How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years?

I have owned and enjoyed my Jeff Rowland model 8 ( recently modded and upgraded by Jeff to the last version) for many years. I recently had the opportunity of comparing it ( after mods) to a few of the current ss models from Gamut, D'Agostino, YBA, Parasound, Sim audio, CH precision, Constellation,PS audio,Pass Labs  and Musical Fidelity. The results were very interesting, because to my ears and in the systems that we did the comparison, the Rowland held its own against all but the most expensive D'Ag and CH amps. Even those were only very slightly outclassing the Rowland in the areas of top end resolution...and a tad in the bottom end resolution. Now the thing is that the last revision to the Rowland 8 was designed by Jeff over ten years ago! 
So, my question for those more technically inclined than myself far has the design of ss amps come in the last ten...or even twenty years? 

Showing 16 responses by mrdecibel

Hogwash. All amplifiers have a sound, and are distinctly different from one another. Which you prefer has many factors, such as the speakers being driven, with their sensitivity and impedance. Amps can change a little from the output source impedance driving them. Circuit designs, parts used, size and regulation of the power supplies, all matter. What is your flavor ? The best sounding ( smoothest ) to me are Class A designs. To answer the question as to what is new in 20 years, I would say Class D output stages. For those who do not hear differences in amplification, I would not outwardly admit it. I am sorry for you, because there is much to be discovered. Enjoy ! MrD.
mgatt, you should have heard the Krell’s replacement ( whatever you purchased to replace it ), in your system before you sold it. Live an learn. Enjoy ! MrD.
Heat sinks are very resonant, in most designs. And, every transformer has an amount of physical vibration. Isolating both of these issues display an increase in sq. Roberjerman, you are a character. I am sure, at this moment, you do have more equipment than I, but I doubt very much you have owned more than I, or have been exposed to more equipment than I. You stated you were in a band, so I believe your ears are shot, and unfortunately, you probably did not use ear protection. You have a tendency showing up everywhere here, claiming a system you have " currently hooked up in another room " is as good as anything today. Examples are Quad 57s, DCM Time Windows, GAS Son of Ampzilla, etc. I know from my own ownership how enjoyable these were at the time, but to say they compete with todays products, well, I am sure there would be a handful of people to agree with you, especially with the Quad 57s. Older ss amplifiers sound brash, or dark, because of the parts used in the day, or some other characteristics of design. And, the constant trolling you seem to enjoy so much, on the power cord threads, stating they make no difference, making a joke of yourself, because I do not know of one piece of audio gear in your " collection " that has an IEC inlet. I am inviting people here, to read up on many of your posts, to show the pattern, and some of us already know. So with this I wish you the best. Enjoy ! MrD.

roberjerman, I obviously have been mistaken, so I apologize. So you do believe, good amplifiers, sound different from one another, and that some, such as your Bel, sound superior. Great, we are getting somewhere. And, you purchased a Pangea cord, and, did not return it. Another great ! See, was that so hard. BTW, the MK V was a great version of your amp; the original you have, good potential, and would sound good with my pair of AR3a, giving them some zip in the high end, and lots of control in the low end. The Bel I owned, for about a year ( version 3 I believe ), drove a pair of Janis W1s for a while, which I replaced with an Electron Kinetics Eagle 2A, and sold the Bel. A good amp, yes, but lost out big to my Krell KSA 50, which to my ears, was in another league. When I sold the Bel, I had no regrets, and still don't. Enjoy ! MrD.
stringreen, I have to ask, as I might have missed something, so sorry...have you tried using another amp during this time, and have you completely reversed the left and right channels of the system, into the speakers ? In other words, the left speaker was receiving all of the right information, and the right receiving the left. Also, did you exchange the left and right speakers during this time ( physically ), to see ( hear ) if anything has changed. You also mention it cannot be coming from the preamp, based on your dedicated headphone amp not showing the problem. I would try and eliminate the preamp, if you can, and drive the amp only with a source, such as a cd player. If you do not have another volume control anywhere, you can take a cd, that has an extremely low passage, just to listen, for that moment. It is possible your preamp is picking up rf, or something else. I would not count out the preamp as being the source of the issue. Simply trying to help. Always, MrD. 
Ahofer, set it up for me with Shaw, and I will do it, no problem. I am sorry if you feel I do not agree with my interpretation of what I just read. By your response, I am not sure you hear differences in amplification, not even to determine if one is more to your liking over another. Obviously, Shaw makes a fine line of loudspeakers, but I still found it a bit surprising. I can also tell you, many others here would take the challenge, as Atmosphere pointed out, coming home with a new set of speakers. Always, and Enjoy ! MrD.
I will take this challenge. It would be difficult for me, or anyone for that matter, to convince anyone else that differences are heard, unless they heard it too. If I were doing the amp comparison through my own system, in my own room, with my own selected music, I would, and have, each and every time, hear differences. Mr. Shaw seems to say, if the circuit is the same, distortions are kept at a minimum, impedances match, and the amps are working comfortably within their limits, the 10K amp, with all of it's better parts, more heavy duty chassis, larger power supply, etc., will not sound better, or even different. Wow, is all I can say, if I read, and interpreted correctly, all that I read. Does this mean Harbeth speakers use inexpensive crossover components, because Mr. Shaw hears no difference in better capacitors, etc ? As far as a system I am not familiar with ( different equipment, room, etc. ) ? As long as I am given enough time to listen and evaluate this system, using my own selected music, sign me up ! Enjoy ! MrD.
wolf, I had no idea if roberjerman was in a band, nor am I claiming hearing loss of any band members, as I was a singer in a band. But for someone as he, to claim, differences in amplifiers do not exist ( and to have a " collection " of them ), must have listening or hearing issues, or systems not hi def enough to notice. Tell me your Schiit pre and Had amp does not sound better ( if not better, at least different ) than your previous gear ( you bought this gear before the Heresy 111s ). Differences exist, and that is all. Enjoy ! MrD.
wolf, I understand I said it. I was creating a situation, an excuse, for roberjerman, as to why he always claims " he hears no difference between amplifiers ". I could have said he worked in construction as a jackhammer operator, without using ear protection, but I wanted it to be music related. I am sorry, as I know and respect, that you are in the live music industry. BTW, I do know people in the music industry, and other industries, who have bad hearing because of their everyday life occupations. Atmasphere, I obviously missed that. Always, and Enjoy ! MrD.
snapsc, I was an amplifier junkie ( I suppose I still am ), that is why. A few years ago I had quite a bit more, but sold off many, much more of them higher end. Here is a list of what I still have, not in any order. Hafler DH 200, DH 220, DH 500, (2)XL 280, Citation 12, Citation 12 with conversion of Pass Circuit, Citation 16A, Marantz model 15, Soundcraftsmen PCR 800, A 5002, A 400, Smart Theater Systems TA 242, Crown PS 400, Rotel RB 850, Adcom GFA 535 series 2, Yamaha P 2050, P 2075, P 2160, P 2200, (2)Nuforce STA 200, ADA PF 201, PF 2501 ( my current favorite ). I might have left out one or two, as some are still in closets. My favorite amp of all time ( that did it all for me ), was the Krell KSA 50. Enjoy ! MrD.
ahofer, Maybe we can get together, at my home, using my system, with me blindfolded, and you change out a few amplifiers of your choosing. I will want a 3rd party here. I believe you have stated in other posts of yours, that you do hear differences between some digital gear, which is interesting to me, because our ears only respond to the analog portion of digital gear, as we cannot hear " 0s " and " 1s ". Listen, I get it. You do not hear differences, so, you feel they do not exist. That is fine, and unfortunate. I do not need to convince you, or anyone, of anything. I am generally a lone listener, and I am in this hobby for myself. I am in Central Florida if you ever want to arrange something. I have 20 or so amplifiers here, and you are welcome to bring anything you have. My last statement, however is this. In this hobby, you are in the minority of listeners that do not hear differences in amplifiers. And yes, I have changed out capacitors ( tremendous in speakers, too ), enlarged power supplies ( well actually a tech friend ), and for years, have changed out power cords, on products that were available before IEC inlets, with differences in sq, and usually, for the better. And I do need to ask this. If you do own very expensive gear, and admit you do not hear differences, why do you own such expensive gear ? I know you are a wall street guy, so maybe it is because of prestige. You tell me. Enjoy ! MrD.
Teo, I had a couple of Yamaha B2s in my time ( and a Sony vfet integrated ), and I really enjoyed them. They did not last as long for me as I would have liked, as they developed problems after long time ownership. Repair was nearly impossible to get done, for whatever the reasons ( unavailable parts supply if I remember ). I handled them with care since new, and never over taxed them. They just failed. Sold them for parts.... Atmosphere, I do not see much debating about tubes / transistors as much today. Much more debating about Class D, power cables, passive vs. active, and occasionally speakers ( horns, panels, boxes ). There seems to be an acceptance of both, imo, and that the camps of tubes and transistors have come to a stalemate. just from my readings here, and elsewhere. However, as a manufacturer of tube gear, you obviously are seeing the debate continue. My best. Enjoy ! MrD.
ahofer, I appreciate your response. Listen, I am a simple guy, but very complex when it concerns audio gear, and more importantly, music listening. I know what I know, I hear what I hear, and, there are so many of us, as I am not a lone exception. Continue on your path of discovery, as I have been there for a very long time. Always, and Enjoy ! MrD.
Geoff, as often as I say it, but seriously. Twice, in my past, I admit, I could not hear any differences, using your Teleportation tweak. Personally, I knew a fella who claimed it is very real, and I never doubted him, as many people seem to do, when they do not hear something themselves. Enjoy ! MrD.
Ahofer, you never responded to my comment, as to why you own expensive audio gear ( what are your components ? ), as I suggested, simply for prestige. And comparing it to a watch ? Maybe, if it is all about prestige. I believe my comparisons were more legitimate, as it showed a certain ability, familiarity and expertise, by the individuals, in their respected interests and fields. You are welcome to go on and on, but simply, I will no longer respond to you, as this " need to know " thing, is " your " thing, not mine, or anyone else’s here. So take care, and Enjoy ! MrD.
Hearing amplifier differences to an educated ear is no different, than, to an experienced race car driver feeling a bit of difference on the accelerator pedal with a new small tweak done to the engine, which I have witnessed, living near Daytona. Or, my best friend, a guitarist, picking up 20 similar guitars by the same manufacturer, and stating one is preferable to him, by sound and feel. Or maybe, a certified wine sommelier who does tasting for a manufacturer before they decide to bottle it. I understand the doubt people have, but, does it really matter to continue the argument ? The reality is, if we all, the audiophile community, heard no differences, wouldn’t the high priced gear go bye bye, or, just 1 or 2 manufacturers would be left for all of us ? I say, let those folks, such as ahofer, be, and let us all just enjoy the realities of our hobby. It is getting tired, all of the naysayers and " trolls " ( yes, I needed to use the term ), telling us, it is in our minds, or, we are lunatics, or whatever. I have been trying to ignore these folks, but as always, sucked right back in to the arguments and discussions. Just some thoughts. Enjoy ! MrD.