How to manufacture a cable ?

I have a good sounding cable and want to manufacture it - but don't have a clue as to how to go about it.
I would appreciate any info on the subject very much - thanks in advance...
Thanks to all the good responses so far - please keep them coming.

I would definitely goto a library and check it out as Elizabeth said.

Clio, I am thinking about moderate amount, so could you give me the name of the person you have in mind ?

Thanks everyone - you all are such help ...
If it is a cable DESIGN you are talking about I would try to find commercially available wire to use. It is fairly easy to make cables in your basement if the ingredients can be obtained off the shelf. I recently purchased a very good arm cable made by an enthusiast who started making them for his own use and found there was a demand for them. Having wire made up to your specifications is going to be a much more difficult proposition and few of the commercial cable companies actually make their own. Making anything complex in small quantities is always expensive, things like Cardas or Siltech are quite complex.
I am talking more about the manufacturing process.
If I decide to subcontract, where do I find a good one ?

There's New England Wire, Calmont and Bay Associates just to name a few. Might also want to talk to Hal Marker at HM Wire. He can be a very good resource.

Is there a good Chinese cable company I could contact, to bring down the cost ?

What, we don't have enough offshoring being done already?
Be very knowledgeable about intellectual property laws, or lack thereof, in countries where you might be considering manufacturers for your cables.

Just out of curiosity what type of initial run are you looking at. If it's a small t5o moderate amount I might know someone who can help you.
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I am talking more about the manufacturing process.
If I decide to subcontract, where do I find a good one ?

I already got good reviews from other audiogoners about the cable, so I would like to bring manufacture it.

Is there a good Chinese cable company I could contact, to bring down the cost ?

While Thorman makes a good point, I am curious as to whether you are actually talking about the marketing aspect, or the manufacturing process in terms of constructing the cables in preparation for marketing.

If the latter, then the answer really depends on whether you have the time and money to do this yourself or if you will need to subcontract.

Either way a good test is to have a few pair made up and ask some audiophiles to beta test them for you. I have done this on occasion with both cables and equipment. The opinions you receive could be very valuable in helping you sort all of this out.
You could always try selling a few pairs on Audiogon and see how they work out in the Marketplace.Others have done the same and done very well...If you have a good product,things will take care of themselves...You also do not have to spend money on Hype..Set them at a fair price and see how it goes....There have been many others that have started out on Audiogon........Good Luck!!!!