I have a Onkyo TX NR905

I have an Onkyo TX NR-905 Receiver and a VPI Aries Scout turntable with a Ortofon 2m Bronze cart. Looking for some opinions on interconnects. They will be traveling behind my TV. The receiver and turntable are roughly 5-6 feet apart.

Not looking to spend a ton. Heard a lot about Blue Jeans, Anti Audio and Beldens. I think I will need shielding single or double shielding?


"02-18-14: Stereo5
Why not get a 2 meter pair of the VPI phono cables and be done with it? It's the same wire as used in the tonearm and it sounds great as well."

The scout has regular rca connectors on the back of the TT. You don't have to buy a phono cable.

I use Audioquest IC's with the DBS system. DBS helps keep the cables broken in when not in use. If you are willing to get used, you can get older models very cheap. Also, the shielding is very good on those cables.
Why not get a 2 meter pair of the VPI phono cables and be done with it? It's the same wire as used in the tonearm and it sounds great as well.