I gre out of Be Tweeters

I was at a bar the other day (well probably yesterday .... hahahah)

In any event, I was discussing how much my taste in beer has changed. I started with lagers, especially Mexican brands. Then I became a Guiness snob, and then I went over to IPAs and Belgian Abbey-style ales. Now while I can tolerate a lager, I can't stand a Belgian white at all. 

What makes me think of this here is tweeters. There was a short period of time when I thought I loved Be tweeters. I've grown completely out of them. I don't particularly like the "affordable" diamond tweeters either. I'm done.

What about you? Is there a technology you liked  earlier in this hobby and now have turned completely against?

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I can't think of any audio technology I've fully turned against, but in reaching for something:   Electrostatic speakers.
Loved the Quad 63s I had for a while, and I've heard tons of other electrostatics (and hybrids), and in almost all cases they became a no-go technology for me.  I could never be satisfied once that "ghostly" un-dynamic aspect of the sound became apparent to me.
I really enjoy listening to electrostatics when the opportunity presents itself.   But I'd never buy one at this point.

With One Big Exception:   The ESL 57s.   Those are the only electrostatic I'd love to own (but as an additional speaker, not my central listening speaker).