How many audiophiles bi wire their speakers????

I was wondering if Audiogon member use dedicate cables or amps for the upper and lower drivers?..if so were you pleased with the results?..does different jumpers cables have different sound signatures?...
Unclejeff, with a horizontal biamp, one amp is used to power the mid/tweeter of both speakers and the other amp is used to power both speakers woofer sections. In a vertical biamp one amp becomes the left and the other the right channel with say the designated left channel of that amp powering the mid/tweeter and the designated right channel powering the woofer. The supposed advantage is that one amp is not overly taxed driving both speakers woofer sections. It is thought that there will rarely be high level bass and treble in one channel at the same time and the amps will have a greater power reserve and better dynamics.
BMWhaus, I prefer my N802's single wired and yes the short jumper cables make a significant difference. I made some solid core jumpers, Monster cable, radio shack 16 gauge, against the factory jumpers and ended up using the B&W ones. I use Audio Magic Excaliber speaker cables.
Yes, I bi-wire and am going to tri-wire as soon as I can find another set of cables (Veritas 1.8's are set up from factory for tri-wire). I think it does help sound quality. I currently have the Highs and Mids jumpered together and the Lows on their own. These speakers sound wonderful single wired, but the clarity seemed to improve somewhat with the current bi-wire arrangment.
Anyone wanting to read a good explanation of Vertical Bi-Amplification should go to:

To sum it up:

1. One stereo amp per channel, equals 4 channels of amplification

2. Each stereo amp is dedicated to one channel...vertical bi-amping

3. The two inputs of each stereo amp are wired in parallel

4. Outputs are wired separately to woofer and midrange tweeter inputs on the loudspeaker

Thanks to Dennis J. Had for this excellent informational write-up (president of Cary Audio).

He really turned my listening experience around. (Unfortunately, I use McIntosh equipment :) )

The server could not find this post. I did go to caryaudio and the faq was interesting, but this document was not there.

the Cary Posts are written so well that it would be interesting to read this one, too.