How old are your speakers

I am wondering how many listen to old speakers. I am not looking so much as to how long you owned them but how old are they. Are they your primary speakers? I am listening to a pair of 2003 Verity Parsifal Encores and continue to be pretty pleased with them.
I don't even know how old mine are, but they are Legacy Audio Signature II. Still sound pretty good to me, but I wouldn't mind a set of the Focus SE!
bunch of 80s ADS stuff, some more modern Klipsch, Boston, weird old 'one offs' from various makers, mostly 70s and 80s.  Had the ADS 1590/2 (2x sets) redone by Richard, and enjoy them very much now.  Prices aside (got most of this stuff near free or free except the rework done by various people) this stuff still kicks arse.
Four month old Klipsch Heresy III in my main system.   My KLH Model 2 Computer Controlled Loudspeakers in my workshop are  35 and still going strong
I'm amazed and impressed to see many people here hanging on to speakers for so long.  I've had some speakers for a long time, but my "main" speakers have been a parade of different models over the last couple decades.

My Thiel 3.7s and 2.7s are 5 to 9 years old.  But I've had them for a couple years.

Other than that:

- MBL 121 speakers are about 10 years old

- Waveform Mach MC monitors are circa 2000, but I've had them for about 10 years.

- Spendor LS 3/5s - I've had them since 2001.

- Thiel 02 speakers - manufactured late 70's or early 80's.  They were bought for my wife by my father in law in the 80's and I inherited them from her.  Those old Thiels helped get me back into high end audio and they still sound so great I will never part with them.