High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Fplanner2000, I don't know what the Ultimate Reference cables are. There are the CT-1 standard, Enhanced, and Ultimate.
I'm borrowing a pair of the CT-1 Ultimate interconnect and have had them in my system for a couple weeks now. It seems like I'm the only one that very impressed by them? Do they need more time to open up?
I know the floor magnetic devices on the Ultimate Reference speaker cables are considerably larger and heavier than those on the Ultimate. I am happy to finally be at the point where they sound really nice(close to 300 hrs), knowing full well there's probably lots more breakin in front of me. Somebody's got to do it, right?

Most impressive so far are the bass, the bass, the bass, the speed and the detail. It seems like the resolution gets a bit better every time I turn the system on. This is definitely the "fun" part of breakin. :-)
Agisthos, that is a worthy hypothesis. I guess you would need to ask Rick whether that was true.
How long did you think the Ultimate Interconnects take to break in? The interconnects have a magnetic module that is way smaller than what is found on the Ultimate speaker cables.

I'm presuming the size of that module is what accounts for the extended break in. In my experience the standard CT-1 and CT-1E are fairly quick to break in.

The 'in development' power conditioner also uses those very large modules like on the speaker cables, and it also apparently takes a long time to reach potential.
Fplanner2000, I'm sorry but I don't think you are 60% broken in. I have over a thousand and just experienced a big improvement, that I initially thought was on a preamp I'm using. When I went back to my old preamp I discovered that it too had greatly improved. Nothing else was changed in the system. I have never experienced something like the HFC Ultimates. I really wouldn't be surprised if a year from now I experience a further breakin improvement.

I once was told that Lowther drivers take six years to breakin. I can believe it as two years were clearly not enough.
I've been breaking in new speaker cables - High Fidelity Ultimate Reference with Ultimate jumpers. Have about 250 hours on them as they are FINALLY starting to really open up nicely. I have so much more bass energy that I have turned my sub off - the 7's are loving this!! Isolating the m/t speaker box from the bass, and then coupling the bass to the floor is allowing the cables to really "do their thing". I am at the point now where every day brings a new audio surprise or two. Marcus Miller just got a LOT better!!

One caution with High Fidelity cables - make absolutely sure that you get the current direction correct. Even being very careful, turned out I had reversed the polarity on 1 pair of Ultimate jumpers for 225 hours. I noticed the sound out of 1 speaker seemed a bit "off" as they finally started to open up. Sure enough, I had the jumpers backwards on that speaker.

Another point is to be really patient with these cables. Depending upon your system, breakin can take quite a while. Obviously, the more magnetic devices between the 2 cable ends, the longer breakin will take. Rick and I have discovered that it really doesn't matter how long these are "cable-cooked" - there is no breakin shortcut, at least there hasn't been one for my cables. There is a light at the end of the tunnel,however, as I am slowly, finally finding out. Resolution, speed, realism and soundstage are now increasing every day, or so it seems. Small details in songs are now popping up for the first time, which is really exciting. These cables have easily surpassed my prior speaker cables, and they are at most, maybe 60% broken in, if that. My guess is 53% :-) YMMV.
After more listening to my custom 'low-mass' CT-1E phono cable on my RS Labs tonearm, I now have to add that the cable has removed some of the grit I thought was part of the recordings. Again, this adds to the enjoyment of the music, and allows me to enjoy more records more often, and for longer.
I had a golden ear friend that's real picky come over to hear the CT-1E's in my system, during the 2 hour audition he didn't say a word, he left shaking his head in disbelief and told everyone else!

I'll probably do the same hearing the Ultimates, unbelievable.
Jcaudio, get the Ultimate speaker wire off the floor. You will be amazed.

Cenline, everybody tells the same story in different words.

Everybody the Ultimates take over a month to breakin and maybe longer. Also don't move them are you waste a full day.
Ok, I will bite and audition some through the cable company. I will come back with my layman's impressions.
there is a great new review of the HF cables...CT-1U..on dagogo.com by Jack Roberts...i agree with him totally.
I would be interested if Rick weren't already building me a set of Ultimate Reference in 2.5m
I am changing my main system configuration and will be needing a longer cable than my current 2.5 meter Ultimate CT-1 speaker cable if anyone interested. I thought I would let you guys know before posting it to the masses.
@ Fplanner2000, upset? what are you talking about?, I am not upset, now or then!, You must have misconstruded what I tryed to say, thats ok, alot of people do that!, Thank you very much for all that you have done for me, you are a asset to us all!,,, cheers!
I am using Siltech cable in my system and I am very happy. It would be nice to compare the high fidelity cables to these, but he does not have balanced cables yet.

1. Before you make any more critical remarks in my direction, you really need to look up "inane" in a dictionary.

2. My thoughts have been echoed by a number of others on this thread, and FINALLY....

3. IT WORKED!! Look who finally got somewhat proactive and now knows a lot more than from just asking forum questions....

4. You really should thank me, instead of being upset. I think I did a good deed and did you a favor, whether you realize it or not. :-)
@ charles1dad,, I have a Krell 700cx amplifier, This is the amp to my main system, The amp only has XLR and Krell cast connections!,The good news is I am building a second system!, Thats where I would like to try High-fidelity cables!, The synergy with Tara, Krell,Ayon,JBL,, is on the main system is really something to behold!,I am quite happy with that system synergy!,, still in all,if rick comes out with balanced cable, I wont only try his RCA cables for a second system, I will try his balanced cable on the main system when he develops balanced cable!,, Happy listening!
TBG Is correct! I am sorry, I got quite excited of the discussion about High-fidelity cables!,The ct-1 ultimate cable!, yes, I believe thats the cable coming soon!, TBG, The cable cable company said, That a balanced cable is in the R&D, There is no prototype as you said, simply in the works, Charles1dad, Thats exactly what the cable company said,LOL!, A natural sound!, Thankyou TBG and charles1dad for giving me the time of day to talk to me!, Its hard for some members to accept someone new!, I am a new member to audiogon, So if it seems out of the ordinary, please excuse me and have patience with me, I try to carry my self like a gentleman, but at times I get excited!,, Happy listening!
I'm not not aware of a "ultra" cable version. I have the CT-1Ultimate digital cable. I believe it's thoroughly broken in now and is quite extraordinarily natural. Natural is the highest compliment I can give an audio product. It's the antithesis of hifi sound. Don't worry about it being RCA only, just listen.
Audiolabyrinth, there is no prototype work yet on balanced cables at High Fidelity Cables. It sounds to me like you didn't speak to someone very informed. There is no ultra fidelity cable. There is a CT-1 Ultimate cable.

There are so many cables that few of us will ever hear even 10% of them. All I can say is that I doubt few cables can rival the HFC CT-1 Enhance cables and none in my experience at least, the HFC CT-1 Ultimates.
@ charles1dad,, I just got off the phone with the cable company, They said, High-fidelity cables are RCA only!, My main system only has XLR, and cast!, They said Rick will most likly develop XLR ends latter, that the ends is where most of his technlogy is at!, The cable company does not have the high-fidelity ultra cable yet, And to my astonishment, they said High-fidelity sounded very similar to Taralabs top cables!, when I told them that I had the Taralabs zero gold I/C, they said, none of the fidelity cables will beat the sound of the zero gold I/C, however, They did say that the ultra fidelity cable that is coming may be able to!, And of course, they said that it would all be system dependent!,, To tell you the truth, I am even more interested in High-fidelity cables now!,, all this is shocking news to me of how good these cables are after talking to the cable company!, Kudos to Rick!, Thankyou Charles1dad for your hospitality!,,, cheers!
Fplanner called your questions"inane" not insane.These words have very different meanings. Yes, give the Cable Company audition loan a try, it worked out well for me.
@ fplanner2000,wow! My intentsions was not to offend you!I believe the high-fidelity cables are good from what I read on this thread!, Insane questions?, I don't think so!thats why we have threads here, is to learn from each other, thats all I am tring to do!, my question was a very good one to me!I will call the cable company today!I still value user opinions over a dealers period!, however,thankyou for your answer!,, cheers!
Jcaudio, I have always raised speaker wires off the floor. I use a 18KW line insulator with an old Rightway Audio insulator mounted on top of it as the big one didn't sound as good. On top of this I have Combak line isolators of a special wood. I place the wave guide apparatus into the groove of the Combaks. They are about 18 inches off the floor and sound much better than just sitting on the floor. I have a picture but, of course, cannot post it on Audiogon.

I will post it tomorrow on Audioasylum cable asylum.
I have to agree with your response.You, me and many others have taken the time to post our individual impressions. These HFC-CT1 are a stunning cable product, what more can we say? I have also suggested the Cable Company as a way to hear them in your own system (there's no better way than using your ears).After a while soliciting comments becomes redundant.
$10K Synergistic Pure Silver ICs and a lot of others. Don't see the point of the question - who cares? Its all personal. Demo a pair so you stop asking all these inane questions. It doesn't matter what anyone else says, ITS WHAT YOUR EARS HEAR IN YOUR OWN SYSTEM. PERIOD. Anything else is just "noise". Call the cable company...
what cost no object cable has eanyone tested against the best high- fidelity cable?, cheers!
I cannot make that comparison. The only reason I am using HiDiamonds there is because Rick didn't yet make a balanced cable. Also, the HiDiamond distributor in Canada raved about them. They are performing well in my system. Comparing balanced with RCA cables is problematic.

Having said that, I don't think the D3 XLRs touch Rick's Ultimates or even enhanced CT-1s. They are very good balanced ICs, but are not GREAT ics. Rick's cables are in another league, IMO. Pretty simple.

How do you think hidimaond D3 XLR ICs stand in compare with High Fidelity CT-1E or Ultimate?

Thank you.
As posted previsously in this thread, I had been waiting for updated 'prototype' RCA-RCA phono cables.

I finally got my 'low-mass' CT-1E phono. This was specially made for the RS Labs tonearm, which only sits on the armboard, so heavy phono cables will tip the arm.

I originally had some BIS cables, which were a stop-gap measure. When I went to Hovland MGII tonearm cables, I thought that was a huge improvement.

Rick later made up some prototype phono cables for me, which were some of the first cables using the conductor now used in the CT-1E cables. It used the older VD UltraClear connectors, but it was so much better than the MGII, especially in base response, which has been noted as one of the shortcomings of the Hovland. (Although it is still an excellent cable, especially at the price when it was available.) The 'prototype' CT-1/UC cables were great.

My latest cables are also unshielded, but use the latest connectors. The conductor is the same.

These cables were eerily quiet when I dropped the needle. I first thought something was wrong there was such a reduction in what I thought was phono-pre/amp/speaker hiss.

When the music started I first thought that the cables were slightly better than the ones with the VD connector, not as much improvement as I expected, although this was early in the first song. But then the kick drum came in, which had waaayyy more impact, and sounded more real than the last time I played this record. (Shawn Colvin, Steady On, Columbia LP) Not necessarily louder, but the feeling of the drum being really thumped. Then I was noticing more instruments in the background, and more singers, and more music.

The eery lack of noise took some getting used to, but once I got used to it, and stopped trying to listen to differences, I found the music so much more relaxing and touching.

And this was due to changing connectors. Great job, Rick.
Thanks Rx8man and TBG,, I hope to get to listen to the High-fidelity cables,, The Audiogon Buzz alone has captured my interest,,They are at the top of my list of curiosity!,, Happy listening!
Rx8man, yes, isn't it difficult to put the improvement with the HFC cables in words. Open, ease, clarity, detail, sound stage precision, and realism all come to mind. It is all summed up by saying, wow!
Hi Al,

If I were to put things in a %, I'd have to say approx. 30% overall improvement with the CT1-E's, nothing in particular mind you, the WHOLE spectrum is completely better, more of everything you already have with the original CT-1's (which are already killer)

Of course, this is my rig, room, ears, but Rick's cables seem to wrought the same benefits in various systems for end users.
Hi Rx8man
i see you stepped up.we were the first i beleive to get the CT-1`S.is it that much of an improvemet you would now?
with Rick i am sure it is
A CT1-E Digital has now been in my system for 3 weeks and the audible results are stellar.

Every single note from front to back is completely fleshed out and the back drop between the notes is completely, utterly QUIET.

All my CD's sound like remasters and take on their individual recording characteristics like an LP.

The rest of the experience has to be heard to be believed, it's that good.
@ TbG, Does this mean I can look forward to what you have to say?, That would be cool!, thanks TBG,, cheers!
Audiolabyrinth, I would have been surprised if you had said anything else. cheers.
@ Tbg, Are you saying that a review is forthcoming in stereoTimes?, I was so looking forward to what you had to say, pro-reviews are ok, to me user reviews mean everything!,there is no resavations for money!, just the plain truth!, cheers!
@ TbG, Are you still going to give us a review of your cables that you are currently breaking-in??, cheers!