle Tales 340 sub.   
Best speakers for max. $3000?
I keep hearing about the Spatial M3 Turbo S models!  
Best speakers for max. $3000?
Thanks for the replies! My room is about 20 feet long. Half of it is 20 feet wide and the other part is 14 feet wide. Sort of an L shape. As for music I listen to everything from jazz to Meshuggah and everything in betwe... 
Tube dampers/coolers effect on preamp sound?
I am using a Joule Electra OBS-1 which has 6 tubes in the preamp part and more in the power supply but I wouldn't think that they would affect sound (I could be wrong). I think of old Fender Teles with microphonic bridge pickups- the microphonics... 
Tube dampers/coolers effect on preamp sound?
I have heard one person say that they heard a reduction in openness and soundstage when using a damper. Any opinions of this? 
Tube dampers/coolers effect on preamp sound?
Thanks MOFI. Can you describe the improvement at all? 
How to reverse phase on a cartridge?
OK thanks for that. I should have mentioned that it is a phono preamp only. I don't hear anything odd, or thin sounding, so perhaps that indicates that all is OK.  
How to reverse phase on a cartridge?
Thanks BRF. Is out of phase quite noticable? It certainly is very noticable on things like electric guitar pickups. 
spikes under a subwoofer ?
I cut 2 yoga foam blocks to make 4 smaller blocks and put them under the sub. It was too boomy sitting directly on the floor. Sorry I can't be more technical than that. 
HiDiamond Speaker Cables
I have the HiDiamond H6 biwire cables and they seem great but only 50 hours on them. Can I really expect significant improvement from here?