High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

When I spoke with Rick via the phone he suggested front end(source) and go down the chain.I use just the single digital CT-1U and this "one" cable has resulted in a considerable improvement.I suspect these CT-1 cables anywhere in the audio chain will have noticeable impact.
Dear members

Where in the signal chain do you find the high fidelity cables to make the largest improvement in order of priority? IC from source? Pre to power amp or speaker cable.? Which ones give the best improvement? I know a full loom would be best, but if done piece-meal where us a good place to start?

I have 1100 hours on my Ultimate spk. cable and it seems to get better all the time.
I've been reading forum but haven't written on this since pg. 3 (early April).
I've been waiting for my new custom integrated amp to arrive but it is at least another month away so I will comment now.
Whenever I listen I am amazed by awesome "realness" like I've never heard in
35 years of listening. There is something so special about the sound from the
HI Fidelity cables that I have been a fan since I first heard the CT-1 interconnects. The Ultimate series is much much much more improved.
At 1100 hrs. it continues to get more liquid, more natural, more powerful, cleaner, clearer and more detailed. they are pure joy.
I hope to get Ultimate REFERENCE Cable and HI Fidelity magnetic power filter box by the end of the year.
update on the CT-1U..RCA.....i now have 4-5 days on the new CT-1Us. everything i said in the 8-4-13 as to what i am hearing has improved...just amazing..did not think the sound of the system with the CT-1Es could get this much better with Rick's new cables....can't wait until tonight's session..
Tbg...thanks for the update...now i have something else to look forward to.......someday..!
Calloway, just when my CT-1U speaker cables had reached a point where I was hearing subtleties heretofore unheard, I got the CT-1UR speaker cables in. They had been burned in and sounded great for the first two hours. Then they went down hill for about the next 24 hours. Then late last night as I was about to turn them down for the night, I played the last cut on the FIM sampler with Pachelbel's Canon in D.

I heard something new and awesome. I sat back and listened through the entire thing. I thought I had heard everything with the Ultimates. The realism was just shocking. I've many things planned for today as there is a mountain lake just below us and elk are around. I assume there is more to come.

I realize that the magnetic conduction concept is evolving. It is a pain to finish up on the break in of these cables, but never before have I heard what I'm hearing with them.
just received the CT-1U interconnect friday and have listened now for about 3 hrs. the early improvements are more detail..clearer vocals..tighter and quicker bass...better depth and being able to hear deeper into the music...if these changes continue to improve the upgrade will be amazing....will give it about 1 month...so far ...very promising..
apologies to RS @ HF for the insensitive thoughts I have posted here.
> I ask that all my writings here be viewed as complete BS.
> I only heard the beginner cable so I have no authority to speak out on the subject on hand of the higher up cables.
> As far as the $$$ for the new Ref. cable I am sure RS will price it accordingly.
> May all the HF cable owners enjoy your cables.
People buy, try and switch components all the time, cable is no different. Who cares why? that's their business, if something you're interested in becomes available used and it meets your price, buy it and be happy. Glory has gone through a number of amplifiers and speakers in recent years and I'm sure he had his good reasons, it our money to spend as we see fit. Someone's motive is irrelevant to me. No matter what you own, someone will always point out there's something that sounds better. On and on it goes.
@ Glory, well you have our attention, what do you have to tell us, you know, the three guesses, after that, I believe its a good idea to not terrorize this thread further, these are very nice people here, they deserve respect for what they like here, after all, you are on a high fidelty thread!
@ charles1dad, No kidding?, I tried to tell everyone here, get it while the getting is here!, Good luck and Happy Hunting!
I looked at the for sale ads to see what the fuss is about.One seller has three ultimate cables for sale.This constitutes a dump and sell fire sale?

So the HF Ref car pulls out of the pit stop with a massive magnet attached to the front bumper." We'll show that Thales race car what speed and realism is". As the HF Ref car pulls out back onto the race track there seems to be something terribly wrong. It turns out the magnet was installed backwards and the pull of the North Pole was causing a short out of the engine and the motor pins holding the engine in place was breaking off.

Hate when that happens!!

I bet the HF Ref. will top $$$ 10K!! 12K looks to be the magnetic pull.
Charles1dad, I have experienced four instances where new cables had some major innovation. First was the use of silver wire rather than copper. I really am uncertain which company's silver wires were my first, but I was sold. Next came the Van der Hul carbon wires. I love the absence of metal splash to the sound but their high resistance caused me hum problems. Third was the Synergistic Research charged cables. They were a major improvement in transparency and dynamics. They were followed by the Exemplar Copper Portals and then their Silver Portals. I lived with the Portals for several years. Finally, I ran into Rick Schultz at CES this year. Knowing that any current flow induces a magnetic field that can induce current flow in other cables, I thought the magnetic conduction notion made some sense. Then I heard the High Fidelity Ultimate's impact on the Lanache speakers.

In short if there is some innovation that might well yield an improvement, I am receptive and often this reveals major improvements. There are so many different cables out there that no one can try them all.
@ charles1dad, Hi, I already know about the high-fidelity cables, I go back on this thread, Its not about what tops what, its about your flavor of sound you prefer, for my main system, The Taralabs best effort cables are staying!, they suit that system very well!, actually, alot of people do not know I like a few brands of cables out there, its funny cause they think I am one tracked mind on the Taras, in some ways maybe, in reality NO!, one cable brand may sound better on eany given system, we all know the synergy thing, there is no perfect anything in High-end audio!, many, many members that are on this thread have told me the wonderful news of the high fidelity cables, likly before you auditioned your first HF cables, I am happy for eanyone to get a satiesfying sound, thats what this hobby is about, getting closer to real music, congrats to you charles1dad, Happy Listening.
I use the Ocellia cables for electronics and my speakers and they are superb. I use the HF CT1-U for digital source, this mixture is providing fabulous sound. Based on my use of the ultimate digital cable I have no doubt I'd also be very pleased with an all HF CT1 loom as well.

There are many brands of cable available and to get into a battle of this one tops that one is a complete waste of time IMO. I just want natural and realistic music reproduction in my home, these cables bring me closer to that goal.
To me, The most exspensive High-fidelity cable is a good buy, Think about it, the most exspensive model is alot less than many cable brands top model cable!, I know, I have a cable at three times the cost of High fidelity"s best effort!, There are a couple of sellers offering High-fidelitys best cable here on the gon at a substantial savings, To tell you the truth, this happens to all cables, all brands are 40% to 70% off the full retail on the used market, including my cable!, How do you think I bought my interconnect cable?, here on the audiogon used market of course!, why pay $15,000.00 a meter new, when I got a deal of a life time at $5,665.00 a meter used, my cable was only a year old, then I had it authenticated with the Taralabs factory, thats how I found out the date it was made and etc..,, Talking about being happy with that deal!, I enjoy all my fellow members to save money!, why?, I am against all the high cost of cables, no matter the brand!, thats why I posted early this morning the grand news!, Good luck and Happy Hunting!
I think you are grossly premature. I find the Thales easy to use, less expensive, and musical, which for me means easy to listen to. Realism, however, is another question, however.

Magnetic conduction is evolving and thus far each step has been a major improvement and a major increase in cost. The Thales are a good buy.
haha nice 1 Gaz! Ok will look into it. Oh and any1 thinking this guy doesnt know sh*t about cables well gaz(ex Teo&HF) is the true father "explorer" of cables haha... but yea seriously I take what he states kinda seriously. PCA ? OK Email me with more info if applicable Gary plz. ITMT will look into it and keep in mind
Thales Line Cable

Each conductor is made of ten ultra-thin copper wires, pairwise twisted and casted into nylon, shielded by an extra apiral-wire.

They are available from 1.5 to 7.0 meter length with RCA or XLR connectors.

"Thales Cables are something special and must be auditioned...
...You will be amazed by their natural sound and musicality"

So these cables are taking the corner and passing the Ultimate HF cables that so many have bought into. While in the pit stop HF has lost the lead to the Thales race car diver. But wait HF has a tire change with Ref. tires and is coming out of the PS with a new gusto. Only a few tires in the world are made with this new ReF rubber so now the chase is on. Can the HF Ref. over take the new kid on the block???

Oh cables cables the game never changes. Are Thales the best? Yes LOL Are they better than the HF Ref? Yes!!

Are the HF dealers really selling off their inventory to get the Thales? So many HF cables up on the 'Gon.

Cable land is like the flower in the field where its glory is but for a short season and then death sets in.

Selling as I am upgrading to the next level.

Selling due to Reconfiguring my system.

Selling as I am moving to the moon.

3.7K for used Ultimate HF cables on the 'Gon? God save the queen!
Charles, you have Ocellia as well still? How do you compare to HF `E`,`U` ? Looking for input regarding >270Hz!
Still interested in `E` speaker cables to try.
I have no reason to doubt those who say they`re moving up the line.The Ulitimate version is simply stellar but is a noticeable cost increase.IMO the enhanced version is very cost effective, both sound beautiful and most important to me, natural!The availabilty of the used ables is a wonderful opprotunity for someone to purchase an excellent sounding cable at a good reasonable price. This isn`t a flavor of the month product as far as I`m concerned. To each their own.I`d recommend them to anyone seeking a truly organic,non hifi sounding cable.
Audiolabyrinth you are right...after a 1/2 dozen supports rave about this cable now the true test comes and many are selling off saying they are moving up the line! Yeah right.
What will be the next "Oh my go*" cable of the month? Wait time will tell.
Hi Fellow members, I wanted to let all of you here know that the audiogon used interconnect market is flooded with the High-Fidelity cables currenty, I just looked on there today, It seems you can get any model you want at a substantial savings!, Good luck and Happy hunting!
Thanks Calloway. Yes seems there are many `E` version IC`s around. I have had a few offers and noticed quite a few on the net. Some good prices. Can get here in kanguru land good price from Jonas too.
More interested in the `E` speaker cables atm though.
Hey guys, Jonas Harrow(Oz) will hook me up with some IC`s to audition. I have already received some personal mails regarding the IC`s. Not to worried about IC atm.
I`m well covered in this area. Mainly the speaker cable I am interested in. My system doesn`t require long lengths either.
So if anyone has any more thoughts regarding the SC then I`m surely interested. Specifically the E version. Anyone planing to move up to the U in the near future?

Petisboy 12003...can't say for sure but after i audition the CT-1U for a few weeksand and find it superior, i will be selling my CT-1E 1.5m RCA cable...
F - actually I posted my last 2 replies before I even seen yours. So was not referring to you at all mate. Maybe just takes longer for mine to show up since I am in Kanguru land? But thanks and thanks everyone else too.
I have contacted Jonas Harrow(HF dealer)here in my state and looks like he may be able to help me to audition some of Ricks new lines some time in the near future. I shall post my thoughts after thorough evaluation. Anyone planning to sell their E versions?
P- I wasn't answering your post, as you were not the OP.

To answer your question, yes I have heard the MG Planus - in fact I have the II's in my office system. They are very good cables, no doubt, but lack the dynamic range/micro-dynamics and the authoritative, deep, yet tight bass of Rick's cables. They work fine for my office system.
Fplanner2000....i have a pair of the CT-1U interconnects coming in a day or so to replace the CT-1Es i currently have..can't wait.i tried them before but the difference in my system between the 'U' and the 'E' was not that great. Rick thinks there was an impedence issue with the 'U' cable at that time and wants me to try another.i can't wait..stay tuned...
What I really like about my CT-1 Ultimates so far is that they are REALLY fast and miss NOTHING, yet retain excellent musicality. IF it was recorded on the CD, you will hear it through these cables. The realism of the music is also very impressive. As they continue to break-in, the micro dynamics continue to reveal themselves, with nothing sounding forced or constrained in any way. Bass is also starting to get a bit deeper and fuller, with no boominess whatsoever.
Agisthos, I thought I was clear on that in my other posts regarding the XLR etc.
I clearly expalin my system(at the time) and clearly state my personal findings.
I understand totally for a long time now regarding all the variables. I am very aware how different cable react in different systems,burn in and moving them and all that.
One of the reasons I use a cable cooker. Only after a cable has been cooked and installed in a familiar system for X amount of time can a cable be fairly judged in THAT system IMO.

Funny how the cheaper Sablon audio cable customers seem to think Sablon cables are better than, or virtually equal, all the familiar cables we talk about at many times the cost. So Sablon send their cables fully cooked with a Audiodharma(same as my cooker) where as most others do not. Interesting.
Anyway, just simply looking for a bit of fuel to fire my next purchase even if it is kind of irrelevant regarding system, personal tastes etc. This is one of the reasons we have these forums right? Fun to read as well right, even if can`t be taken seriously most of the time considering all the variables etc. Be OK if we all had the same ears and the same systems and the same environment lol. But wheres the fun in that.

Seems everyone is happy with the new HF stuff. Great. If you read my Teo/High fidelity comparisons from last year connected to my older inferior system everyone can see how much I did indeed like CT-1 and how I made it clear how I plan to audition more HF in the future.

TBG, we already went through this in the other forum.
Did you really feel it necessary to unfairly bash Teo again? especially considering your limited time with some Teo ic that you don`1t even recall the model etc. You are the only one to ever bash Teo on the net.
And when companies like Teo get chosen/contracted to do the acoustics in a main reception venue for the royal rep family.... umm yea. Make no mistake they are ultra high end just like Ricks cables.
Can we stick to topic.

Guys, I am just seeking some possible comments on the cables I mentioned and if anyone has compared any of them to HF CT-1E or U. Speaker cables please.
Yes I will try HF IC again, CT-1E/U, in my upgraded system against my Teo *STD MkII* at a later date. They will be cooked and given a fair run straight from DAC to amps in a highly sensitive accurate neutral system.

Please I would really appreciate - only answer my post if it is relating to my specific question.
Agisthos, I thought I was clear on that in my other posts regarding the XLR etc.
I clearly expalin my system(at the time) and clearly state my personal findings.
I understand totally for a long time now regarding all the variables. I am very aware how different cable react in different systems,burn in and moving them and all that.
One of the reasons I use a cable cooker. Only after a cable has been cooked and installed in a familiar system for X amount of time can a cable be fairly judged in THAT system IMO.

Funny how the cheaper Sablon audio cable customers seem to think Sablon cables are better than, or virtually equal, all the familiar cables we talk about at many times the cost. So Sablon send their cables fully cooked with a Audiodharma(same as my cooker) where as most others do not. Interesting.
Anyway, just simply looking for a bit of fuel to fire my next purchase even if it is kind of irrelevant regarding system, personal tastes etc. This is one of the reasons we have these forums right? Fun to read as well right, even if can`t be taken seriously most of the time considering all the variables etc. Be OK if we all had the same ears and the same systems and the same environment lol. But wheres the fun in that.

Seems everyone is happy with the new HF stuff. Great. If you read my Teo - High fidelity comparisons from last year connected to my older inferior system everyone can see how much I did indeed like CT-1 and how I made it clear how I plan to audition more HF in the future.

TBG, we already went through this in the other forum.
Did you really feel it necessary to unfairly bash Teo again? especially considering your limited time with some Teo ic that you don`1t even recall the model etc. You are the only one to ever bash Teo on the net.
And when companies like Teo get chosen/contracted to do the acoustics in a main reception venue for the royal rep family.... umm yea. Make no mistake they are ultra high end just like Ricks cables.
Can we stick to topic.

Guys, I am just seeking some possible comments on the cables I mentioned and if anyone has compared any of them to HF CT-1E or U. Speaker cables please.
Yes I will try HF IC again, CT-1E/U, in my upgraded system against my Teo *STD MkII* at a later date. They will be cooked and given a fair run straight from DAC to amps in a highly sensitive accurate neutral system.

Please I would really appreciate - only answer my post if it is relating to my specific question.
It has been some time since I have heard the Teo cables, but frankly after that listening, I lost interest. They were no rivals for the Exemplar Silver Portals and the Exemplars lost out to the HFC Enhanced, which in turn lost to the HFC Ultimates. The only liabilities of the HFC Ultimates that I see, is their expense and especially the long time it takes for them to reach their best-weeks not days. And they really don't like to be moved either.
Petieboy your TEO is an XLR and High Fidelity are not doing an XLR yet. You need to be clear on that in your other posts. It's an apples to oranges comparison depending on the equipment.

The CT-1 is good, but cannot be compared to the CT-1E in a good system. It is vastly better IMO, and more in line price wise with what you are using.

I have experience with various ribbon speaker cable configurations. They are good but seem to roll the high end off. If you want them for 280Hz and up then perhaps the MG stuff will not be suitable.
I used to own CT-1 RCA and thought it was very good. Ended up with Teo liquid STD mkII.
Interested in auditioning some new speaker cables.
Some brands which look appealing is MG-audio PlanusIII or their new silver model,Sablon,Ocellia and of course HF.
I`m particularity interested in the MG. Anyone compared MG to HF? Or know of a good cable suitable for high efficiency speakers 114db? Will only be needing for frequencies 270Hz and above as the rest is taken care of and adjustable.
Any opinions would be much appreciated.
Rick figured it out - ran 2 Ultimate cables in opposite directions between Cardas connectors which accepted the 2 rcas on 1 side, with a balanced connector on the other. For each amp. Hard to explain, easy to see. So they became in essence a balanced "work around", necessary due to a single-ended issue with one of my amps. Easy? no. Inexpensive? HELL NO!! Temporary fix until my amps go back to VAC for some tweakage in a month or so? Absolutely. :-)
Fplanner2000, I had no idea that you were using balanced non-HFCs with them in some places. I tried that once and found that replacing the balanced cables with the SE HFCs was much better.

I never thought that HFC balanced cables would see the light of day as the XLR would be too difficult. How did you resolve this?

On a hunch, Rick S. suggested I try his balanced cables between my preamp and amps, replacing a Hi Diamond XLR3, which I liked. We couldn't figure out why the Ultimate Reference speaker cables weren't performing as well as they should have been. His theory was that the XLR3 might be "in the way" for lack of a better descriptor.

We created balanced cables out of 2 runs of Ultimates and after several reconfigurations, finally got everything set the way it was supposed to be.

After 20 minutes, I listened. WOW!! Not only was imaging and depth MUCH better, bass improved, speed improved and there were lots more details I wasn't aware of before. I now know what others with an all High Fidelity cabled system are raving about. I don't hear my system, but rather the musicians. I know of no better compliment.
Fplanner2000, I understand they are a good deal more expensive and would imagine they take even longer to breakin.

YES. Also, Ultimate Reference are the big brothers of the Ultimates in the CT-1 speaker line.
Yo2tup, I have heard of others, but I think is their impatience with their long breakin. The CT-1 Standards or Enhanced take much less time to impress you.

Fplanner2000, are you a beta tester for HFC?
And 2 pair of Ultimate Reference speaker cables in existence that I know about. So far, Rick has 1 and I have the other. He can provide details much better than I can. I know the floor magnets are bigger and I believe there is some sort of additional treatment on the cables. He would know for sure, obviously.

My system has only 1 pair of non-High Fidelity ics, between my preamp and amps. On the theory that this pair may be holding back my entire system, in that they can't carry anywhere near the amount of signal that Rick's cables can, I will try replacing them next week with High Fidelity ics. I'm looking forward to the results. :-)