High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Gfroman, Congrats G!! Wow you have an impressive system!
I know how mind blowing the UR and URR stuff is and I believe you are in for more of a thrill as the cables approach 600 hrs. It just gets more magical!
I also use my system for TV too. very articulate tv ;-)
Calvin, because my name does not sound like it is spelled, no one gets the spelling right. Thought about changing my name to Dave Day.;-)
Audiolabyrinth, Hi Keith! I have been anxiously awaiting my URR WGPC which I hope to have Monday. Also, on Monday, I hope to get my URR power cord back that I loaned to a friend. So I will be doing some rebuilding and break in next week. I have not yet taken the isolation, damping and shielding of my WGPC (waveguide power conditioner) to "full Tweak", so I have isolation tables and feet and other items to try once broken back in.
I've been working on selling as much HF gear as possible to help support my HFC habit. In the process I've meet more very interesting people on line who have very intriguing systems.
Cheers Friend, enjoy the music!! D
CalvinJ, YOUR QUESTION "how long have you been using the high fidelity stuff and what was the difference from your previous cables and Ic."

I've been using High Fidelity Cables for over 2 years and have tried all levels of the their cables. I'm now at UR full loom + URR power stuff. To quote a favorite phrase, the difference with HF cables is "SHOCKINGLY SUPERIOR REALISM". The likes of which I never even imagined possible.
@gfroman that I agree with you on. The mad scientist is more fitting. Lol. He is always looking to make his products better. Almost in an obsessive way. That's what I like about him and high fidelity. He is pushing the envelope more and more in terms of creating better sound. I was listening to my system last night to 4am. Eyeballs red from lack of sleep. I kept wanting to listen. Lol.
Just added the Ultimate Reference speaker cables, URR power cords, and UR interconnects to my system.
After a week of burn-in, system never sounded better!
Spooky imaging and soundstage.
Rick Schultz is a genius!!
Hi Ddaudt, what new adventures do you have to report to us concerning your journey with high-fidelity cables and products?, I do enjoy your reviews and feed back, I look forward to the high-fidelity amplifier situation.
Audiolabyrinth...apology accepted...the title of the thread is " High Fidelity Cables CT-1 designed by Rick Shultz" however..there is a thread that is all about 'outlets'...your passion for audio is known to all and is shared by all of the rest of us...we all respect you for that..but try and stick to the topic of the thread..
I apologize Calloway,just seem's most others can talk about their equipment here, and if you back read this thread, you will discover that I am correct, you could have E-mailed me to start another thread about wpo's, that would have been the nice thing to do, instead of telling all of us what to talk about, however, I was out of line with frustration, again, I apologize.
@everyone I'm enjoying the high fidelity stuff. I compared it against some other stuff today and the speed and prat was just out of this world my eyeballs went from speaker to speaker from what was being played on the piano and percussion sections. My interconnect and power cable ain't ever going nowhere. Happy!!! Happy!!!. After a long day or week it's a joy. @tbg @ddraught@lak @fplanner2000 how long have you been using the high fidelity stuff and what was the difference from your previous cables and Ic.
calloway, you will not surpress my passion!, what are you, the audiogon police!, whatever!
i thought this thread was about HF cables..someone needs to start a thread about 'outlets'..!!..and keep this one about what it was intended to be about..
calvinj, your needed there on a thread called, Ayon cd-2s consideration's, michaelzay want's your advise, LOL!
yes Calvinj, The Rhodium has won the tube/solid state hybred digital position hands down, I can hear a fly's wings flapping on the wall within the recording with the clarity, detail treble air beyound belief, detail that brings out all nuances that I have never heard before, vocals that have front to back depth of the presatation that is as real as it get's for vocals, spooky!, timberal accuracy with incredible speed, bass that is so defined, you can hear the foot pedal on the bass drum's,snare drum's that sound like it is in the room with you, I suppose all this can be system dependent and cable dependent, likly, that is why even Furutech made two version's of the GTX-D wpo's, LOL!, if there is better, which I doubt for my system, I do not need it period, for what?
@tbg. How is your system. Any changes lately? @ddruadt I'm going to do a little at a time I'm going to definitely be improving things in other areas.@audiolabryinth keep plugging along and enjoy the ride.
In my system all Furutech outlets are not as clear, natural or detailed than the ATL-newcablestudio copper 2000. all contact points and connections are ATL's super groovy, special copper including the ground pieces.
this is what I use in my HF POWER Conditioner/ distribution box.
Vales lifted my friends, Vales lifted. ;-) D
@audiolabryinth@lak. It's been a crazy audio ride for me. I'm gonna just listen for a while. I want to calm relaxed and not exhausted. I got a pretty good sound. I'm going to put the lab coat down and just listen for a while. I'm trying to not take my cables out that much. It disturbs the the settling in of my high fidelity stuff. I will experiment a little less now.
Lak, wow!, that may be a different perspective,720 hrs is alot is a understatement, in your case, I bet 100 hrs of music and your done, the sound stage is what is so spooky about the Rhodium, just enough forward presatation to be engageing, but depth that knocks your back sheet rock through the wall, on vocals, this is uncanny realistic sounding, I do like the Rhodium.
You might be correct, realistically I think I had it on my Audiodharma cable cooker for 720 hours (30 days) I was being conservative above.
So far it sounds very good and there has been a consistent sound in the music. The way I look at it, the music can only sound better with additional use :-)!
Lak,unfortunately, your Furutech will still need at least 200 hrs of playing music for it to come into it's own, I know, The Gold version I have was cooked for 6 days by vh-audio, the Rhodium I have was not cooked, it sounds incredible at 230 music hrs, I have a little over 202 music hrs on the Gold, it sounds really good now compaired to just cooked.
Calvinj, you really owe it to your self to get one of these Furutech GTX-D outlets, get both,the Gold is really good too, comes down to preferance, I like them both, still under evaluation, however, Steve has told me that I'm getting 90% of the Rhodium at 230 hrs I got at 4:30 am this morning, I will get small improvements all the way to 500 hrs, LOL!, I have not decided on the first componet yet on the Gold or Rhodium.
All the electrical connections on my HFC Waveguide power center are Furutech GTX-Drs and the IEC is also. I really don't know what percentage of improvement in this version is attributable to this versus the helix use of magnets, but the new unit is far superior.

I have a friend who hates the rhodium plating and prefers the gold and usually I agree with him, but not this time.
Hello Calvinj,
All is well and I'm enjoying my system. I had a Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlet on my Audiodharma cable cooker for over 300 hours, so I'm hoping to install it today into the system and give it a listen.
@ddraudt. How is it all sounding. I'm really impressed with the performance of my system right now. I got a couple of hours in today. I got to let it settle back in. I let a friend check my Dac out so I'm going to leave everything in place for the next two months without ever touching my cables under any circumstances. I'm happy that I got the high fidelity stuff. That along with the assistance that I got from Rick Schultz has been a Godsend. It's really help take me to another level I'd satisfaction and enjoyment in my system.
@fplanner2000. That is so right!!!!! I used to put them in and expect everything to work automatically. Patience as an audiophile is the hardest thing to do. It's something that I still struggle with. The high fidelity stuff has rewarded my patience. I just get to listen now that I know my system will perform and give me pleasing, open and natural sound. I'm going to listen a lot tomorrow hopefully. Lol. Enjoy your system. @tbg. How have you been. how are things. @lak how are you?@jazzonthehudson How are things. @ddraudt. This process has been a long and expensive process but worth it.
Very well put and I totally agree. Rick's cables allow the music to come through better than any others I have found, by far. The longer my cables settled in, the better the sonic result. Sometimes it takes more patience than with other cables because there are different technologies at work, but the results are more than worth the wait. The neat thing is that this happens regardless of which level of his cables you are using. They seem to lower distortion in many systems, thereby improving both the realism and musicality. I really like them in my system.
That's exactly what I'm doing. No more a to b quick comparisons. I have a lot to report on because I have been leaving things in over a period of time. I think that people that do that quick a to b stuff are really missing out on great sound. Especially with high fidelity stuff. 5 months ago I started a system rebuild. I sold everything. I started over completely. I got an ultimate power cord and ultimate interconnects from High fidelity. I got the revel studio 2 speakers. I have the audio research reference 3 preamplifier. I have the kst 150 amplifíer. I have the Resonessence invicta dac. I let in run run for some days and I was concerned about my interconnects. I called Rick schultz and he told me not to panic and continue to play my system then after a week of repeated playback. It's started to open up. Then it just got better and better and better. I didn't go outside that weekend and I couldn't stop listening. A smile came over my face. My speech pattern sped up. The Jazz I was playing had my eyeballs jumping from left to right. The beat hit me and I was zoning out. I was in that place I have been chasing for 6 years. It's the best sound I have heard so far ever in my system. I will never be a fan of quick a to b ever again. My patience for audio has improved. @ddraudt. You are so right. I had to break the bad pulling the plug habit and leg the music marinate. I had to let the equipment get to know each other. It's like turning on the green water house in the yard and letting it run before you start drinking. You have to try multiple different albums and test materials over an extended period if time to know what your system is doing. All I know is that I was enjoying it like never before. I think high fidelity is like a component upgrade because it just gives the music a free and uncluttered flow. It's music free and clear without the blockage of traditional cable technology. I'm understanding the science more. Hear more music by preventing the the blockage of traditional cabling and lowering distortion as much as you possibly can. It makes sense to my eyes and more importantly to my ears.
Calvinj, my friend you seen to be having a lot of fun trying different audio devices. That's Great!!! It's the only way to find out what sounds good to you.
In my experience... components and cables need to sit undisturbed playing for a few weeks at least to hear what they can really do. a month or two is even better.
And yes it is painstaking for me to wait also.
I'm glad you are enjoying the music! D
Hi calvinj, I have been meaning to ask you, what is your impression's between running direct to amplification compaired to active pre-amps?
Sorry about the typos. The iPad has a mind of its own. Also I made a few mistakes in a few mistakes in the last post. High fidelity is not actually a cable per SE. It uses a whole different technology to move sound from a to b. I was more interested in hearing the scientific part and learning what made it different from an actual cable. The magnets assist in moving sound basically in a way that regular normal cables just don't do. It's just clearer and faster way of moving sound without the normal distortion you get when using wire and other materials. That's what I've learned so far. I'm not a science guy but the performance in my system has been amazing.
@everyone. I decided to listen to the Nu vista 800. It is great integrated if you need a one box solution. It has gobs of power and the nu vista tubes. It performed extremely well in my system. I just decided to stay with separates. I now have the audio research reference 3 preamplifier and I'm running it with the kst150 using high fidelity ultimate interconnects a long with the high fidelity ultimate power. The cables are giving amazing transparency and great prat. High fidelity is the cable brand I have stayed with the longest and it's probably going to be set of cables. It is going to be in my system for a very long time.
I'm extremely excited about my new HFCable upgrade!!!!! I've just sent my
UR WGPC back for an upgrade to more like a URR. The URR power cord was built with upgraded magnetic waveguides that sound much better than the UR..(fuller. more extended, more real). Now Rick has URR style but larger waveguides to fit in the Magnetic Waveguide Power Conditioner.
Tbg said that he was thrilled with his WGPC upgrade, and now I can't wait to hear that In my system!! More soon. Enjoy the Music!! D
Hi Ddraudt, are you talking direct or what company?, I was not aware that Furutech sold direct?, I do need one more frame and cover plate, can you do a link here of what you are talking about?, Thankyou.
To all following the outlet conversation.
Furutech is having a sale on outlet plates and covers thru Dec.
Audiolabyrinth, well that is the most unusual measurement in audio I have ever heard of.
Hi TBG, we put 450 minuture lights on the tree this year, thought about what Ddraudt said about a fan on his furutech outlet's to burn-in, so I read the box of the light's, 183.6 watts 60hz 120 volts, so I grabed a 10 ft extention cord and pluged the christmas tree into the furutech GTX-D Rhodium, LOL!, the lights have a nice sheen to them, I really believe that I prefer the Rhodium version, currently, it's night and day difference to me, to give my poor cd-player a rest, the transport and tubes, I thought the christmas tree was a wonderful idea, since the cd-player likly only draws 25 to 35 watts, my amp should be back from krell this coming week, that will surely zap the recepticles with power, I hope a Rhodium sounds better on the amp, and I hope to much of a good thing does not over do it if you know what I am saying, the good news is, I only need to use two Furutech GTX-D recepticles.
Hi Lak, As A matter of fact, I did have an incident with the furutech GTX-D Gold version of the two I have under audition, I screwed out the screw on the side that is not the ground to far out, and the screw fell out, it took an hour to get the machined screw to catch the plate inside the recepticle, the plate kept falling over, I could not do it, the wife had to fix the recepticle, this took an hour to fix, what ever all of you do, Do not unscrew the screws to the furutech's to far out, you wished you never did!
Audiolabyrinth, buy or find a power strip with duplex outlets that can be removed. Then mount all the outlets you want to test in it. Then do your comparison. I did this once and it is better but still a pain in the ___.
You best be careful taking those outlets in and out because if you do it to much you might weaken something in the outlet and cause breakage. That has happened to me, but it was probably due to the use of using 10 gauge AC wire which is difficult and very stiff to work with. 12 gauge wire probably would not be as difficult to work with.
I will also say that these outlet's are a Huge up-grade in sound, like going to a exotic cable or componet that cost many times the previous, let's say I am in awe at what technology these days have done with outlet's!, makes me feel old, this is not my first rodeo with after market recepticles, but these are game changers!, I Highly recommend them.
Ddraudt, ah, yes, I have been evaluating the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold through my tube/solid state head phone amp that is built in my cd-player with High-end cans, I have along ways to go till final impressions, however, there is some similarity's in sound, they are really as different as night and day over all, but they do share the Furutech house sound,if that makes any sence, 24 hrs is all I have got, It is a bitch pulling one out of the wall and installing the other,back and fourth, back and fourth,for each componet one at a time,kinda makes me believe this hobby is crazy!, essentially I believe the Rhodium is really incredible sounding to say the least, Dave, this may take God know's how long, now I understand why TBG said he does not like compairing outlets, I agree!
If you leave them on the phono it may take years not months. Get them on a tuner or DVD/cd player ( 2 volts ) and run it 24/7. I know you don't want to move the cable, but you are correct, it would be torture.
Thanks, all for the input. I intend to allow for break-in, considering how good things sounded when they were good. The brightness and lack of mid to deep bass makes for an uninvolving listening experience, and of course, thinking the cable being used for phono may take forever to perform as you describe, has me torn about 4-6 month's of unappreciated audio.
@siddh. I think you need to keep listening for a while I have lived with each of the high fidelity from the ct1 all the way to the up to the ultimate reference for about 3 to 5 months each for the last 16months. Break in is real. I know. There were times where I had to be patient. As time went on the sound would change but the longer they are in then you will start to get the things you say you are missing now. I've been known to be one of the most impatient people when it came to cables and audio. I had to understand that quick or short term demos and changes were not the way to get the best out of your system. As far as high fidelity is concerned it is the one I have stayed with the longest because it has delivered the most satisfying sound. I had to really slow my self down so that I can get the best out of my system. I will tell you to listen another 2 or 3 months to see if you hear changes in your sound again before you bail out. I have been patient with the high fidelity stuff and I have been rewarded with great sound in the end.