How many versions do you have?

Dear fellow music lovers,
I was just flicking through my classical cd collection the other morning looking for something to play, every so often I would come across Vivaldi's 4 Seasons, so I thought I would pull them all out and count them, well I have 8 versions (actually 7 really as I have a duplicate), they are;

1.Mutter DG
2.Quintessence label
3.Roberto Michelucci- Phillips (x2)
4.Classical Treasures
5.Jean Pierre Rampal-Sony
6.Nigel Kennedy- EMI
7.Hogwood- L'oiseau-Lyre

What duplicates do you have in your collection?, being audiophiles who I presume would prefer an original cd rather than a burned copy so no burned copies to be included.
Many of many. Probably have a few of the Four Seasons and multiples of many symphonies.

I only have the Mutter. . . stunning fiddle playing, and . . . stylistically utterly bizarre. G.
Guido, I agree, Mutter's style is awesome and has been my favorite violinist for quite awhile now.I think she is one artist where I need to get all of her cd's.
The 'Carmen-Fantasie' cd is incredible and one that loves to be cranked loud.

Kal- I have not looked into my other classical cd's, I think there will be a few duplicates also of all the popular pieces.
May get around to cataloging them all one day.
Gawdbless, Do you have Mutter playing the Sibelius violin concerto under Previn? . . . the opening section where she essentially starts 'sul ponticello' without any vibrato glassy as can be, then slowly moves to her signature full throated passionate vibrato, is veritable goosebumps material. . . and Previn is the last of the old Titans! G.
Guido, I only have 5 of Mutter cd's, I do not have the
one you suggest, It will be on my hit list for sure, as will her other cd's.Thanks for the tip.
Talking of Violins I got a killer deal on 10 of Hilary Hahn's
cd's, she is also a wonderful violinist.
If the question is how many versions of the same piece, I have 6 versions of Bach's "Mass in B Minor". The one I go to is the Herrewegge, even over the vinyl.
Same as Kal...
Several versions of Erik Satie's Gymnopedies/etc...
7-10 versions of Bach's unaccompanied cello suites, among my favorite being one played by Edgar Meyer on the double bass.
3-4 versions of Holst's Planets (my "go to version" being Mehta/LA on Decca)
Several versions of Chopin's Preludes - haven't figured out, even after 20-25 years of listening to and playing these, which one is my go-to version.
Several versions of Rachmaninoff piano trios.
Lots of versions of several or all Beethoven Symphonies
And I have seem, without trying, to have come up with a bunch of versions of Dvorak's 'New World' Symphony, a couple of Mahler symphonies,

and, last but not least... I must have a dozen different recordings of Jimmy Smith playing "The Sermon".

I have about three versions on LP and around five or six on CD. I too, like the Herrewegge a lot for the performance (the recording is a touch sibilant, but it is pretty good too). I also like Perlman, and for something really different, the Rifkin (one singer per part).

I have silly number of multiples for Beethoven's late piano quartets (I like the Vegh Quartet, Quartetto Italiano, the Hollywood Quartet), Wagner's Tristan und Isolde (amazingly, I like Domingo), and the Bartok String Quartets (I like Takacs Quartet).
ON Dvorak's 9th Symphony, I highly suggest Bernstein with the Israel Phylharmonic. The 2nd movement is the most lyrically intense performance that I have heard. . . just do not expect an 'audiophile-grade' recording. . . get this for the music, not for the sonics. . . Besides, Lenny B. is one of our great lost Titans! G.
This is the exact one:
Yes, the question is of copies of the same piece of music.
I have realized I have a cd with Gil Shaham playing Vivaldi's
4 seasons also. So my count is now 9.
Don't think I will ever get to 20 though of the same piece.
Thanks for all your input/replies and the tips on what versions to get.
Happy listening.
I have six versions of Strauss' Four Last Songs (two by Schwarzkopf, the recordings by Fleming, della Casa, Norman, Janowitz with HvK). The first Schwarzkopf version is my favorite although all of them are at least good.
My favorite with the few versions that I have heard of the Strauss 'Four Last Songs' is by Norman, I have not heard the others you mention, but I will check them out, if there is one that possibly tops Norman's version, then I've gotta hear it/buy it.

I like Norman, too. I also like Janowitz and Schwarzkopf. But, if you want to hear a version that is amazingly good and both dramatically and vocally different from that of Norman, find the version by Isokoski. The recording is also quite nice sounding.
Thanks Larryi for your recommendation, now I have checked
the cd by Soile Isokoski on Amazon, I have realized my library has that exact cd, and I have never thought about taking it out or given it any thought, until now that is.
Orft I shall jolly well go at the first opportunity.
Gawdbless/Larry: I think the Norman version is very beautiful but she and Masur take things very slowly. The personal force of Schwarzkopf's 1950s recording just elevates it above many very worthy contenders. That EMI rerelease is a must-own if you like Strauss. The last scene of Capriccio is wonderful and there are excerpts from Arabella with absolutely virtuosic singing. I strongly recommend buying that CD.

Thanks for the Isokoski recommendation. Can't wait to get it.
Pink floyd and mars volta, both of those are my favorites. so duplicates are abound. the biggest is dark side of the moon which I have about 15 copies of.