How do the Von Schweikert VR-2's handle loud rock?

I replaced my Krell KRC-3, KSA-50S and Conrad-Johnson D/A-3 over the three last months with a Musical Fidelity A308cr Pre-amp, Amp and Tri-Vista 21 DAC. I have a pair of B&W Silver Signature 25's that I'm using and really, really like. My main musical interest though is rock and keyboard music. The Silver Sigs just don't seem to cut it when trying to approach the level where the emotion really kicks in. I just got laid off due to a bank buyout, so I'm in the position that I have to sell or trade the Silver Sigs and use what I can from that. From everything I've been reading, it sounds like the Von Schweikert VR-4jr's are the way to go. Unfortunately, I don't think I can get the $4000.00 out of my Silver Sigs. The next choice seems to be the VR-2's, but I wondering if they're too small for what I'm looking to do. Another thing, I've never had the chance to listen to the Von Schweikert speakers at all, since the nearest dealer is four hours away. I'd appreciate any thoughts you have on a pair of speakers for under $3500.00 that will work for rock, or if the Silver Sigs will work doing something different. Thanks!
Great all around speaker. Unprecedented bass at this price level. Allow a full 100 hour break in and definitely fill them with shot or sand. Best speaker I have ever owned.
well I have the Vr-4. With rogue 120 running in triode 70 watts. On a good compressed analog recording they can rattle your brains. On wide dynamic digitail recordings they need more power say around 250 at least. The von schweikerts are Great, they will delight you no matter what you put threw them. MUCH more trasparent then B&W 801#3.
I woulnt say it if it wernt true. GET THEM Use tubes. Rogue is a match in heaven.
Have to back up Ozzy62 and Dlwask, having owned many, many Speakers in the past..including planers,stats, monitors, towers and several models of B&W's...Nothing Iv'e owned did so right by the music as the VR2's. My music is all over the map and can agree wholeheartedly with Ozzy62 that they will handle about anything your into. Classics, jazz, Rock, hard hitting, deep bass, loud and yet all refined and coherent at the same time. There are more dynamic speakers that play louder certainly. But not many give you the ability to do it all as gracefully as the VR2's.
Not sure if the Nautilus 805s are close to the performance of the Silver Signature 25s but... A while back I compared the N805s to the VR2s and it was simply no contest. The VR2s are far and away a better speaker.

Not discounting the B&W / Musical Fidelity synergy, I would bet the VR2s would sound great. Just make sure you've got the room to pull them away from the walls.
I have owned the VS VR4 Gen III and they were killer for Classic Rock, actually, they were killer for everything I played - had to sell for financial reasons. I looked at the VS Vr2 and ended up buying Source Technology 8.2DX - the speaker is so new its not on their website.
( I can send you a photo and specs if you are interested.

Having said that, the VS is known for great bass, I think Albert puts out a great speaker at every price point.
Best of Luck
The VR2s are incredible on any type of music, including dynamic rock and heavy metal. In the past two weeks I have cranked up ZZ Top, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Government Mule, and Neil Young as loudly as I have ever cared to listen. But don't get the impression these puppies are one trick ponies. This in addition to Buddy Guy, SRV, Corey Stevens, and Doug McCleod. Also Ray Brown, Ron Carter, John Coletrane, Art Farmer etc. How about a little Dvorak, Holst, Bartok, and Stravinsky and Mahler?

Get the picture? One thing though. It takes several hundred hours break in time before they can open up and take off. They sound a little restrained at first. If you demo a pair, make sure they have some hours on them, and preferrable have the lead shot installed.
