I feel i have been done wrong by TMR..

The story I'm about to tell does not reflect in anyway any purposely wrongdoing by TMR.
I have dealt with TMR in the past and although there was a glitch, they went out of their way to rectify it and all ended well; so, I know they are good guys that practice good business. However, the other day I purchased, and by purchase, I mean moved into a cart and then pressed the pay button for a pair of Gallo speakers. To my surprise I received an SMS saying my card was charged on the one hand, and at the same time I've received a Message that the speakers have already been sold to someone else. This is the short end of the story; the full story ‏shows up a few posts below. I admit at first I've been very upset and I started this post in a different way, it parked a lot of reaction, most of it in favor of TMR which I find to be great, but the real question I want to ask and this is regardless of if it happened with TMR or with any other venue, is,  how can it be that once you move any product into a cart and press the pay button within a few moments the product can be sold simultaneously to another buyer? isn't there any smarter way to prevent such an incident which is obviously going to leave one of the customers disappointed and upset?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xthesound
I've sold some excess gear to TMR on a few occasions all professional interactions.

@theguyres  - Do you have some personal experience with TMR to share that contradicts the majority of positive interactions that FORUM members have posted? 

For god sake I will never do business with a company that has the audacity to sell a CARY tube box for 98.00 on audiogon or anywhere else IMHO Cary is the book of the month club but hey if some one is willing to pay for it this is America...if it were my company I would personally be very embarrassed....that box is suited for crayons
I purchased a very nice JRD amp from TMR in the past. It arrived with a minor issue in one channel. They inspected, repaired, and sent it back in a reasonable time with no hassle.

I would certainly do business with them again in the future. Used gear is what I buy (most of the time) and it'll always be a gamble. I know this going in.
I have dealt with TMR a few times and they are a top-notch company with superb support selling USED equipment.

It sounds unfortunate what happened in your two examples but the Forum is not the place to vent.  There is no question they are a wonderful asset to our community.

Sounds like you worked out things the best way there were able.

Complain to your audio buddy over a beer and be done with it.   
I relayed my experience in a previous post. They did miss a minor issue but they went out of their way to resolve it. I just bought another item from them. The bottom line is, they deal with used equipment. It will never be 100%. The fact that they rectify their problems to the benefit of the customer speaks volumes. To me, they are providing a service by selling used equipment with virtually no risk to the buyer. I have bought speakers on US audiomart, but I drove six hours to hear them and verify their condition prior to purchase. You can't always do that. They are a great intermediary to verify condition and provide fair pricing. Otherwise, we would be at the mercy of the seller. 
I will bet that TMR meant to block you after the first failed sale and really didn't want to sell to you anything else...........W
TMR will never block their costumer just to avoid them. The people are TMR are very professional people.
Just the fact that we have pages of discussion about TMR makes me want no part of them ...I attempted to make a purchase from them but we were so far apart on price it was hilarious used audio equipment is worthless they make it ridiculous 
Unfortunately once you write a post and it is responded to, you cannot edit it, which is a shame because I would if I could.
I think I may have come down too hard on TMR who obviously by their many supporters have shown to be a great company ; also I can say by the way that Josh is handling all of this, I'm very impressed and of course I'm always willing to change my mind and to listen to other opinions…
Josh has not only shown to be a great businessman but he is a gentleman as well.
I'm sorry if it came across as if I'm bad-mouthing TMR; this is obviously not the case for me!!!
when I wrote the post I was very upset because I just finished transferring funds for purchasing a pair of speakers and for some reason the money was declined by the electronic system ; moments later I got a message that the speakers have been sold!!!
Josh and I are working behind the scenes to try and figure out this glitch and to rectify it.
So, you see WILL VINCENT, I don't really think TMR's blocked me out because unlike you they are smart business people and they probably checked my reputation by going to my Audiogon feedback, which is perfect and goes back for 10 years!!! Not only that, but if you checked my feedback you can see the type of equipment I buy. I am a customer you don't want to block!!!
I'm also a customer that you don't want to piss off like you just did with your stupid post!!! in the past we've spoken because I have considered buying your amps… of course that's off the table now, cuz guess what buddy, I'm blocking you….
You could delete the thread, though, which would be the proper step to take considering you have accomplished your stated purpose of getting TMR’s attention, and in so doing unnecessarily dragged the company’s name and reputation through the mud.

@thesound  If you contact me in Support, I can make the edits for you. Support@audiogon.com   Attention: Tammy 
While your original post seemed innocent enough... and you posed a simple question, this is the internet after all.  You'd be naive to think it would not spark controversy.  Hopefully most people here realize that, and by the overwhelmingly POSITIVE feedback for TMR, I hope it helped them more than it hurt them.  
I never knew about TMR, and I just visited their website.  I have Zero concerns about doing business with them for a first time.
As for Jordi, who is bashing on them for their prices.... How is that a problem?  Simply DON'T buy it if you don't like the price! There's no need to bad mouth them about it.  
As a 55yr old audiophile and recording engineer, I've had lots of gear, and I've averaged about 50/50 between buying new & used.  I've only been disappointed a few times, and only scammed once on Ebay.      
Maybe the pandemic has us all a bit on edge

I regret participating in this train wreck

I am disappointed in Audiogon for selecting this to be one of the Friday posts to review....surely there had to be better topics to choose from.  
I have had one experience with TMR . I purchased a set of cables. There condition was not as good as they had described. Shipping and packaging was ok for a set of cables.  I made a few calls about another item and they never returned my calls so I moved on . I would probably would take a chance and purchase from them again. I agree that they messed up on the CD player. Everyone makes mistakes and it seems they did their best to make you happy. Which I feel they must have done otherwise you would not have intended to make another purchase from them. 

i agree, time for this thread to die

or at least be 'locked', but i don't think a-gon has a way to do that
I live near TMR and have done several transactions with them over the past 11 years.  I live close enough that I just drive to their warehouse and load in to my truck.   They’ve moved and expanded in to new space during that time.  Ive bought speakers, turntables and amps.  
TMR is a small but focused organization. I think they do a great job aggregating high end audio gear and standing behind it.   It’s not like this hobby appeals to a huge audience.  It’s freakin’ expensive.  
I recommend TMR. 

On the contrary, had one buying experience with them, it was fabulous. I bought more than 50 6as7g Wing C tubes. They all came in perfect conditions. Packed professionally, priced reasonably, too. That's my first and only experience so far with them though.
Bought a phono stage from them. Great transaction. Had a small issue with an input and they immediately sent me a return shipping tag so they could check/fix the issue, however I rectified it myself and didn’t need to send. In any case the customer device was great. Zero complaints, 10/10 would shop again.
I have never had a bad experience with TMR.  They've bought stuff from me, I've bought stuff from them.  I only deal with Karl there, but he has always been fair, reasonable, and fun.  What more can you ask for out of the hifi business?
I have had two McIntosh experiences with TMR that have gone fairly flawlessly. I am local so I have not had to deal with any shipping issues. My second experience was a little frustrating since I purchased a New In Box Mc turntable from them that I assumed would carry the factory warranty, I was sadly informed after I tried to register it that it does not. Since they are an approved McIntosh Warranty service center and since it is a record player and not an amplifier, I’m not too concerned just bummed since I thought I’d get to be a registered owner of my first brand new McIntosh piece. 
Just to be clear, I will definitely do business with them again, what’s not to love about a local (for me) HiFi company that is passionate about what they do. I felt I needed to clarify that my experiences with TMR have provided me the best sounding gear I’ve ever owned. 
@thesound I hear what you’re saying, and from someone who owns his own business, and doing a lot of B2B commerce, it happens all the time.  The application we use for commerce, isn’t always on par with our actual accounting/sap software.  It is frustrating though!