That’s a good question. I definitely enjoy DIY and tweaking things. I am somewhat on the fence about upgrading the PS1 power supply as a long term solution. Right now I am comparing the stock power supply vs. my DIY SMPS dual power supply solution. While I can clearly hear areas of improvement with my solution, I think the stock power supply might be more “musical.” I am wondering if the “magic” of the PS1 sound is partly caused by the stock power supply. The PS1 doesn’t measure that well yet many people will say it sounds great. Perhaps it’s shortcomings just so happen to be psychologically pleasing and I should leave it be.
How to Modify SMPS Output Voltage
I’ve got a number of iFi iPower and iPowerX power supplies with factory set voltages of 5V, 12, and 15V. I’m tying to power two devices that require 3.6V and 7.6V. Currently I am using some cheap store bought voltage regulators to take the iFi 12V power supplies down to the desired voltages. I got to thinking that if I could modify the iFi output voltages to the desired voltages, then I wouldn’t need the cheap voltage regulators - fewer lower quality devices in the power chain should improve sound quality. Does anyone know how to do this? I contacted iFi and they said their devices aren’t adjustable nor will they sell me custom voltage units. On some power supplies, it’s as easy as opening the device and adjusting a pot. In other cases, you can switch out a resistor to modify the voltage. I’m okay with voiding the warranty. Does anyone know if this can be done and if so, how to do it? Thank you.