High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

68pete, The placement of the Pro power cord makes a lot of sense to me.
Hi lak
I put the pro power cord from the wall to the MC 6 Hemisphere. I was going to put it on the disc player, but after talking to Rick and HFC they felt this would be the best place for it. I may move it later to the disc player, but right now i am really enjoying it where it is at. The disc player has URH on it plugged into the MC 6 Hemisphere along with the pre amp which has the UR on it. HFC felt that it would benefit both components or everything plugged into the Hemisphere.
Yes it put a big hurt on my budget and i will not be doing a lot of things for a while. But when i  play music on the system i feel it was worth it.
Its very clear on how much i like the MC O5s. HFC has them on sale here on Audiogone for a good price. i normally would be all over them, but the budget is done for a while.
enjoy Pete
@68pete, Which component do you have the Pro power cord on?
I don't doubt the Pro sounds great, Its just totally out of my price range!
What can i say, i like the products they work great for me. They have taken my sound system to the next level. Just when i think i have gotten everything out of my system. I add a HFC product and i get better sound. Have not found that diminishing return point yet. 
How is your system doing with your up grades?
enjoy Pete
Hey Pete!

Maybe HFC should consider making you a rep.  You probably have more HFC products than they have in stock ;- )
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Yes they are not cheap, more like a major equipment upgrade. So far its been great.
Starting at $20,000 for 1m I sure hope its an improvement...Good Lord O.O
Hello lak
The Pro power cord just keeps getting better with every couple hours increase. By far a bigger step up compared going from the UR to the URH power cords. Both those power cords are great, but do not compare to the sound quality of the Pro  power cord. I still use both of the two power cords in my system, but the Pro really lifted my system up to a much higher level. If you like the UR or URH power cord in your system then the Pro would be 5 times greater or more for me and my system.


The  Pro Power Cord is sound very clean with just 2 hours on it. So far i like it and it needs a lot more break in time.
It looks like High Fidelity is revamping the products. The ct-1 and the ct enchanced lines are retiring  and a new CT-2 will replace it starting in June. It appears like a up grade wave guide. As seen on their Face Book Page.
I'm looking forward to reading a review or comparison written by one of the guys that have already posted on this thread (over the years) that we know has experience with the HFC products to hear their thoughts on the MC1-Pro conditioner.
Has any one ordered the new MC1-Pro conditioner yet? They look very interesting. I was told you can not really compare them to the MC O5s although they look very similar. I just ordered a Pro power cord so i will have to wait for the budget to come back around.
Glad to here they are working out for you. Post again when you get a little more time on them.
enjoy Pete
@calvinj  Your Modwright player deserves great cabling!  No sense having a disc spinner like that if you're not going to allowing its musicality to shine through.
Picked up my reveal power power cable and reveal rca interconnects. Extremely happy. They have a very slight warmth to them but the are still open with punchy bass. They also have a low noise floor.  Very nice soundstage. Very balanced from top to bottom with a little oomph in the bass. I put it on my Sony 5400 es modwright tubed CD player and it is a match made in Heaven. It took the slight digital edge off of the Sony.  I see with this line is performing so well for High fidelity. At this price point it’s a steal. I’ve heard cables 3 times the price not be as musical as these.  Rick has hit it out the park and these two cables are not going anywhere. They are now part of my reference system they have a permanent home on the Sony modwright. These things have zero ear fatigue.  Very happy. Thanks Rick you have done it again. 
I have been using Rick Shultz's cables since they were Virtual Dynamics, and even still have a 'magnetic'/Everclear VD power cable with the technology used in the High Fidelity cables.

Each time I've upgraded I always hear 'more'.  More music, more emotion, more detail.  I've gone from Everclear to CT-1, to CT-1E, to CT-1 Ultimate, with power cables, ICs, and speaker cables.  Each addition brought more music.

However, I finally got a power distributor, the MC-6, along with two of the MC0.5.  I only installed the MC-6, with my TT power supply, the preamp, and disc player into it, but even though I should no longer be surprised by the increase in music when adding the magnetic cables, I was, again.

Amazing.  Congratulations, Rick!

I'll add the MC0.5s next week.

On a side note, there is a repost in a big magazine website of a review of Lindsey-Geyer cables from the early 1990's, where they used conductors similar to what HF is using, but without the applied magnetism.  Lot's of cool background info on skin effect depth, etc., that might explain why HF cables sound so good (to me).

I'm in the process of moving on from the audiophile hobby(in my case, also known as retirement) and I have listed a few HFC cables for sale on Audiogon. They include a CT-1 power cable, two CT-1 Ultimate power cables, a pair of CT-1 Enhanced RCA cables, and a pair of CT-1 speaker cables(banana terminators on the amp end, spade connectors on the speaker end). All cables are 1 meter in length. Cables are in excellent 9/10 condition except for the speaker cables which are in 8/10 condition. Purchase prices are negotiable. Thanks for looking!

I found the Reveal RCA interconnect to be a cable that is on the warmer side of neutral, very musical and natural sounding. I wonder if the gold plated connectors have anything to do with that? The CT1 Enhanced RCA was more neutral in its presentation. Both great cables.
How are you using your High Fidelity  XLR cable (what connected to it )  Are you using High Fidelity XLR  for your  entire system or just the one XLR cable?
calvinj, I have reveal XLR, everything is good except treble is too conservative.
Hey I haven’t heard the reveal line yet anyone what are your impressions?
Thanks lak. I'll do as you and Pete suggest. I'm using CT-1 interconnects so I'm familiar with the time it takes for the magnetic properties to fully work. Im breaking in a new pair of speakers right now, so I'm in no rush. 
Thanks Pete. I have an old PS Audio distributor with 6 outlets that I can use for now. It's just outlets, no conditioning or regeneration. I'll plug all four MC-0.5's into that and plug the PS Audio into the wall outlet.

Good idea with your rack and buying b-stock units. I took advantage of their current sale.....doubt I'll ever catch up to you though!

I should have them next week and I'll pass my results along. 
@jmcgrogan2 your set up sounds like it was done right. After some break-in time please post your findings...always something I can learn ;-)

@mac48025 thanks, that's the information I was looking for. I agree with 68pete, I'd put the MC-0.5's on the opening in your wall outlet going to your WyWire PowerBroker. Because your WyWire PowerBroker is high-quality components, with good individual outlet wiring with no interference from any built-in surge protector or suppressor the MC-05's will work well for you. Be sure to allow plenty of time for break-in, also remember should you remove them to audition them in another location there is a lingering effect (magnetic conduction) when removed, could take a couple days for the music to return to normal and always a break-in period when moved to a different location. That's magnetic conduction.
I would be careful with just any old power strip-they can add a layer of grunge or noise to the line. I would try and stay with a Audiophile type power strip. For me the splitters work best and that what they used at High Fidelity. Stacking the splitters on top of each other or end to end. As you plug the splitters end to end and add the MC O5s it will get heavy and can pull out of the socket. I cut a 2x6 board and stood it on end underneath them to act like a table and it worked great. since its behind my rack(shelf) it can not be seen. I started with 2 MC O5s and have been adding when ever i can. When they have B-stock i buy them a little cheaper in price and no draw back on performance. the out side may have a few scratches on them, but you can not see them in my  system so no big deal. Let us know how they work for you and how you used them.
enjoy Pete
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Thanks Pete, that makes good sense. 21 on one line? I thought it was a typo until seeing further up that you're using 48. Ok.....that's certifiable.....and I love it! :) It sure makes my four seem very reasonable now. I can tell the wife that I only have four when some are using 48! Truth be told, she won't ever notice I have four.....or more for that matter. 

So any kind of power strip or splitter will work?
I am not familiar with your Wywire Power Broker. Putting them on  the 20 amp line i feel would be best. I have 21 MC O5s on one 20 amp line using 2 types of the 3 to 1 splitters. It sticks out14 inches from the wall. I have the same set up on my other line 15 amp non dedicated feeding a MC 6 Hemisphere that has all my front end plugged into it with my TV and Sat. box along with 6 more MC O5s. Just add 4 to the MC 6 Hemisphere for a total of 6 on it. One of the great things about the MC O5s is they are very easy to install and move around. It sound like you have a couple of places to try them in. I would give them about 12 to 20 hours of playing time at each spot and see what gives you the best sound. I think the more you can get on a line near the wall or on the wall seems to work the best. Please report back and let us know what did work for you or what did not work.
Enjoy Pete
Thanks lak. The PowerBroker is just a power distribution center utilizing audiophile grade components in a wood case built by Daedelus speakers. No power conditioning, magnetizing or re-generation of any type. I purchased it initially for my home theater system to plug everything into and it actually improved both the audio and video.

Believe it or not, I don't know how to post links.....yeah I'm old! 
www.wywires.com. Go to products then to power distribution if you're interested but there's not much more info than what I mentioned. It's just an over priced power outlet center.....but she sure is Purdy :) 

Thanks for your help.
@mac48025 I did a google search on your WyWire PowerBroker because it's important to know the inside workings of it to properly answer your question. Bassed upon what I found (I don't have a lot of time at the moment) can you post a link to the manual or a sight that gives me more information?
Question for MC-0.5 users. As I mentioned I have four on order. I'm using a WyWire PowerBroker that my components are plugged into which has two open outlets. I also have an open outlet on the dedicated 20 amp circuit for my audio system. I'm a better off having the four MC's connected to the dedicated outlet plug or into the PowerBroker? Or two in each? Thanks for your help. 
Hello lak, Yes i agree with you. The more MC O5s at the wall plug the better and i would start at the plug that feeds your amp. Then your front end equipment. Filling the open plugs on your MC 6 does not hurt. I saw High Fidelity do a demo with them adding the MC O5s to the open sockets and it all so made a difference for the better. But for me at the wall plug first was best.
Enjoy Pete
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@aniwolfe, absolutely nothing wrong with experimentation. You moght get better results with the three MC-05's plugged into the same outlet that your MC-6 is plugged into using an adapter you can pick up at HomeDepot or Lowe's etc, you might already have one?
What are your thoughts, 68pete?

I have all my components plugged into the MC6. The MC6 is plugged into the wall outlet. The 1 MC-05 is plugged into the open wall outlet slot that is shared with the MC6.

So I was going to install the new 2 MC-05’s into another outlet that share’s the same line as my components.
I took the plunge and ordered 4 MC-0.5's. While I have two pair of CT-1 interconnects this is my first foray into magnetic AC treatment. What do I have to lose? If I don't like them I can return them. Based on your results here I probably won't need to. 
Where do you have the 1 MC O5 that you have now? Did you like it? For me the best place for the MC O5s is at the wall plug. I can not answer for the RCA Digital adapters i have never used them. But the MC O5s is the best tweak i have heard and thats why i have some many in my system. If you can get your new MC O5s on your amp line at the wall plug, That would be your best increase i think. Please post your results.
Enjoy Pete
I ordered 2 MC5's and 1 Set of Digital RCA Adapters. Currently I have 1 MC5 and a MC6 Power Conditioner. Hope I can hear a noticeable difference.
Took advantage of the sell High Fidelity cables had going on and add 4 more MC O5s. Still have not come to the diminishing returns with them. Add them to the Hemisphere on 2 very short 12 inches power cords with two 3 to 1 splitter giving me 6 total plugged into the hemisphere. Giving me a total of 48 MC O5s total in my system. Cymbals and piano notes seem to have more sparkle or realism to them. The sound got better across the board.
enjoy Pete
I also thought that my system sounded better with the MC-05’s after removing the P-10. Too bad, nice looking unit.
I now have the Core Power Tech 300 & 1800 balanced transformers plugged into my 3 dedicated lines.
And I also have 16 MC-05’s plugged into these 3 dedicated outlets (at the wall only).

@kritpoon, congratulations on your purchase.
I agree with the statement that 68pete made (above) about the HF House Sound (a term I made up). In addition to that, I would add every time I added a High Fidelity cable or other HFC device it brought more of a natural sound to the music. I noticed this in both of my systems, one solid state amp and tube preamp and the other all tube.
Others might describe the HFC sound differently, but in each case, more of a natural sound was produced.
I to have the MC 6 Hemisphere and preferred it over my PSaudio P10. I tried the MC O5s plugged into the P10 and i did not like the sound at all. I tried the P10 feeding the Hemisphere, the sound was ok. But when i removed the P10 from the loop the sound really improved, Just better across the board. The MC 6 Hemisphere does have a long break in period where the sound quality goes from ok to bad to great about 600 to 800 hours. I do have 2 MC O5s plugged into the Hemisphere sockets that i do not have gear plugged into. The rest of my MC O5s are plugged into 2 different lines at the wall. Using the 3 to 1 adapters stacked on top of each other.
For me the High Fidelity "house sound" is very clean sounding with no hard digital edginess. Very good sound separation detailed. Background voices much more present in the sound stage. There is a richer blackness between sounds a much blacker black.  Keep us posted on how HighFidelity works for you.
Enjoy Pete