How does one "Get lost in the music"?

I seem to have lost the ability over the years. Is there a routine you guys follow to get yourself into that state?

My mind is constantly drifting/thinking when i am listening. My equipment is very musical and hiend in nature so i cant blame my equipment for my inability to get emotionally attached.

I dont expect to get into this state everytime i listen, but would like it to happen at least weekly.

Any advice is much appreciated
Sometimes, I'll go over a week without listening to my rig. But once I settle in on my lounge, all bets are off and it's off to la-la land, with or without a drink. I guess I'm lucky that way as I've mostly been able to turn things off and let the music take me away.

Maybe I should try some TM, yoga, or other form of meditation and see what this 'higher plane of consciousness' is all about.

All the best,
Try staying away from your "high-end" system and listen to
favorite music on your IPad, computer, or simply on a decent radio and see
what happens. Spend some time on Youtube and search for rare or
unknown performances by favorite artists. Best of all, attend some live
concerts. You might be surprised.
Things that help me include yoga and meditation, having an appealing environment to listen in, staying away from tv, and minimizing any fatigue inducing aspects of my gear, and of course listening to music I find interesting. Including a lot of giving new music a try and not always listening to the same stuff, no matter how much I might like it.
Try not listening at all for weeks or even months until you can't stand it any longer.Then it be something special again.Or pot brownies:)
What's on your mind. That's where the problem lies. I bet you if Elizabeth made you some pot cookies you might get lost in the music. Or your could try a nice single malt. I'm enjoying an 18 year old Talisker right now and I'm just about at the point of a completely wiped out mind. Melody Gardot never sounded so darned good.
I usually get lost when I hear Kenny G, Celine Dion, Yanni, Justin Timberlake, Madonna and Neil Young.

Certainly pop music isn't for me and prefer to listen to REAL musicians. A good packed quality bowl of weed blended with great progressive rock such as Camel or electronic jazz such as Pekka Pohjola would certainly make my mind relaxed and my belly shakin'.
MAYBE you could move your speakers opposite the commode in the bathroom.
then you could concentrate properly...
But seriously, i have recently chosen folk and popular music instead of Mozart and Coltrane just for a change. I admit to having a Faith Hill CD and Madonna (Ray of Light, OK?) and a few other pieces that are not too intellectually challenging. But Faith has a lovely voice, and the arrangements are tastefully done, etc. It ain't Ella or Billy but i enjoyed the @#$&$#@ out of it the other day.
Now i am going through all of my Allison Krause cd's. I picked up Heart Like a Wheel the other day, too.
The new Chick Correa album is good IMO- Vigil. Ignore the cover, though.
Acoustic and electric material combined together.
Lot's of good music out there you haven't heard yet. Some old, some new.
Books are a good means of getting connected- you (we) don't have to read the most erudite stuff to "be well read". But there isn't a movie made that has equaled the book it was based on...
This is a common problem for audiophiles. We focus so much on the sound of our systems that we stop listening to the music. Pick out some crappy sounding cd's and listen all the way through. Keep doing that until you start getting some enjoyment from them. Following Elizabeths suggestions you might want to try meditation. iT WILL HELP YOU RELAX YOUR MIND
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