I ask again, has anyone heard the Tempo El.Preamp?

I have been hearing about it for five years, and it now seems to be available.
You must have missed Ed merchant review a couple days ago, I believe it was a modified Tempo. I'm also interested in this company, use many boutique parts.
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Tvad, I ask because I had high expectations of it, given the designer.

You should know that I have no concern about some people's childish behavior. That is their problem.
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Tvad, I am now a reviewer. I will soon be getting the Exemplar XP-2. Indeed, I have yet to hear anything close to the H-Cat, especially in its X8 form. I have had my Acapella LaCompanellas for some time now and always continue to look for better speakers.

Do you still have the same system you had two years ago?
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Tvad, I am equally curious why you would find my questions curious and do think my question is relevant. I have owned at least 30 line stages or preamps in 40 years involved in audio with probably three quarters of them tube units. I own probably 2000 vacuum tubes mainly as replacements of tubes in those units.

My interest in the Tempo has nothing to do with my satisfaction with the H-Cat. It is just the continuing quest for perfect reproduction. Certainly some 40 years ago when I got a ARC SP-3 preamp, I thought it was perfection, and I did have it for 5 years, only to get a SP-6A which was a piece of crap.

I cannot believe given the experiences of my many friends in audio, that you have the same system today that you had two years ago.
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Tvad, your welcome, but why did you find this so curious? Certainly, you also are on such a quest.
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Tvad, I am now a reviewer.

Not singling out Tbg, but it strikes me that we are approaching the point where all audiophiles are reviewers. The whole industry is one big insider suckupathon.
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Drubin, I agree with you. I was approached to become a reviewer and ask why I would want to do that. Even though I told them I was somewhat toxic and would not review anything I didn't want to review, they still wanted me. One certainly gets a better reception these days than in the 1970s when I reviewed for Audio Horizons, a subscription rag. Then you were not warmly received. There was no advertising leverage then.

Tvad, "discounted gear," yes, but getting to hear something like the Tempo in your own system is a bigger factor.
a bizarre, incestuous world

Damn Grant, I thought that was somebody cute and non-related blow'n in my ear....
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Tvad,you always presume something and wrongly. I have none coming as they have not even responded to my inquiry. I do wonder if it is vaporware, as no one seems to even have heard of it.
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>>03-05-09: Tbg
Even though I told them I was somewhat toxic and would not review anything I didn't want to review, they still wanted me.<<

Paris Hilton wasn't available?
I have heard from Tempo Electric. They have two review units out, and I will be on their list.
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Tvad, I never said that I would not review other preamps. You assumed that it was because I was dissatisfied.

I expect the top Exemplar line stage very soon.
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It was to see if anyone had heard the Tempo, which has long been discussed on their webpage. I was beginning to think if did not exist. It presumably does.
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