How long do you think it will take

for new and used sales prices of components made in China to collapse because nobody wants them? To judge by the level of denial I'm thinking by the end of the year. But curious to know if people think it might come even sooner than that?

Showing 2 responses by ozzy

Political Correctness is the real racism. "Can’t we all just get along"?
I mean, I have never discriminated against anyone, at least knowingly. All I ever did was work hard to provide for my family and respect others.
Yet, as an old white male I seem to be the bearer of all forms of verbal (racism) abuse these days. If I am the blame for all of society problems then how did the society survive and prosper while excepting all?

I just don’t understand how this new racism is better than the older racism?

We all should be very proud of our country, and protect it.
Those of you who spout political correctness NEED to be respectful of all contributions to our society.

And, yes, continue making America Great!
