High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

It's not that Rick thinks plating does not effect the sound. As you say its just he thinks the magnetic conduction effect is far more important.

Rick also does not think much of wire purity, such as OCC purity e.t.c Again it's NOT that he thinks such things make no difference, its simply that other factors are more important.

And when you consider how these cables are truly the first that do not act as tone controls or colorations devices, he is onto something.
Is the power cords the most revalutionary product?, you know, the Rhodium plus power cord over othe products He has?
Keith, That is a good question. Theories point to the fact that power products would make a bigger difference because they handle 100 times the power of an IC and at least 20 times the power of speaker cables. I recall being flabbergasted by the Ultimate Reference Wave Guide Power Filter,( another Rick power device). It was as huge an improvement as a full loom of ultimate cables.
YES!!, I do believe the power cables would make a huge improvement without other HF products but have not heard a system like that. There would have to be extremely good other parts to the system for sure.
Norm told me that he tried to live without the WGPF Once he had the URR but the combo of URR pc and WGPF was just too good! Total retail price of the two would buy you a nice new car.
I hope you can get a High Fidelity Power Cable to your place and tell me what you think.
Once I get my URR I may bring it to a few stores to see how it does by itself. I would probably use it as the power cord for my WGPF in my system as Norm recommended. a URR pc to a power distribution device adds to the sound quality of all components plugged into it.
Happy Listening to all!!!
@ Rick, I was communicating with Rick about my power cable order and he spoke about his thoughts on the materials he uses in his power cables.
He said," In a nutshell, I apply the best material choice or match I can for “each” cable design. It is part of the design of each cable and contributes in its own why to the sound of that cable. It is NOT however the “hallmark” of the cables sound but instead the magnetic technology we apply is the paramount technology in establishing the majority of the sonic signature of each series of my power cables.
Thanks Dave, You may call me keith, I must say, after talking to Rick, I would really like to check out the power cords, since there is no issue with RCA and using Balanced that I need, Is the power cords the most revalutionary product?, you know, the Rhodium plus power cord over othe products He has?
Audiolabyrinth, I agree with what you say about Rick being a nice guy with Much knowledge. I do take issue when anyone says one type of metal contact sounds the same as another because that is not true in my experience. (This could be a long conversation best left to another thread) In this case it's a small matter because the bigger issue is the improvement in sound of the URR is because of the Gold Helix Waveguide design works better than the UR Waveguide design.
Perhaps Rick will incorporate the Helix design into other products in the future.
@audiogon. Took my thread down. When I said something bad about a product that didn't work and bad service you took the thread completely out and when I find products that are good and a company that gives good service and say it then you take the thread down. Wowww I'm confused.
@petieboy12003. I totally agree. I come here to see what's good. I found a great cable and better service and now they just took my thread. Wow. A thread was deleted last year because a company gave two of us bad service and the equipment went bad and we got spanked for it lol. OZ really showed us not behave. I got tired of trying cables that didn't work and companies who laugh at me after they sell it to me. I'm going to let people know what's good or what's bad. If I get good service I'm letting you know. If a companies gives bad service. I will let you know. But I guess a better be careful would want to make a big tube advertiser mad and get muted again. We are just sharing what we know. Wow. Please don't put me on punishment audiogon. I will be a good boy. Lol.
@audiogon. Took my thread down. When I said something bad about a product that didn't work and bad service you took the thread completely out and when I find products that are good and a company that gives good service and say it then you take the thread down. Wowww I'm confused.
Please carry on, I wanted to say that Rick is a great guy to talk to, very helpfull, and a gentleman, thats all, I am not tring to hi-jack this thread, I enjoy the passion here, great to read, I like what Rick is doing with power cords, should be one of the best available, Happy listening gentleman.
I forgot to add that Rick told me that there is a good bit of benefit between cryo treated and none treated, that the cryo treated was the way to go, He helped me with some decisions I am doing with modds to my digital player, Thankyou Rick!, cheers.
Today is the 29th, I just talked to Rick shultz on the phone for an hour!, what a real gentleman, we discussed everything other than just mere cables, like the real difference between balanced and single ended circuits, and resonance control, and how there really is no difference in sound between rhodium plated metal contacts and gold plated contacts, However, His ultimate referance with rhodium power cord has a completly new different dielectric and the conductors are in a helixed configuration that is the main reason of the difference in sound between the standard ultimate referance power cord and the Rhodium plus, very educational talking to Rick, cheers.
Juliejoema, Thanks for the report. I liked you descriptions. Glad your enjoying the upgrade.
I agree that the 1E to 1U upgrade is luxurious and surprisingly advanced. As is the 1U to 1UR upgrade.
Ricks HF products are amazing, The astronomical cost of materials, especially on the U, UR and URR lines makes them very pricy, but, the best I've ever heard by far.
How long have you had them playing?
They get better for hundreds of hours.
While I expected that the CT-1U would be better than the CT-1E, I was slightly skeptical about how much people who have heard both thought the CT-1U was better. I knew that CT-1E was noticeably better than CT-1, but what some people were stating seemed potentially like hyperbole.

Well, I just replaced the IC cables between my phono-pre and preamp, using CT-1U instead of an early set of CT-1E. Other IC cables in the chain to amp are still CT-1E, but the way the new cables created more 'space' around each voice and instrument, along with a slight lowering of noise (since even the CT-1 has an amazingly low noise contribution), and more bass definition, was truly ear-opening. Songs I had thoroughly enjoyed before were captivating me more than I ever thought possible.

I am no longer a skeptic about how Rick has made each step up in IC cables sound markedly better. Previous posters are correct... don't listen to CT-1U/UR if you can't keep them.
Ddraudt, if you have the HFC Magnetic Waveguide power filter and I think you do, put it there. After that I am at a loss to make a recommendation. You really should come over to hear this Avari preamp.
@ Petieboy12003, yes, I did think you forgot to get back to me, to tell you the truth, I forgot myself,LOL!,118 db sensativity, wow! Thankyou for your reply, Happy Listening.
Tbg, If you had only one HF power cord, where would you put it?
I hope to get one HF URR power cord soon and wonder what your experience told you about placement.
Thanks Dave
Hey guys.
Audiolabyrinth, you thought i forgot didn`t you haha.
Sorry for the late reply but things have been progressing slowly. The exact model opened baffle high pressure horn speakers(now @ 118db sensitivity) i mentioned to you before were only recently revealed - Orelo MkII.
I highly recommend anyone reading this, if they care about sound/speakers and saving money, to check this link below or contact PeterSt @ Phasure or Bert @ BD-designs.


There is also plenty of info online regarding the early "Orelo" and more recent "Orelino" design.

@Ddraught. I agree with 100%. Good and refreshing to meet manufactures and people in this hobby with great attitudes and commitment to the music and that have great respect for consumers but more importantly just because they are people.
Yes, Rick has gone out of his way to be supportive and helpful. A good man who loves to laugh, has a great family and many friends..
He also happens to make the best audio gear I've ever experienced!
Thanks Rick U….Da….Man!!
I want to add that Rick Schultz is a consummate gentleman and professional. I sent him photos of what I thought was a defect in the CT1-E IC's. As he pointed out, the foreign object on the termination was part of the RCA input on my DAC that came out and stuck to the IC when I removed the IC from the DAC. Rick promptly called me and took the time to explain what happened, what the remedy would be and we then proceeded to discuss his cables generally.

A refreshing response in a world where few manufacturers provide decent service.

Kudos to Rick.

4orreal, I received a call from Miguel right after I posted this who clarified what he was saying. Initially, I thought he was talking about the Thor grounding wire from the Signature to the house ground. I did not know his power cords had a grounding wire pittail.
Tbg, Fragile yes! To get amazing, everything has to be just right.
Rick's HF cables, cords and filters create such improved clarity, detail, dynamics and delicacy that tweaks require either: finer tuning - redesign - or elimination.
The finest tune sounds almost exactly the same as the sound close to that mark.. However, the Finest tune causes more goosebumps.
Elusive . Subjective. Fun!
Ddraudt, had I had the rate of improvement in my sound I've had the last four years throughout the entire time I've been an audiophile, I would be playing with the group I'm listening to.

All of this is fragile and certainly takes time to recover when you move anything. It also invalidates tweaks that you once thought were essential, but it is fun and I love hearing jazz greats in their prime in good theaters in my listening room. This is not just good music, it is real music.
Calloway, Tbg, Thanks for descriptions of HF power cable's effect on the musical presentation. I want a bunch of them!!
Rick's High Fidelity products have challenged and altered my understanding of playback possibilities the last few years.
In my attempt to climb that mountain to perfection, HFC has been my Sherpa.
Calloway, how many of these pcs do you have? They are a very slippery slope, I have not heard a Ultimate Reference, but have both Ultimates and Ultimate Reference Rhodiums, which is what I started with. It is ill advised to start at the top and work down! All I can say is "get more." But mainly "welcome aboard and enjoy!"
HF UR PC Final Update...: with > 150 hrs on the UR the sound is just do die for. all previous accolades continue to improve.....it just allows the music to be SO REAL....Rick truly is a genius with regard to his ability to create these cables...thanks Rick...
Miguel has developed a grounded power cable (I think first of its kind) that elevates the performance of the Troy Signature/Thor, and he was basically alerting you about it.
Ddraudt, I have heard the Kraken compared with the Minatour in a system with my equipment. It literally made the Minatour sound like nothing but a cheap pc. I have often heard the Krakens with equipment at shows, which sounds great, especially at the last CES with the little BMC speakers and the PureDac.

I expect the Kraken is very good, but that it lacks the technology of the HFC pcs. Were I to have one, I really don't know where I would compare the two. There now is a cheaper version of the Kraken ($8400), the Triton at $6000, which I haven't heard. So both are cheaper than the best HFC pcs.
Out of curiosity have any of you tried the the HiDiamond P-4 or the CH Acoustic X-20 power cord?
Calloway, Tbg, I agree! I've had great systems for decades but nothing,
Absolutely Nothing so astonishingly lifelike as with my HF UR setup.
Not just worlds better but unfathomable, and awe inspiring.
Wonderful surprises in every aspect of music reproduction.

I've not heard the Kraken by Stage III but even their Minatour was too hard to bend to connect to my system so i could not use them.
Once I get a HF URR power cord I will try to borrow a Kraken and to find a place where it will fit in order to compare.
Norm, Don't hear the Thor power cable grounded to your Thor Special Edition ground cable that grounds to your Troy Signature/ Thor. Lights out!
The mountain peak just got higher.
Norm..i agree completely. i have not heard the whole experience sound this good anywhere..
Calloway, having the whole room light up with these cables, to hear the decay on each note, and to hear background musicians placed where they are and contributing clearly to the music is a place I've not been before.

Leicachamp, I do wonder about the Stage III Kracken ($8400), but have not been able to have one side by side with the HFCs, but I have heard it on my speakers, dac, and amps but not in my room. It does do these things.
HF UR Powercord UPDATE:..listened for 2 hrs last night. the palpability of the music is just so amazing with this PC.The individual instruments now stand out so much better. The whole experience is so much more enjoyable. The transients continue to improve and are the best in any system i have ever heard.The music just seems to FLOAT in front of you...
Sale-CT-1E Speaker,Interconnect,Jumpers. I am selling my High Fidelity Cables on Audiogon if anybody might have any interest.
Linkster, although the ribbon tweeter on the Arcadias is quite good, I do miss the diamond tweeter on the Tidals.

Leicachamp, I put one on the HFC ac filter first, but the amp also was an improvement. There are two lessor pcs, the Ultimate ($6900) and the Ultimate Reference ($11,900). I haven't heard the Ultimate Reference.
Norm, speaking of the summit don't you miss your Tidals? The black driver versions are somewhat better than the older, white driver versions.
Have you guys compared it with other 7k pc cables.

For 7k there are a lot of choices and from reading posts, none of us has ever ventured into this price bracket in pc cables.
Where is the best place to use the power cables? Is Rick planning on a more affordable version?
Guys, I entirely agree. I've been climbing toward the peak of audio since the late 1950s and only got out of the foothills about four years ago and think I'm now near the peak.
Calloway, Thanks for the report! sounds like you having fun!
Rick said that the reason the HF pcs make a bigger improvement than the HF cables it that there is much more power to be controlled in power cords than in cables.
I agree with you, and I too am surprised when a system seems to do everything right can be so drastically improved upon.
That is great fun for me!!
HF UR Powercord UPDATE..i have a little over 100 hrs on the UR to this point and it just continues to improve.there is a wonderful increase to the decay of notes within musical passages. vocals are more real..transients continue to be so tight and fast. there is more 3 dimension to the soundstage. it still amazes me that just when you think your system can't possibly get better...it does with the right component..
Norm, Yes BMC Pure Dac is a special piece that most folks misjudge due to not having a correct foundation. Very easy to look for euphonic midrange coloration when the foundation is corrupted. Many still don't understand this concept.
Himiguel, don't forget that you also drew my attention to the BMC PureDac. After spending 50 years getting half way to the top of the mountain, it is shocking to get the rest of the way in about three years.
Ddraudt, Troy Signature/Thor and Robert Koda K-10 allow you to hear the HF pcs to a higher level. The low noise floor platform of Norm's system allows the magic to come thru.
Norm, Congrats in putting together an incredible synergy of components in your system. All your choices are indispensable from my experience.