Do you live anywhere near an Ikea furniture store? They have several inexpensive shelving systems that are great for records. For years I've used Ikea pine shelving that I finished with polyurethane varnish.
40 pounds / foot sounds about right. |
Ikea Expedit. 2 sizes, several colors. Small size holds about 960 LPs and the large size about 1500 LPs. Recommended. |
I'm about to order some LP storage units from this fellow:
They are beautifully made from hardwoods, and very reasonably priced at $35 - $45 per module depending on the wood (includes shipping). I've talked with him on the phone, and he can do little things like making the base unit taller so I don't have to wreck my back getting records from the bottom shelf ;~)) |
I am very happy with the racks from Music Direct. They have two styles, the one in the picture, and the Cherry wood with black supports, which what I have. (I like both styles, but my wife really wanted the cherry, as it went with the decor better. I don't mind, as long as I get my racks! They are expandable too, so if you collection keeps growing, so can they!) Music Direct LP Racks They are not only very aesthetically pleasing (i.e. high WAF!), but they go togather quickly, easily and work great. (They have the back stop to keep your records lined up nicely too!) My two cents worth anyway. |
IKEA Bonde or Expedit shelves are excellent for record storage. Both come in various sizes. . |
I have used Per Madsen's record racks for years with excellent results and out standing customer service from him. Check them out at: |
Ikea Effektiv storage modules work great for us. Effektiv is a modular system you can build as high and wide as your space allows. It's more expensive than Bonde or Expedit, but the modularity makes it adaptable to difficult spaces. |
I second the Pers Madsen record rack suggestion. I have used them for a number of years and have about 5,000 LPs stored in them. They have a very high WAF. Very flexible as to how you design your storage space. Easy to expand. Moving them with the LPs inside is quite easy and much more convenient than having to take the LPs off of the shelf, move the shelf and then put the LPs back on the shelf. |
You can store them at my house !! :-) |
I think you're going to like those. I made my own clones of Tony's crates and I really like them. The way they lock together makes for a very sturdy stack and they move quite easily without havint to take the records out. I haven't made a base or cap 'cuz I'm getting ready to make some more. I'm still working on a good concept for storing my ceedees. |
Dan thanks for the feedback. I haven't bought them yet, Tony's just back from vacation, but they seem like a good solution. BTW, I have a killer way to finish them (no drying time involved, available at Ace) Email me separately for the info.
Neil |
Finish? We don't need no stinkin' finish!
Maybe when I put a cabinet with them. |
Thanks everybody for the input. Haven't made up my mind yet. When I'm finished I'll post pictures of the new room. |
If you have the space, front-facing storage (like in record shops) is the only way to go. You can build them with two layers for the comfort of someone of common height (instead of the 4-5 shelves common to spine-facing) with some storage below. This, of course, is very limiting if you have a lot of LP's and little space. But, I do have both, and I've built some recently that look superb (some know from my plinths and component cases that I am not one to skimp on materials). These would be at home in ANY home and are a real joy to use. With respect to WAF, very little at Ikea or Music Direct is ever going to pass muster in my house (no offense to anyone else, though). As such, I used hand-rubbed hardwoods for the facing materials - though these could be built with anything from MDF - painted plywood, to veneered plywood, etc. etc. - even metal, thought my thing is wood.
Again, if you have the space, front-facing is the way to fly, IMHO AND experience! :-) |
do you have any pictures of your work on these storage units that I can drool over! I'm your number one fan of your woodwork. :)
BTW, it's a little known fact that Damon is bosox mole.
Dan |
Dan: I'd sooner he snapped his ankle like a dry twig. Never liked him, never will, regardless of uniform.
With respect to pictures, I've not taken any. I am reluctant to take any, at least in the near future, as these have worked out so well that I may very well market them. Perhaps I will shoot you off one separately. Thanks for the woodworking kudos. I come from a long line of furniture builders and cabinetmakers and it is a cathartic activity for me. It is doubly gratifying when others find enjoyment in my work.
Given the quality of your DIY rack, I suspect you'd do a bang up job on your own, anyway! |
Do a search on Google (and eBay) for Lundia shelving. Lundia is made under license in a number of countries, including the United States. I use the 36" by 12" shelves and 84" uprights. Lundia says each shelf will support 100 kgs with no danger of sagging, and in my experience they are correct. Construction is solid wood - no plywood or glue-and-sawdust composites. With 5 usable shelves, each unit stores about 1100 LPs. I bought some over 20 years ago and my ex is still using them. Recently found enough used ones to store about 10,000 LPs, for the bargain price of $70. These are used in stores, so look for them at a local supplier to the retail trade. Many public libraries in my area have them, and I've seen them in law libraries, too. |
Dave I think his arm will fall off at the shoulder before his ankles go. :)
Thanks back at you, however I can only hope my skills someday begin to approach your level. Your secret would be safe with me as I have barely enough time to do projects for myself. I'm trying to envision what a front-facing storage system would look like. All I come up with is something that is somewhat bulking towards the bottom and that would look too much like me. But maybe I'm just not imaginative enough. I keep thinking about those large bins in most record stores and don't see how that would work for me. Wow, that sounds like a grest segue into a marketing pitch for your solution.
That's why I decided on the on-end with the splines out. Slim-line, but it can be a pain to find something at times without a good light source. |