Thanks all for your replies.
1. My whole family on one side - me, my baby and my sound system on the other side. Its tough. My one year old enjoys jazz, classical, blues, blue-grass, religious at good listening volumes. For Everyone else - its mostly noise.
2. Reducing volume control of power-amp reduces the dynamics. I have discussed this matter with Paul - he agrees with it. I cannot sacrifice detail and dynamics over this overshooting volume control.
3. I feel that having a volume control on Poweramp is an unnecessary part in the signal path. On the other hand having focus control - to control the amount of feedback is a great feature - as the amount of negative feedback would vary with speakers and personal taste - I keep mine at 9 O'clock - having some control without overdamping and making music darker.
4. Paul is working on a solution for reducing overall gain - I am waiting on that.
5. I am seriously considering going to hybrid integrated - as my family is having a hard time dealing with hot tubes and turning pre amp and power amp (bad for me as I am enjoying tube sound). I just feel that it will be hard to get the value at this price. Unico, Pathos, DK Designs, they are all pricey - of course I'd be willing to get used. I was also considering consonance - but not sure ...
6. Paul has tried to put too many features on his pre and power and overlooked some design essentials. Sure the performance on both pre and power is steller at this price. About a few days ago - a fellow audiophile was listening to a CD (6 moons Sampler - highly recommend) and he was stunned. He was attributing it to the TRL modded Sony SACD, but I think it was the whole system of which TAD-150 and TAD-60 are part of.
7. I bought TAD as part of the 1st wave - I did my several weeks (months?) wait.
8. Be sure to either replace the stock feet or put isolation underneath. I have isol-pads under and they do good job in reducing noise-floor and increasing detail.
9. I have both EL-34 and Tungsol 6550 - they both have different flavor - EL-34 is more musical and 6550 has more muscle.