How do you share the sweet spot?

 My 2.1 set up  only pleasures me when i sit or walk in the sweet zone. If I have guests over, I dislike sharing my position so they can experience the sound stage.  Is there anything one can do to share the sweet spot? Is a 4.1 or 4.2 set up the solution? Does the speaker, gear, position and set up dictate overall experience?(I'm sure it does)
How do you guys share the sweet spot? 
Is it ok to be sweet spot selfish? I feel that being an "audiophile" is also sharing the experience. 
Your thoughts please. Thank You!


Showing 1 response by ozzy62

I used to give my  guests the sweet spot and sit directly behind them. Yea I was being a good host but lousy company. It is taken more than  a little time and a few bucks but now I have a sweet spot over 6 feet wide so I have two very comfortable chairs side by side" Additional guests sit behind the two front chairs on barstools with back rests.
I don't think you really believe you have a sweet spot that is 6 ft. wide. You might have achieved balanced sound so that it is "good" for any listener in that window. But I assure you that when you sit on axis and equidistant between the two speakers, the sound is better than anything on either side of that small area. Just no getting around that.
