High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

I've been buying CD's lately too as I can't wait to hear what they will sound like with my CT-1 UR system. It sounds so good I must rehear all of my old favorites and find new delights!
I got "Duke Pearson's "The Right Touch" .. and "The Benoit / Freeman Project 2" by David Benoit and Russ Freeman. ( playing now - amazing! )
Several people are visiting to listen every week! Boy are we having fun!!!
;-) Enjoy the Music
Last night I replaced my Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects with High Fidelity CT-1's running from my Theta Compli Blu CDP to my Theta Casablanca III... and can say without reservation that in my system the CT-1's are a game changer.

When I hit the play button on a run of the mill sound quality Nanci Griffith CD, the first thing that struck me was the space between the instruments... then the layers of music that weren't there before... and how I could now hear a guitar player ever so softly strumming as if in awe of Nanci's gifted voice.

Anyone's who's on the fence about trying the CT-1's should jump on these.
@everyone. I love this thread. I love my cables. It's 11:30 and I will be up till 3:00 am enjoying my high fidelity ultimate reference. A.K.A. "The Game Changer". Pianos are real the speed is unmatched. The natural decay is the bomb. I just got the brad mehldau trio album "ode". I have been at this cable thing nonstop and I have arrived. Look I have heard the high fidelity stuff on pre amps of all different levels. I have hear on amps and different speakers etc. @tbg@Ddraudt. You guys are right. These cables are truly a find. @ those who haven't heard them. If you haven't heard them why comment on the cables or the cost. They have them at all levels of cost. If you want speed, naturalness and clarity. This is your cable. Look I have a saying. "You get it done or you don't". High fidelity ultimate reference gets it done. I have had a long demo of these cables and as time goes on they are getting better. I have been specific as to why they sound good. I'm not a system snob. I tell it like it is. These cables are the truth!!!
Send them my way then....

Did tbg buy his for list price? I'd at least want the same price as him for the same amount of sonic bliss. :^)
My CT1 ' moment ' was very akin to when I first fired up an ARC SP8 in my system , that was the moment that I consider that I entered into the realm of high end audio .
This is amazing as I can say the exact same thing. My first experience to a good sounding system was the Linn/Naim system in 1979. But it was one night in early 1983 that I heard the SP8 at the ARC dealer in Phoenix at his home. Never never before had I heard a system deliver musicality like that instant. I remember the TT was Oracle, speakers were early Vandersteen, don't remember the amp. This was a forever unforgettable event. I told the dealer I would take the SP8 home right then but he would not sell it as he was enjoying it so much! When was the last time you heard that? A year or so later I got an SP10 and never looked back. These two products set the stage of what my priority would be as I upgraded my system little by little the next 30 years.

Jafox..since trying to believe 3 or 4 guys here on the HF forum doesn't mean much to you,try reading the > 20 reviews by many established reviewers instead.it might help.
An excellent idea. I quit Stereophile and TAS many years ago, but was a HiFi+ fan until Roy Gregory moved on ā€¦.which was a major loss. AudioAsylum is a good place for reviews. But this is also why I come to this siteā€¦.hoping for comments, with no monetary rewards, by people simply looking to improve their home system. Only that this assumes that they will provide comparative commentary of what they have now, and even had before to the product under evaluation. Just saying "Wow, it's the greatest ever", does nothing for me or anybody else.

If you say so.

I really don't care that you don't care either. :^)

A big part of my work environment at a well known US corporation is a lab environment. Anything new dealing with technology here always starts there.

For me, its about how things work and get done in the real world, not any bragging rights.

These ICs sound cool. I'd be happy to try a pair and provide findings. Not likely I'll be shelling out the dough needed to buy though, even if new kinds of sonic orgasms are the result.
Mapman, as I said I don't care about your opinions.

I cannot imagine that you really think findings come out of laboratories. I've been in three. They are typically a long work bench stuffed with parts and tools.

As to your systems sounding good to you, I used to think mine was 90% of the way to reality. Many new things have convinced me that my present system is at least twice as good as it was. This is all about being complacent and fooled by what you hear by your hope of having a system to brag about. LOL!
Its an easy install apparently. Send me a pair to review. I'd be happy to do so and share the results. :^)

Whoever might care.....

Always looking to be wowed......
I have taken a keen interest in the modern high end cable industry since 2001 purely from a marketing perspective, noting all the hyperbole and technical claims, some very clever.

So I can understand how jaded audiophiles can get with yet another cable company claiming magical breakthroughs. The things is.... with HFC it is fairly true. In 95% of cases people who have been around the cable block think this brand is a spectacular breakthrough.

I can understand the price complaint, but these cables are competing with a lot of far more expensive competitors. IMO the CT-1E interconnects and CT-1E digital cable get you a fair chunk of the HFC performance for a good price. I would skip the standard CT-1...
@DDraudt since I have installed ricks cables I am ordering more music than ever. I want to see how much better it sounds and how I can hear more. I'm so happy with the cables that I look for more and more CDs to play. I rush home to listen after work and I get at least an hour in every night before I go to bed. This hobby is about the joy of the music and how it helps put me in another place after a long hard day. I spent so long chasing that now I really enjoy the music more. All I know is that I hope I can continue to enjoy my set up as long as I can and that high fidelity ultimate reference has put me in a happy musical place. Lol. The ear canal don't lie. Lol
I'm enjoying my system soo much these days. It's playing all the time.
lush-beautiful- solid- real- involving - engulfing- goose bumpy.
High Fidelity Cables are a huge part of that. Bigger than any other component in my system. I've been trying cables since the 1970's, expensive known brands, and local attempts at greatness, self built. ALL WERE A PALE SHADOW compared to what I hear now with HF cables, cords and filters. Hence my enthusiasm!
I'm the kind of guy who hates watching sports if the announcers ignore the game to talk about their opinions. Stay with the game guys!
I'm also a guy who scrimped and saved my whole life to pay for a few rent properties. Now that I am in my golden years (with golden ears),
and single, I've set aside my life of poverty and service to others to enjoy the time I have left. My dad died poor and worried about money even though he worked several jobs. This made me consider living for a living in stead of working for a living.
I love this thread and reading about friends experiences with HFC!!
So I navigate past the "Blog Cloggers" back to more interesting reading.
I'm looking forward to Ricks new foray into magnetic conduction components, He's working toward have a complete magnetic conduction system to fully demo the ability of mag cables.
Cheers D

You definitely have a "laboratory" mentality it seems when it comes to this stuff. Nothing wrong with that, but realize that a lot of what happens in a laboratory ends up being of little value to most.

I disagree that we know so little about producing lifelike sound at home. Come hear my system. That is my goal and I think I have achieved it pretty well.

I'm just not so pessimistic that this stuff is as hard as it is often made out to be. The devil is all in the details. Labratories might produce some new recipes still, but will they really be any better than the ones those in the know already are using?

Just some food for thought. Laboratories is where most all new innovations do start out after all. But it usually takes some time for the good stuff to get adapted by the masses. The average music lover would probably be wise to not jump on every new thing that finds its way fresh out of a lab.
I don't think there are "responsibilities" for posters; I don't really care what many posters have to say; what I am mainly taken by in posting is enthusiasm; I know from my studies in psychology that people's opinions and perceptions are influenced by many different factors, such as what is visually impressive, what they can afford, etc.; and finally I don't think that mankind know more than a small fraction of what it takes to realistically reproduce music in ones home.

Now back to more interesting readings.
I find all this interesting reading and I understand all the views being expressed here. I agree it's very beneficial to read about how and why one product out performes another regardless if it's the same manufacturer, a step up the line or a competitor.
It's not always an easy task to analyze and/or compare one item to another and it takes a lot of thought and writing ability that we don't all possess.
Just my thought.
Best regards...
The pro, most respected reviewer review to end all cable reviews is on it's way, and it is NOT on High-fidelity cables, But in general, it does not matter, I like everyone on this thread alot, however, not to piss you guys off, no pun intended, Jafox does have some very strong points in his last post, I am just as guilty of doing the same things all of you do on this thread, that said, keep up the great post, I for one enjoy them!
One must draw form deep pockets if the product selling has the goods to release the $$$.

$30K+ for wire will be paid out for the few who want what they feel is the best. so $30K+ for deep pocket folks is like $1K to the average Joe.

I for one heard only the baby wire and not the top wire. If this wire causes Philes to rejoice with praise then our hobby is better off for it.

Rick is a good man and has rebounded off the floor with a great design so continue on Rick :)
Jafox..since trying to believe 3 or 4 guys here on the HF forum doesn't mean much to you,try reading the > 20 reviews by many established reviewers instead.it might help.

@Jafox , a very good post and quite articulate in your assertions/viewpoints , when I purchased my CT1 interconnects , it was the 1st time for a very long time that I simply sat there and silently said to myself ' wow , what a cable ' , but I lack the ability , I think , to express why the cable struck me that way . It was a sense of the electronics being removed from the signal path and it was just music flowing through the system , the immediacy of the sound , the dimensionality was something that had me in awe . When I later substituted the CT1E cable , I noticed an increase in micro detail ( if that is the correct expression ) and transient attack and decay seemed even better controlled that before . I have no interest in hearing anything up the range , nor the power cables , firstly , because I think an all CT1/CT1E system is as good as I could ever want and secondly , even if I had that much money ,I'd rather get a new kitchen for my house or upgrade my car , I would feel guilty and greedy to spend that much on something that was primarily for myself and not spend money for something that my wife would gain as much satisfaction from , yes , she likes my hifi system , but she also would like some house improvements more than another pair of CT1E's . And I know what you mean about ARC , back in the 1980's , when WJZ wrote the brochures , they concentrated on a primarily technical explanation of why the product had been improved/superceded , now you get expressions like ' improved by an order of magnitude , and then some ' .... btw , I have all ARC amplification , but I think the marketing guys need to be reined in before they loose credibility . My CT1 ' moment ' was very akin to when I first fired up an ARC SP8 in my system , that was the moment that I consider that I entered into the realm of high end audio .
I will put something in perspective. I was a video and audiophile at one time. When i was into video I bought an outrageously expensive television at the time. It was the best in the market and it's picture and performance was amazing. 5 years later I'm still happy and I think I can get another 5 out if it without losing a lot. That television was the pioneer elite. I still own it today. I don't desire another television now and I won't for a while. High fidelity ultimate reference cables are that audio thing for me. It's next level and I think I can truly be happy with its performance for a very long time. If you get it and keep it for a long time. Then you enjoy it and it's worth it !!!
Ddraudt - How can you call me a friend if I am so negative and boring? But thanks, for the title.

No, my writings here have not been negative. If anything, they have been logical with questions of merit. But the only responses back are the same each time: if you don't own or care to audition the HF cables, you should not be in this thread.

As an engineer of 30+ years in both the electronics HW and SW worlds, i know of no engineer who's ideas or products downright put all the "competition" in second or third or whatever place. I do not question Ricks ability. I only point out that the 3 or 4 dominant writers here can't seem to imagine that other products are also candidates for consideration as top performersā€¦..except the next model from Rick.

ARC has been notorious over the years with all the MK2 updates and then the next product that absolutely blows away the previous design. And my own experiences with ARC products over the years showed this to not at all be the case. But this was going on in 2-3 year increments. With the HF cables, this "greatest cable on the planet" is changing every few months. That was my point of the $100k PC is on the horizon if this "evolution" does not stop. This is not negative at allā€¦ā€¦it is a valid point. And I do not care if you pay $100k for PC's. More power to you, no pun intended. But don't get on my case that I am negative or boring for pointing this out or commenting a new cable design that time and time again results in the greatest audio orgasm of all time.

Rather than the same responses again and agin here, "wow, this latest HF cable is like nothing I have experienced before", take a little time and tell us what are the observations made to come to such a conclusion. Give us specific details such as you hear a third guitarist that before was not "present", or piano delineation is like never before, increased ambiance or harmonic overtones, greater dynamic contrastā€¦..anything, just anything to educate people here what $8900 for an IC or $15k for a PC is bringing to the scene. But I don't see any such commentsā€¦just the same ol' things, "wow, wow, wow". Yawn indeed.

When I have written here of cable auditions, tube rolling experiences, preamp shootouts, etc., I go through such detail. And a lot of people reply here or send me many emails for further comments. The bottom line is that this thread totally lacks this kind of detail and sharing. It's just 3 or 4 guys patting each other on the back and sitting at the camp fire singing Kumbaya.

I also collect watches , I have seen , over the last 15 years , the price point of some very nice pieces , like Patek Calatravas , rise from around $10K to almost 25K , for what is basically the same watch with some minor movement improvements plus a slightly larger , more cosmo case . My personal opinion ( everyone has one ) is that when you really interested in a particular pursuit/pastime/hobby , is that you can lose perspective of the effect of diminishing returns vs real world essential items , for me , the CT1E is the sweet spot in the range , and the sound of most hifi related items can be improved by a couple of glasses of good quality single malt , for me , the most cost effective upgrade of all ......
I agree. I know both David and Rick and both have been in my home. Neither is a shill for the other but I think Dave like me have just been throughly at first shocked by Rick's products and then amazed that he can improve on them.

Also, I'm neither Rick nor David.

It does give one reason to pause, it is almost like Rick himself has a pen name here. Dip your toes in another thread or two Dave, pretend that you are a real audiophile and not simply a HFC shill, that may help your credibility.

I've stayed out of this but I must speak to that comment. I know Rick personally, he lives just a short drive from me and we have spent many hours together over dinner, music and discussion of high end audio.

I would bet money the text you are discussing is not him. I know his writing style from conversation and countless email messages we've traded. Also, it does not fit his personality. He's as direct as a train and would not bend the truth to get a word in for himself.
Post removed 
@Ddraudt. I agree. When you at least listen and compare then fine. But just to continuously tell people what they should or shouldn't be spending or charging for cables when they don't listen to the quality or sound of the product is just useless babble.
Jafox, So my friend, you think what you've been writhing makes This Thread more interesting? I think that yours is only interesting to others with no real interest in High Fidelity cables. ( those who haven't been axed already ;-). my vote- U R Boring and I will skip your further ramblings.
I do hope you find time, outside of being negative for no reason, to
Enjoy the Music!
Jafox, so why do you read this thread and post on it?
Because if the only people who post here drink the HF Cables Kool Aid, this would be a mighty boring thread.
@yping I'm using the high fidelity ultimate reference. @jafox. What you call lunacy. I call it Innovation . Rick is doing something completely different that works. A lot of audiophiles will do whatever it takes as long as they get performance. These are point blank the fastest most natural cables I have ever heard. I've had ten different audiophile friends of mine listen and say they agree. You are entitled to your opinion about cables etc. All I know is that high fidelity will be part of my system in some shape form or fashion based on the speed and prat alone. I've stopped cable searching and going to settle my system in based on what I'm hearing through these cables. I find myself buying more music to listen to instead of changing cables. That's a sign for me. I understand jafox. I was dismissive until I heard them in my system.
Rick is one of those audio guys, like me, who gets excited about the best audio possible and works continually toward that goal.
Come on, I think this applies to nearly everyone here, designers and consumers. Rick is only one of 100's of engineering minds out there making new discoveries in state of the art audio systems. For one man to be labeled the Cable God, as this thread very much implies, is rather silly.

As rare as some components of a design might be, and thus expensive, I guarantee you, there will be a new discovery of some new element that results in a design outperforming the current reference. The magical magnets will be a thing of the past and magic black pearls attached to the ground lead with duct tape will be the new discovery. And the cost of that new design's materials would be a fraction of the old reference's cost. But sadly this $300 cable to produce will be $30k as it is deemed twice as resolving as the previous $15k reference. And the lunacy continues onto the next chapter.
@Calvinj & Ddraudt, I have just seen the prices ... $1,600, $2,800, $4,900, and $8,900. Well, that is higher than my budget, so I think I will keep looking at KLEI Essence gZero6 interconnect but thank you for the assistance. They look very interesting though :)
Jafox, Chris, I understand the dilemma of audio equipment costing more than I can afford. Especially when the high dollar stuff seems too good to be true. In my experience High Fidelity Cables ARE THAT GOOD!!!
The UR series of CT-1 would have to be heard to be believed because it is beyond our knowledge and experience. The rare earth super magnets used in the UR are prohibitively expensive and only made in China during the summer months. imagine $100,000.00 magnet orders.
Rick is one of those audio guys, like me, who gets excited about the best audio possible and works continually toward that goal. NO limits Audio requires a continuing input of time and money and is as impossible to complete as seeking perfection in any other field. We do it because we love it! We love the challenge as much as the result.
Money and morality are popular topics in the world as they should be but this IS a thread about High Fidelity Cables. I say they are better than I could have imagined and warn folks not to listen if they can't afford. Beyond that, I can say I'm more delighted and thrilled by what I am listening to than I've been in nearly 40 years of audio and hope you all get to a place like that.
Enjoy the Music and the hobby. D
Yping, all post go thru a monitor and they do not work 24/7 so, some of my posts get delayed a day or two.

@Jafox has a point , it gets to where the point of diminishing returns becomes unacceptable , or unachievable , for even the most ardent audiophile , not saying these power cables don't do as claimed , BUT ,in the end its about the music , not the equipment . I love my CT1's and CT1E's , but , that's where I am staying , even if I win 1st prize in next Saturday's Lotto . Let's remember that in some parts of the world , a one metre CT1E is ( considerably )more than some peoples' annual wage , kind of puts things in perspective .
Calvinj, my concern is that this thread gives me a hint that we could be heading into the $100k power cord very soon if this "newest High Fidelity cable of the month club" does not calm down. Then I will need to sell my 3 Lamborghinis to achieve the utmost in performance in audio cables.

I put a power cord on an integrated amplifier yesterday and it improved the sound so much that it transformed the whole component.
I can say the same exact thing about the Dream State Dream Catcher power cord. Even the CAT JL-3 amps finally responded to a PC and these amps pretty much have unmatched power supply design in the first place. I snatched up a bunch of these in the $1k or so used market and never looked back. This is crazy cost alone. But when we let the industry take us to $15k power cords, something is clearly wrong here. Hell I can get a mighty nice 5 or so years old Mercedes S-Class for two such power cords.
I have been on a journey to find and listen to the best equipment and cables at different price points and levels. My audio journey has been nonstop for the past four years. I have been blessed to hear so many different cables, speakers, amps,pre amps etc. I have enjoyed every minute of it. When I hear a cable or component that is very special I will let everyone know about it. The high fidelity cables are that thing for cables. I used them on the veloce amp and pre amp using my parasound cd1 and I heard a level of detail, delicacy, transparency and musicality that I thought was not possible with my system. High fidelity ultimate reference will be part of my system for a long time to come.
@jafox. I totally understand your comments. However, audio for me is being able to get the the best possible sound out of my system. I also wanted to have as much knowledge as possible on systems and cables and what synergy they have with equipment etc. The reason I am so impressed with the high fidelity ultimate reference series is that they are truly special. I put a power cord on an integrated amplifier yesterday and it improved the sound so much that it transformed the whole component. That's why I'm so impressed. The speed is unmatched. The natural sound is off the charts. I mentioned what I tried before because it is the truly different from all the other cables I have heard. My system has changed and I have demoed high fidelity on different cables speakers amps CD players etc. It flat out delivers the performance.
$175K for cables...I suspect Jafox is pulling your leg. Either that or he should be committed.
@Calvinj, which CT-1 are you using... series CT-1 to CT-1E, to CT-1U, Ct-1UR, - Ct-1URR :)

I think that I am still under moderation (don't know why) so not sure when this post will appear...
Tbg, Jafox, URR refers to power cable only at this point and I've not heard of another line other than CT-1 or level of cables over UR.
Jafox, this is the name of the new HFC power cord. Perhaps it is not a new ic or speaker wire.
Oh no, not another new model. I just spent $175k cabling my system with the CT-1 UR and now I need to start all over again?
Yping, You ask how much CT-1 cost and where to get. There are many answers but first it might be helpful to know what State or country you are in? Also CT-1 refers to a line of products rather than one type of cable. Adding that CT-1 is the name of the entire series from CT-1 to CT-1 E, to CT-1 U, Ct-1 UR, - Ct-1 URR. So, you would have to be more specific as to which piece you are asking about.
On another noteā€¦ This site is on audiogon and they do not allow suggestions of places to buy other than audiogon.
We can still help you answer your question given more info.
Jafox, I grant that verbal accounts of what people hear are totally inadequate and subject to hyperbole. High Fidelity's technology is clearly new. I do have many of my old cables and have had reason to try them. They are still quite good but don't have the realism of the HFCs.