Hype, Hyperbole and high price!

Okay, I understand that this site has to make money by having advertisers, but cheese and crackers, the claims that are made are just laughable if not down right criminal!  Before I attended an engineering university I too was duped into buying expensive wires and such.  Now, armed with an engineering and physics background, I can see through the BS claims made.  I try and not let it get in the way of my enjoyment of good quality stereo equipment, but when a salesman tries to sell me something based on testimonials, hype and hyperbole, I tell him politely my background and then ask him a series of questions which leaves him dumbfounded. 

Such crap as directional wires - (I used to work for both Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman) and trust me, if we had to test the miles of wires for directionality in every piece of equipment built...well you get the gist.

I have friends that are audio snobs and although they argue with me (Basically buyer's remorse) they know that what I say is true and end the conversation.  Oh well, I suppose I will continue to get a headache when I read said claims.

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Kenny wrote,

"The very same. BTW sound is not transmitted through speaker wire/cable but rather a signal."

He’s a clever one. En garde!


I have friends who are engineering snobs and they are all amazed at how good my stereo sounds compared to theirs.

Your stereo sounds good because snob engineers built amazing amplifiers through lots of research and actual engineering work.  Same for your speakers.  Your cables, power cords, interconnects do absolutely nothing to improve the sound.

The only reason you are listening to your music tonight on your very nice and awesome stereo is because engineers and scientists, using reason and science, built them.  And none of them would be caught dead with a speaker cable, power cord or fuse (I can't believe people fall for this one) costing more than a few bucks.  If they tell you otherwise they either work or are being paid by an audiophile cable company.

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kenny928, when my wife complains that her television show is terrible, I tell her to just change the channel.
It shouldn't be that difficult for a well trained engineer such as yourself to just find another website. I hear there are other sites out there, maybe try the DIY section at Audio Asylum.

Just sitting around whining and complaining really doesn't accomplish much, at least it doesn't for me. YMMV.