High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

@ddraudt. This has been interesting. How the Internet can be. It's like trashing a resteraunt you have never eaten at about having bad food. I really have learned through our experiences here. I started to go on my listening exploration about 2 1/2 years ago. I needed to have a reference point for what is good and what's not and how. First, the most important thing is that the product performs. Then I can decide if it's at a price point I'm wiling to go to. Performance is king. I'm glad there was a way to hear high fidelity. Glad that there are audiophiles who put sound first and that actually share more experiences with product as opposed opinions about what they never heard and won't hear. I'm glad I saw your posts and how you enjoyed your climb up the chain. Keep listening and reporting.
@ddraudt I have a world music suggestion for you. I am global. Try an artist by the name of Siji. He is special. He has a great voice and musical arrangements on his albums. You will enjoy and appreciate his music. Smooth jazz suggestion. Try George Howard album "Personal". It is one of my favorites.
Calvinj, I understand about the dangers of having a system this good. Hard to leave the room!! HF changed my life!
I'm always taking note of suggested music. A difficulty I have in hearing samples on line or in a store is that my system sounds so much better that I can't tell what it would really sound like unless I hear it at home. In my antiquated system, I have to buy and treat a CD, then play it.
I will be ordering some new CD's to try soon so thanks! I like some kinds of Jazz but it's not my default music. I play smooth Jazz in the background while doing chores. I grew up with classic Rock but listen mostly to "World Music" or anything with amazing record quality.
Hope to hear your system and show mine soon! ;-) D
Tbg, Thanks for your input on the HF phono cable improvements. I look forward to hearing you fabulous system again. My system is so amazing that I'm awed every time I listen. Nirvana!
I liked your humor with mope man .
Will be great to visit again.
I know you are Enjoying the Music! D
Rlawrly, Thanks for sharing your experience with HF products. I agree that High Fidelity Cables are the biggest game changers I've ever heard. The music is on and I am delighted!! I'm happy for you!
I would not worry about madman. He does add humor with his "the world is flat" beliefs. Taking him seriously is like believing FOX NEWS. I get a laugh.
Enjoy the music!! ;-) D
mapman. Pearls of wisdom! thanks. I love to hear stories about High Fidelity
Cables. You experience with HF cables has enlighten us all. xoxo D
The HF Cables have made the single largest improvement I have heard. Maybe it is the result of myriad improvements I have made over the years with single-driver speakers, electronics with 30MHz bandwidth, turntable upgrades, etc. In any case, I have never heard such a quantum change in sound in every considerable parameter: dynamics, dimensionality, immediacy, presence, bass, treble, detail, smoothness, and so on. I heard the leap on the first CT-1 I ran between my phono stage and preamp. Adding more has just increased the effect, but if you don't hear it with one cable alone, you will probably not hear it when adding more. Before I heard these cables, changing cables seemed to alter the tonal balance of my system but not an overall increase in the quality of the sound like the HF Cables.

Another note: Just listened to a vinyl pressing of Marti Jones Used Guitars. Great music, terrific sound as on almost all A&M titles. She never got the fame she deserved. Match Game is another great title.
@ddraudt and rlawry. I'm enjoying the sessions with the cables. I have to watch it though listening can put weight on you because you spend lot of time sitting relaxing and hearing the best sound I have to this date. Try some of those cds I recommended to lak if you like jazz. It comes down to your ears hearing not your mouth talking. Enjoy fellas.
@tbg I'm excited about getting to listen to your system. Will get it done in January. I like to hear different systems. I know you have worked tirelessly to get it right. It will also be good to hear to records on the phono. It's good to experience all the stuff you can. I got to hear raidho on soulutions gear. Although I won't ever get it. It helps me understand the differences and possibilities in sound. Enjoy your listening sessions. I listened a lot the last couple of days. It's always a good sign when you don't want to move from your listening sweet spot.
@lak I hope you enjoyed listening to those cds. It's seems like you have they are some great musicians. Hearing is believing. I been listening a lot the last two days. It's been pure enjoyment. Gush alert!!! When you have these cables with well recorded cds it is flat out amazing. Amazing transparency with the ability to unravel the most complex jazz passages. The guys in phronesis have amazing timing playing off each other. This is where the cable speed and realism shine. Kendrick Scott is one the best young jazz percussionist in the industry right now. Cecile salvant is the best jazz vocalist in the last 10 years. She won the Paris vocalist competition a few years ago out of nowhere. Man and that kikoski is a flat out jam session. When I get the opportunity to hear great music, cabling or equipment I go out of my way to do it. Makes me happy and I really try to give folks good advice on what I actually hear. I had a very happy day jamming my system.
I was graciously offered the opportunity to try a pair of the iics on loan. I declined for various reasons though I would have liked to hear. Maybe someday. I'm sure I would have liked them as a loaner. But there is no way I would pay the asking price to own no matter what. So I did not see much point. Actions, like buying speak louder than words.
Mapman, why don't you do what I did and try a pair of cables? I don't totally rely on what everyone else reports on products I have not heard, but it is at least a starting point. After you have tried them you can then report something useful on this thread, like the cables or not. If you don't like them I am certain you can re-sell them. I assure you I am not a shill, just a satisfied customer of HFC.
As has been the case with pretty much all the recent shills on this thread, TBG, I didn't expect you would actually answer. But I tried anyway. So thanks for that useless information.

I truly am glad it all sounds so much better to everyone though in any case but that is pretty useless information as well. People try new things and report quantum leaps all the time. Doesn't make it true or not. Just nothing new there that anyone could bank on. Expensive audio toys should and ususally do all sound really good. WHich ones sound best always seems to be a matter of opinion.
Mapman, I was driving along and saw it on the side of the road. I was scared that I might be hit from behind, but everyone avoided me while I got out and threw it into the car. Perhaps it fell out of a delivery truck but I saw no packaging around it other than the green bubble wrap around one end.

It is still warming up, but already I hear the famous greater detail and ambience. Obviously, beggars cannot be choosers, but this was great fortune for me. I had long thought about trying HFC on phono and had the adapter at hand.

is the biggest improvement I have heard in 40 years of audio

The cables make the biggest improvement in sound you have heard in 40 years? 40 years ago we had some JBL's maybe a Paragon, more likely the Olympus and the AR3 (I'm more of east coast sound guy) and the Tannoys in the UK. Biggest improvement since then is a cable change?
I hope so, because I am willing to run out and get some if you say so because audio has progressed quite a bit in 40 years.

I do admit the Garrard 301/401 is still pretty awesome if used with a modern arm and cart.

IF you have some good new info, don't let anyone stop you. Certainly not me.

Please include some details useful to people who might be interested including what sounds better or different, what you are comparing it to when you say it is an improvement, where you got it from, and how much you paid.

Were it not for Mapman, I would tell you guys about what an improvement HFC UR phono cable gave me. It was a little awkward getting them to work as my BMC MCCI phono stage require balanced inputs. But a friend made me RCA to XLR adapters that work great.
Mapman, Happy New Year and thanks. You have shown incredible bravery to keep coming back to this unbearable thread.
Every time I think Ugh! this thread is so awful, You delight us with pearls of wisdom and insight. Thank you so much!!
Very sorry you have never heard what We gush about. You would know why then. High Fidelity Cables start out sounding astonishing, then they get much better over time. I hope you have an audio system and that you enjoy music some time. Thanks again for you help keeping this thread going my friend. ;-) D
Mapman, I am confused. I have followed this thread through the years and I cannot understand why you bother to in your attempts to bring these guys down. I am sure you have some great experiences to share here, not just the usual abject negativity. I for one have learned nothing from your posts. I also see nothing wrong with gushing repeatedly about the improvements in sound wrought by these cables. If not for these guys I would almost certainly would have missed out on what to me is the biggest improvement I have heard in 40 years of audio. Well, maybe next to a $500K mbl system in a big room at the Newport Beach Audio Show, but a close second and the biggest improvement I have heard in my own system.
I’m enjoying your most recent music recommendations.
The music (and some vocals) are really well recorded.
I would highly recommend them to anyone that likes jazz.
Phronesis album "Life to Everything”
Kendrick Scott Oracle album “Conviction"
David Kikoski “Standards”
Cecile Mclorin Salvant album “Womanchild"
I’m still waiting to receive Miguel Zenon, "The Puerto Rican SongBook”.
Enjoy the music...
If everyone on this site gushed repeatedly every time their stereo sounded fabulous Audiogon would become pretty unbearable. Much like this thread has become.

One or two gushes per positive tweak/enhancement is plenty. Just my own personal opinion.
Had my own listening session 5 hours yesterday. Great jazz and r&b. System is real long popping. Very musical and moving. Cymbal transparency is amazing. Drums are moving and snapping. Piano is key rolling and decaying perfectly. You can hear inside the organ. I barely went outside yesterday. Lol. All of this is a true joy. I know I am high fidelity gushing again but that what happens when something comes in and catches what you been chasing for years. I just enjoy and discover constantly new music now. Hope 2015 gets all of the guys that come on this thread and others what they seek musically and in life.
@ I had a great listen session tonight Alan toussiant, Phronesis and David Kikoski was off the chains good. Enjoy the music suggestions I gave you.
@lak. I had a great listen session tonight Alan toussiant, Phronesis and David Kikoski was off the chains good. Enjoy the music sessions I gave you.
@ddraudt and tbg. I agree. Ddraudt has my email. We will get it done. @everyone. I had a great session tonight. Great people. Great audiophiles. Being blessed this year all the way. I'm happy that I got my high fidelity this year. I'm happy I got the best sound I have ever had. I'm glad I discovered great music to listen to. I'm glad I made some new audio friends. I'm happy that I made new friends period. Sometimes audio brings you together for reasons that are not all audio. I hope God blesses you all this year and what you seek in your sound but more importantly in your life. Happy listening to all for another year!!!!!
David and Calvinj, I would be interested in coming over also. Perhaps we could make one long day out of both. Perhaps also we should go off this thread for this. David, do you have both of our emails?
Tbg, Calvinj, Visiting Norm after CES sounds good to me.
Someday I like you both to hear my system. It surprises people.
I think we are here because we Enjoy the Music. D
Mapman, Ha ha. funny. probably surprise you to know that this is a thread about high fidelity cables. That fact, along with the truth that I'm wildly excited about this revolutionary alteration in the audio world with High Fidelity Cables is likely why I blog here. What is you excuse?
Calvinj, I am off to CES next week, but then things will slow up. Come on down! I'll try to get David to come over also.
@ddraudt. I will be attending a listening session tomorrow. I'm going to listen to some music tonight. It's going to be great to listen to some different music and meet some new hobbyists. We as audiophiles are a little different from some other folks. I'm just glad to be around some new people who really are into getting the best sound possible out of the music and gear. There will also be some folks that just enjoy listening to something different. Me included. HAPPY!!! Cause I'm HAPPY!!!! Cause happiness is the truth!!! 😃😄😊😀😁😎😇😆🙉🙏
@ddraudt I agree with you. High fidelity does complex musical passages better than anything I have ever heard. David kikoski has a song called grey areas. You should hear how the music starts and stops on a dime and how even when there are about 5 things happening at the same time that high fidelity pulls it off in spades. When I'm listening to the quartet or trios there is nothing like the speed and proper decay of the percussion work. The speed and depth of bass players etc. the pianos sound real with proper leading edges and depth. I understand exactly what you are talking about.
Soon dd will be listening to his wires solo. Since that's all we hear about should we assume the rest does not matter? 😴
ATTENTION: Directionality of HFC magnetic cables is as critical as turning a fan in the direction you want the wind to blow. The Magnets are pushing in one direction. If turned around they push the wrong way. I had experienced this at my house before and a friend just related another story of how much better it sounds in the correct direction. ;-)
He said,"Everything was more immediate, bigger, more dimensional and dynamic"!! I say, "more magic"!!
HF wire is marked and so are the ends and waveguides but I use a tiny ring of red or black electrical tape near the ends to make it harder for me to mess it up. ;-) Enjoy! D
Calvinj, I'm doing well and having fun. The music is on in the background as usual. It's so pure and beautiful, it helps keep me positive. I like smooth jazz instrumentals in the morning and world music later. Plus many other types.
I like most music if it is done well and with HFCables all music sounds so much more real than it ever did before. What a pleasure! I love tight crisp musical bass which I have in spades now!! I love the way there is no smear, even in the most complicated passages, speed. I love being able to hear the room in the recordings and have removed most of my room effects to enhance this quality. Ultra pure, ultra real, Ultra involving system with HF makes all music great to listen to. In my long history with audio
High Fidelity Cables are, by far, the single most improvement of anything I've tried. Improvement is not the right word really, because it hints at a quality of being incrementally better. This falls very short of the actual quantum shift. You have heard it so you know what I mean. Cheers D
@ddraudt how are you doing. I'm getting more of my sd cards done to listen to my audio. I want to listen to more music as much as I can. I want to enjoy all things related to actually listening to different bands, trios and quartets. I appreciate your music recommendations and other tweaks you have recommended. This has been interesting to watch. I'm smart enough to know that you can't please everybody. I think as an audiophile please your ears first and everything else comes after that. My priorities are changing even within my music. Continue to enjoy the journey.
@lak. Don't forget to tell me your impressions on how the cds I suggested sound in your system. What I've found out is that on trio and quartet jazz the high fidelity assist in unraveling the music and allowing you to hear more of the musicianship. Tell me your impressions about this after you listen for a while. I hope that you are enjoying your current system combination. I'm enjoying my music more than ever. I want to continue enjoy as much as I can. I will share my actual listening experiences and music suggestions with you and others
Post removed 
@sabai. I call it like I see it. If you want to be mad people on the thread go right ahead. I have asked you 5 times have you listened. You either don't answer or you accuse people of selling cables. Audiophiles want to know does it sound good or not. I'm asking you directly have you heard them or not? Are you going to listen or not. Nobody cares about your personal vendettas for folks you don't like. People read the thread to see if It sounds good or not. The only thing you have heard is the sound of your own voice. I challenge you to listen. You won't because your focus is bringing down something based on personal stuff. Its clear that you have posted now 16 times in 5 days and you have not heard one note. This tells me why you are here. Who do you work for? Fellow audiophiles if you want to listen my home is open to you. I want you to hear all you can. I do this for those who want to get the system right and seek the best sound possible. Hearing is believing. Talking runs a marathon.
Since posts that misstate and misrepresent what I say are being allowed and my replies are being disallowed I will no longer post to this thread.
I use a BMC MCCI phono stage and agree with Fremer that it is the best or second only to the Ypsilon phono stage. But this piece requires XLR inputs. Of course there are not HFC cables with XLRs. For this reason, I had special adapters for conversion from SE to XLRs and finally did get HFC UR phono cables that displaced my Ikeda specially wired XLR cables.

Since the HFC cables, no doubt, will further breakin, all I can say at this time is that the Ikeda cables will not go back in. I had thought that my music server playing double DSD had closed the gap, but now that is absurd. It is not even close! I have long used Sinatra at the Sands with Count Basie as a test. I always thought it was an unusually good recording. It is indeed! Now I hear the reverb in the room and the Basie band even when they are not playing.

Of course other things in my system contribute to this, but these cables on phono are revolutionary in my experience.

With all due respect, for your information, full disclosure means coming clean with a clear and direct statement of your own position -- instead of producing a smokescreen of self-serving statements directed at others along with a blow-by-blow description of your latest and inevitably fabulous listening session with friends -- that I am sure everyone was waiting to receive with bated breath.

You have already admitted selling cables. Why not make the details clear for everyone on this thread instead of appending it in a back-handed coda to a long post? It should be pretty easy for you to make a clear and up-front statement -- should it not? -- without a camouflage of diversions and obligatory LOLs. The more evasive the responses the more one is encouraged to speculate and draw conclusions -- obviously.
@everyone. We share experiences as audiophiles. I hope that if anyone has an opinion about how something sounds I know I appreciate it. I like when someone finds an item that they enjoy. I have found a few. Lol. I have also had some duds along they way. I will continue to enjoy what I have and share it with you. I make changes to my system and when I do I share what I think is good and what is not. I care about sound. If tin foil gets you there I'm happy for you. If an expensive cable gets you there then I'm happy for you. Earlier in this thread I thought that there was no way the upper high fidelity could be that good. Then a funny thing happened. "I HEARD THEM!!!. The reason I have them now is because I liked what I heard. You judge for yourself. Don't let anybody tell you what to like. I had a friend once and he would try to tell me what was good and what was not. However, I realized he never heard what he commented on and our taste were a little different. Do your own research. Hear what you can and decide based on that. #Hearing is believing!!!
Hi All, thanks for keeping the thread going. Antics are amusing to some.
Information and personal experience are interesting to most.
Another Two audiophile friends stopped by to listen on their way thru town yesterday. They said that they never heard anything so flawless, pure and lifelike. I love showing off my system that was 35 years in the making.
High Fidelity Cables are the biggest improvement I've ever heard! Folks tell me often that they experience that too. Ones who have heard them.
The Music is on and I'm breaking in my upgraded HF URR power filter and before even any extra tweaking it excels. even more balance, speed, effortlessness, purity, realism! Shocking bass, so crisp clear and musical.
Never any smear, even in the most complicated passages. Words fall far short of the actual experience. 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'.
So you would need to be putting HF cables in your system to know what we who have HF are referring to. ;-)
Sabai full disclosure, you are on the wrong thread buddy and only blog bugs would care what you would like. Full disclosure, you have issues with Rick is why you try in vane to make an impact here. But thanks for the amusement!! Good laugh!! hugs and kisses D
If you go back to the beginning, you will find at least 30 or more people on this thread who claim to be HFC owners saying these cables are game changing.

So even if a few of them are plants, this thread has more actual user reports than almost any other cable thread on Audiogon.

Its true the last 20 pages of this thread have been dominated by the same 5 users, but that should not be something to hold against HFC or Rick Schultz, which is what some cable-bitten audiophiles are trying to do.