I’m looking for an sleek integrated amp under $15k

That looks amazing - wow factor like color screen, digital streaming, Apple Music etc and has inputs for turntable. Price Point -Under $15k. As a comparison I was looking at the Naim Uniti Nova.


Sleek not slim. That unit is pretty ugly IMO Lol 

But you think the Naim Unity Nova is good looking?  Seriously???  

If you want a nice display on the unit Cambridge Naim and HiFi Rose are the go tos. The Hifi Rose integrated probably stands out if video will be part of your game.


I think Rotel just came out with something along those lines but may not be much info out there about it yet.

Oh and I would also consider NAD m33.  The room correction that comes with that can be a game changer.  

I went through similar choices recently and landed on the Canbridge Evo 150 and love it.  Originally I was looking at the m33 but went with the Cambridge which cost a lot less and actually had more input and output options I needed.  But the extra power of the m33 is a plus as is the room correction. 

Chord always has cool looking gear that is generally quite well regarded.   I have a Chord Mojo that sounds great and is very cool looking with multi color buttons and all … 

Sleek?  You’d be hard pressed to find something more sleek than this Devialet…


Lyngdorf would also be a great choice.  Best of luck. 

I have Cambridge Evo 150 and can easily recommend it.  You will have some money to spare. 🎉

Drop Apple Music from your requirement wish list. Tidal and Qobuz sound better.
Look into Boulder 866 with DAC. Roon ready (you will need a subscription).

this one has MM Phono



built in MM and MC.


Personally, I would go for unit with CD module, and separate MM/MC Phono with optional loading, and easily replaceable in the future.


Quickie search

"all in one integrated amplifier"

found this HiFi Rose RS520. Very cool display

can add CD player module, no phono

Many here like Class D amps, I know nothing about them.