High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Wow great descriptions if High Fidelity gear! Thanks!! I agree with Mapman that they are useful posts. So good to see many positive experiences today. These dramatic shifts in playback resolution and realness Is why I've been so wildly enthusiastic. Never heard anything so amazing in audio. I've been listening to music since the 1950's and been a serious audiophile since 1980. Building systems with maximum sound for minimum money. Audio reviewers compared my $35K system to mid six figure systems. Decades of DIY HI End work and ultra tweaking got me impressive system sound. Best i'd heard until High Fidelity came along and changed audio as we know it. I became insanely awed by this new world in audio so price did not matter anymore. Sure it was a struggle to spend thousands where I used to spend hundreds but
I'm so happy and thrilled every day I don't mind spending 70% of my income on it. Do I sound like an audiohaulic? I am, and High Fidelity Cables are the sweet sweet candy that I crave. Caution: High Fidelity cables may be habit forming... ;-) enjoy the music!! DD.
I forgot to mention that I find my CT-1 U's to be very dynamic, fast and very natural sounding. I like the sound more then any other cable I've tried thus far. The last interconnects I was using were the JPS Labs Aluminata which sounded very good but the CT-1 U improved the sound.

If by chance you would ever get an opportunity to have a shootout between your friends DNM wires and your HF, I would be very interested in the findings.

Th troll says: nice useful posts from lak and Rl. Thanks!

The only problem with DNMs I have is that they are not shielded. I use them from my phono step-up transformer to pre-amp as well as from digital source to preamp and pre-amp to amp. I added mu-metal shielding around my step-up transformer to help address noise issues. Not unique to the DNMs there but they are particularly susceptible. SO some additional tweaking might be needed more so with any unshielded wire to help control noise, especially with low level phono gear. Otherwise, I love those little guys to death.
I don’t mean to speak poorly about any audio product and lets face it just because an audio product is expensive or inexpensive does not mean it sounds good, great or bad.
I have a friend that has a very good ear for music that uses the DNM Reson interconnects and he loves them, a lot of bang for the buck and I agree.
Lets face it; quite often they way any type of audio equipment sounds (power cords, interconnects, speaker cables, front-end or amp) is system dependent.
With that said over the past 30 years I’ve owned and tried and demoed a lot of interconnects, speaker cables and power cords.
When the CT-1 interconnect first came out (years ago from Canada) I was one of the first people to purchase two pair of interconnects.
They sounded good but not better then what I was currently using therefore after 30 days I returned them for a refund. Hell no; I was not going to spend that kind of money and hear no improvement!
Years later, I now own two pair of the HF CT-1U interconnect, speaker cable, and one power cord. When I find a really good deal on a used CT-1 UR interconnects I’ll probably purchase it and use it between my CDP and preamp instead of my CT-1 U because I’ve heard for myself what the HFC can do.
At this point of my life the CT-1 U is the best sounding interconnect and speaker cable I have heard in my main system and I’ve been luckily enough to purchase used at a price I could afford.
Believe me or choose not to believe me, I don’t care. I’m just trying to pass on some information to those that might be interested.

Raks; I wish I could answer your question for you but I have not heard the CT-1 speaker cable or the Nordost Tyr speaker cables.
IMO: if you liked the CT-1 interconnects then the CT-1 speaker cable might complete your loom of HFC and create better synergy.

Peace out everyone and enjoy the music…that’s what this is suppose to be about :-)
“Good Things In Life Take A Long Time"
Here is my experience with the HF Cables. I have tried a number of cables in my system over the years but it was not an obsession of mine as I found cable changes to evoke relatively minor changes such as tonal balance or level of detail. I tried many amps, speakers, and preamps as they always resulted in more major changes in sound quality. Currently I have some Essence solid-state electronics with a 30MHz bandwidth, although the preamp does have a pair of 12AX7 tubes. I use a pair of Audio Nirvana 12" single-driver speakers with cabinets built by a furniture maker, and have a JL Audio f113 subwoofer. I mostly listen to the 10,000 LP's I have on an SME turntable with Graham Phantom arm and Lyra Titan I cartridge. Major cable brands I have tried are Audioquest, Transparent, Straightwire, Expressive Technologies, Virtual Dynamics, Essential Sound Products, PS Audio, NBS (including some hyper-expensive ones), and most recently, Intuitive Design.

The first time I added a regular CT-1 interconnect between my Manley Steelhead Phono Stage and my preamp (trying them for 0.5mV phono signals did not work), I was stunned at the transformation of the sound. There was no doubt that the sound had changed, only whether you liked it. IMO, the change was radically better in my system and even greater than the changes in components I have tried. It wasn't just changes in tonal balance but a major improvement in the quality of the sound. Everything was more immediate and more present, an effect I like since it multiplies what I most like about single-driver speakers. It was easier to follow individual voices and instruments, like they sound in a live concert. Bass drum was quicker and separate from the thrum of bass guitars. In fact, everything was much quicker. Voices were more realistic and the treble was even better than that from some Acapella speakers I had with ion tweeters. You could more easily hear cymbal taps in their own space. And there was a coherence to the sound, an ease, and a big liquid soundstage. This was not the usual lean, hyper-detailed sound you hear at audio shows, but big and transparent.

I have since added another CT-1 between my amp and preamp, and a pair of CT-1 speaker cables. I would say it multiplies the effect previously mentioned as well as making the speakers disappear, but not as shockingly as when I added the first cable. Just yesterday I received a pair of CT-1 Ultimates and replaced the CT-1s between my phono stage and preamp. Again, from very limited use, I hear even more transparency, immediacy, and space. The bass is a little constipated and warmth and robustness are down, but if it follows what I usually hear during break-in, this will improve greatly over time.

This is what I hear in my system, which might be a little different with the single-driver speakers and very high-bandwidth electronics. I am planning to move up the line when my kids finally get out of college, but having fun.

Hope this helps.
I'd really appreciate it if I could get feedback from those who switched to High Fidelity CT-1 speaker cables.

I currently own Nordost Tyr speaker cables and based on my positive experience in replacing Kubala Emotion interconnects with High Fidelity CT-1 interconnects, I'm wondering if I'd get the same bang for the buck.
@ddraudt great insight. Had another jazz session yesterday. Best thing to do after a long stressful day. Music is medication to patients. Lol. I'm enjoying it all more since I got the high fidelity stuff. It's been a wonderful sound trip. I will try your music suggestions soon. I usually use the sd card function on my Dac to play my tunes when I want my best and highest sound quality. However, I found a way to stream the TIDAL music service from my DAC and I'm enjoying even more music. High fidelity along with the other parts of my system operate like hands to gloves. The music comes out and envelopes you. Don't talk just listen!!!
Calvinj, Yes It it tiring, let's ignore swamp water, grog and pam from now on.
I listened to a wide variety of music today From The Beatles to Knife Fight.
At 1:18 A.M. I'm listening to Native American Flute but I've heard classical and HipHop R&B, groups I recall from nearly 60 years ago. I still enjoy Van Morrison's "astral weeks" album and Rickie Lee Jones. Have you heard
Ottmar Lieber & Luna Negra's album "VIVA" Astonishing recording to me.

I'm so grateful to have had my best friend and lifetime audio buddy tell me about these High Fidelity magnetic cables 3 years ago. I'm glad he got to hear them before he passed. He was a true music lover and audiophile and got to hear this innovation that we both realized was about to change the audio game. I've focused most of my energy into hearing More and more magnetic magic. A sizable effort to be sure over the past several years but each step up brings such a rewarding insight into the new world order in audio. and such sheer JOY..
(Doubters, please don't take my word for it!),(Interested parties, Please don't take my word for it) Just listen...If you can't hear the difference, Please... Move ON with your life!
If you could not or would not afford HF cables I would take caution...
most addictive audio product ever ;-) Really!
@ddraudt the trolls are mutating. I've have never seen it in my life three guys that have nothing to say about the product with nothing to say about the sound attacking those who have heard them and are commenting about the sound that they like. Are you kidding me? I'm watching three grown men telling other grown men what and how to spend their money on. What kind of foolery is this? Audiophiles get the best sound that they can get. I'm happy if you find any cable or product it's your business. I'm not going to tell you not to like it or not. It's a personal choice. I've had read a bunch of threads and I have never seen guys determined to tell you what you are not hearing even though they have never heard it. Lol. If you want to haul gravel in your mouth at 10 cent a load it's your business. Not one post they describe if it's good or not. Can't describe the treble, bass, soundstage, dynamics,detail, separation or decay. But they post anyway. I have really enjoyed my time with my high fidelity and will continue too. Best I've heard so far. I can tell you what I like about them. They can't tell you what they don't like. Lol. Don't talk just listen.
If it be trolling to post cautionary comments for the potential benefit of those who might not recognize shilling for what it is, then I plead guilty. I will gladly continue to post on this thread as Swampy, the Trollman! Has a nice ring to it, I think. Ditto to question the morality of dedicating so much of your disposable income in that way. Like Mapman, I could even pay (oh the horror) RETAIL for those cables if I wished. But I think that's obscene. For that kind of $, you could hire real artists to perform for you.

And if you can't tell within 5 seconds, the difference between a live musician and a recording, then all the $ you CLAIM to have spent on those cables is totally wasted. A couple of years ago, my wife and I walked into Grand Central on a busy holiday weekend and started to walk down the stairs to the lower level where the food concessions are. We had not gotten 1/2 way down the stairs before we heard a violin and we both could tell immediately, over all of the noise and hubub, and around a corner, that it was a real man playing a real violin.

To those who disagree, and find spending enough money to feed a family of four for a few years a reasonable and moral thing to do, go ahead. Your values are your values. Spend your $ as you see fit. My quibble is with the shilling and dishonesty of DD and his ilk.
Sorry about that DD.

You can continue on with your zero cost infomercial now.
Mcgrog map, Thanks for you wonderful insights into High Fidelity Cable.
" They may sound good but they are expensive." pearls of wisdom!! thanks.
I sure you comments about who you imagine I am have helped us all. good.
Do not worry if you have become the joke of this blog. You have stuck to you guns and have continued to come here and say nothing at all useful.
I applaud the courage and integrity you have shown over and over and over and over again. I've heard that there are other threads aching for your input
on stuff you are unfamiliar with. ;-) DDD
Calvin, Great description of How High Fidelity cables work in your system!
You set a fine example. I have been noticing how wonderful piano sounds lately. One of the most complex collection of sounds, piano is, to me, the most difficult instrument to reproduce faithfully. High Fidelity cables speed and control, naturalness, dynamics both macro and micro, imaging and effortlessness allow amazing and previously unheard piano beautifulness!!
I agree that those who have not heard have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of value to say here. "A fool knows the price of everything and the value of nothing"
So happy you are having fun with it. DDD
DNM could certainly be an excellent cable, higher price in audio does not always equal better, no question. Lower cost systems can outperform more expensive ones sometimes. I just would not worry about how others allocate their money was my point.
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So just for arguments sake, I use DNM Reson ICs exclusively in my system. Price I have paid ranges from $50 up to $200 each.

I would say these make the same kind of differences to the same extent in my system as do the HF wires in others.

If you look at them, there is not much to them. A very minimalist design. I pay the asking price which I deem reasonable for the benefits incurred.

THe HF wires might be better. Don't know. But the sound I have currently meets my goals that I have established by listening to many systems at all price ranges over the years, some with very high end wires like the HF. Live music events of various types over teh years serve as my other reference.

Some day maybe I will try a HF wire. As I indicated initally in this thread, I do find the design to be different and intriguing. I just can't justify the cost at present.

Its true the only way to know is to try. I;d recommend trying the DNMs as well. One might save a few $$$s to invest in their system or music elsewhere. Or not. You never can tell....
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. That's pretty much the whole story here.

Wires that cost more than the price of a semester's tuition at some colleges are bound to be controversial. It would seem to go with the turf. Its strange to me that even the biggest fans won't acknowledge that.

BTW I am not jealous, not that it matters. I could easily afford these wires if I thought them worth the money, but I don't so there. There is no wire that I would think worth it. That's just me. YMMV.
Your post is insightful and honest, insecurity can manifest as envy or outright jealousy regrettably. There is an upper echelon of nearly every product catagory,High End audio isn't alone in this regard. Automobiles,luxury homes,watches/jewelry, clothing and on and on. A broad spectrum exist for both quality and cost, value is an individual judgement. what people choose to spend(or not spend) is their business.

I have my limits as do most everyone else. If someone is able to spend multiples of my self imposed budget why would that be of any concern to me? It seems it's better to be happy with what you're able to afford and not worry about how other adults spend their disposable income.
@lak. If you like latin Jazz at all. Listen to Buena Vista Social club. Cuban band. I don't speak spanish but the musicians play with so much emotion. The person and the instrument are one. Also Pancho Sanchez "Conga Blue" is a great album. If you are in it for the music take a listen. You will be moved by the music. @ddraudt. I listened to Michael Buble tonight. I know it's cheesy but he records well. Lol. I also went back in time today and pulled out some r&b Michael Cooper. He is the former lead singer of Con Funk Shun. Older album. I had a great time today after work. Listening. High Fidelity is getting it done on r&b, jazz, world music, latin Jazz and Blues. If you are a big time Blues fan. My favorite blues album I have ever heard is Lightnin Hopkins "Blues Hoot". He is from Texas. Get the Dcc version. It's remastered and expensive. However, the sound quality is amazing and it ps recorded well. Lightnin inspired a lot of the Rock Bands and they refer to him as one of the greatest they have heard. My grandfather listened to him when I was younger on the 8track tapes in the Cadillac. It's all about the music for me. It's about the sound and if the equipment sounds good. I could care less about someone I will never meet telling me that I say I like something too much too many times. Audiophiles don't let me or anyone tell you what's good listen to it. I tried a whole bunch of cables from other high end brands to DIY stuff. It's not even close as far as I'm concerned. Cost is more but performance of the high fidelity stuff is amazing. The highs are extended and non-fatiguing. They are non-offensive. Detailed without being bright. Just the right amount of metal and splash. Decay is special on cymbals. The upper midrange is sweet. The initial strike of guitar and piano notes is special in the initial attack. It allows the player to get on and off the note and you can hear the inside of piano and guitar. Voices are realistic open and real sounding. The lower midrange and upper bass is nuetral and does not allow those areas to get out of control. The mid bass and lower bass is deep tight and realistic. When low drum rolls hit it's snappy with just the right amount of thump. The upright bass guitar is woody and organic. Speed and prat is uncanny fast and can unravel any complex passages thrown at it. So there is my music suggestions and there is my high fidelity ultimate review. This stuff is like cake to a Fat kid. I love it. Lol. I could go on and on but then I would just be using words not talking about sound. #dont talk just listen. Get it. Those who talk and don't listen usually don't get it. They just give you words with no sound. Lol. Boom. Boom. Boom. Couples retreat Boom Boom Boom. Lol.
@rlawry I'm guilty as charged. Sentence me to life!!!. I want the best sound I can get. Now you are a man I would listen to. You are speaking the truth about us all.
Mapman...jealousy doesn't become you...!.do you frequent sports car sites and bemoan the fact that some people actually pay >$100,000 for a Porsche...or Ferrari..?...It's all relative...High Fidelity Cables ..to those who can afford them are , in some cases, a means to an end in their search for the ultimate cable.Why would anyone,ie you, want to belittle their happiness with the music they love.? It speaks volumes about your insecurities.No one, that is secure within himself, begrudges anyone else's happiness.Very sad indeed...This thread is about HF cables....If you haven't tried the cables..which you apparently haven't, you can't comment on them pro or con....If you haven't tried them....find another thread to troll.Rick's cables are the best some of us have tried.....enough said..
@ddraudt. They will find happy, satisfied audiophiles anywhere and bring them down. @everyone if you like your sound and you post here be careful. You will be accused of marketing even though your accusers have never actually heard the product that you are happy with. There is no way possible anyone could be happy with an audio product and keep it for a long time that's not possible in audio. It's not supposed to happen you better not break the rules. Oh I forgot a grown man is supposed to get approval from a stranger before he buys an audio product or tells somebody else it sounds good. Even though the stranger hasn't heard what he tells you not to buy. Oh I get it. Genius. Why would another man care about how much another likes or dislikes a particular product. I tell you why because they think you are all fools and they are the experts. Enjoy what you have. Get what you can. Do what you want or like but remember to get approval from some strange guys that you know nothing about. I have a suggestion. Listen for yourself!!!!!. You don't ask a vegetarian how the steaks taste at a resteraunt. Why in the world would you trust a guy who comments about something they have never heard!!! Oh longtime audiogon members have all the answers. They tell you what to do and you better listen because after all they are wayyyy smarter than the rest of us shorter time audio members.
Calvinj, Rlawry, Thanks for posting. My system it troublingly addictive at this point. The music is alway on because it HAS to be!!
Life is not the same without the music! Thanks High Fidelity Cables!!
I'm thinking of a joke that would start something like this...
"Three Trolls walked into an audio store. Their names were Grogs, Swampy and NamPam and they hated music. The better the music, the worse they hated it....."
I haven't finished it yet but I'm sure it will be funny in a sad sort of way.
Jmcgrogs map. thanks for you insightful comments of High Fidelity Cables.
I agree that they sound terrific!!! Cheers D
We audiophiles are guilty as charged. We do most anything for improved sound and are amazingly fickle, hence the quick price depreciation on HF Cables and pretty much everything else audiophile-related. I do like the fancy boxes as they are great for shipping cables and I worry a lot less about their being damaged. I once had a pair of monitor speakers with stands made from plaster and lead. The UPS brain trust managed to turn the stands into a box of dust with lead bars mixed randomly in.
Not to mention the fancy boxes they come in and note promoting the designer inside.

Who needs fancy boxes for wires anyway? I guess it makes it easier come time to resell. I see these up for sale regularly here on agon these days for only a fraction of what you would pay retail off teh vendors site. What a deal!
If not for audiogon, where else could someone go to gush about wires that cost more than most people invest in music total and not get ridiculed off the face of the earth, no matter how good or not the things actually sound.
@uh oh. I did it again I let them get me to about things other than how it sounds. Lol. I got to remember sound is not important conspiracies are! Lol.
I pray for those who speak falsehoods. I appreciate all the audiophiles who read the threads. I remember the first negative comment I got on audiogon 5 years ago came from you. You know who you are. Lol. I will not speak your name. It had nothing to do with sound. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me you are who you are. Lol. I shouldn't expect anything else. Considering the source. Anyway, anyone reading this listen for yourself don't let me or anyone else decide what sounds good to you. I have my own business and I spend my time in the hobby. If something sounds good I will tell you. If it sounds great I will tell you a whole bunch of times. @lak keep enjoying the music. @ddraudt keep sharing your adventures with us. I'm listening to Kenny Garrett tonight. @lak you might want to try that artist.
@everyone notice how no one ever says I'm wrong about how it sounds. They just throw up conspiracy theories. It's simple I could care less about how long or often somebody has been in cyberspace. Does it sound good or not. If that is the most important thing to you read my posts. If it's not then ignore me. It's just that simple. People posts here because they want to know what your ears hear. They could care less about the opinion of your tongue. Lol.
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Audioguy003, Welcome and thank you for an on topic post. also, Congrats on being in the top 3 of the worlds' audio guys! ;-).
I have UR speaker cables and believe that isolation damping and shielding make a bigger difference than spades or bananas. also that it could be system dependent... I've always preferred spades in the past 40 years except where I can leave out connectors altogether. Because I could get spades much tighter. My current amp does not have any binding posts so connecting spades is a chore and bananas impossible.
Magnetic conduction is different enough that bananas may keep the topology of the signal/magnetic fields more in line. (Theory)
I am having magnetic binding posts installed in my latest amp and speakers.
At that point, Bananas will be the go to ends. Until then, I am using "cranked down" spades as in past decades.
Perhaps you will have an opportunity to experiment on your system.
Remember you must leave them in at least 24 hours in order that they can resettle before meaningful comparisons can be made.
I hope other UR owners will comment on their experiences.

I recommend polishing the ends (and threads) then adding "Stabilent 22" contact enhancer as High Fidelity suggested to me.
Enjoy the Music
Thank you Rick! I have another late night of listening with a friend. Superb sound thanks to High Fidelity cables' quantum shift in audio. I had to turn it up when I woke up this morning. Can't seem to get enough of this euphoria.
If only all could hear what I hear!! I more than love these HF products!!
I have no problem with people promoting products here for any reason. The truth always comes out over time.
@lak how are those cds sounding. I hope you are happy with them. I will keep the suggestions coming. I have so much music I spent a lot of time just getting my system, cable, sources etc. right. I try to figure out what your tastes allow and make suggestions from there. Seems like there are so many different tastes and opinions out here. My suggestion is to hear it for yourself when possible and make your decision from there.
Anyone else think that dd and calvin should move their lovefest to a private chatroom? It's getting pretty deep in here. And unless I'm totally confused about how audio works, no one can tell what these cables "sound like" by wading through 38 pages of bull$hill ;-) What a waste of bandwidth! But if it's true that there is no such thing as bad publicity, you guys are marketing geniuses. Or is it geniuii?
I would appreciated if any member who has HF CT-1UR speaker cables could recommend which connectors bananas or spades are best to use? I read a review which stated that HF bananas have some permeability with the speaker binding posts where as the spades are not. This reviewer preferred HF speaker cables using spades instead.
@ddraudt. Another suggestion. Landmark smooth jazz album. Najee"Najee's Theme". Try it came out in 1987.
@ddraudt. I totally understand where you are coming from. I didn't listen much saturday because I'm starting to gain weight from sitting in my sweet spot and not moving much. Lol. I have a great sound and I want to keep it going and just enjoy my music. I look at the posts and participate in the forum but I'm more interested in if my system sounds special and satisfying and with the high fidelity stuff it gets that done for me. I will get some more listening in this week. I guess some people don't understand. However, if you get them in your system and play them. They really perform well. For those reading this the lyrics of one of my favorite songs starts with the line "Dont Talk Just Listen".
I was not joking.

Also I have nothing against magnets.

You are right that there is nothing I can add to this thread. Especially since I get mocked rather than my questions by which one might learn something new of value getting answered.

So it is what it is I can accept that.
Mapman. sorry for the misspelling, the P in magpie was supposed to be a G.
:-) - D
But seriously! You come on a High Fidelity Thread and actually state that you turned down a free listen to High Fidelity Cables. On a thread devoted to High Fidelity Cables. Subject "High Fidelity Cables Designed by Rick Schultz". So I naturally think you are joking and I joke back.
It's like you're extolling the virtue of sugar in a diabetic blog.
kidding or crazy?? you decide.
Since you posts mean absolutely nothing to anyone here I though you wanted attention really badly and gave some. I would comment on your posts but, alas, there is nothing there. You are so anti magnetic I think of you as Auntie Mags, no matter what name I write.
Cheers ;-) The Shillster
Help! I'm having a big problem with High Fidelity Cables!!!
Perhaps some of you have had similar issues?
With HF cables in my system I'm finding it very hard to walk away from the music. 3 A.M. and I should go to bed, but I'm caught inside this most alluring performance of my life and can't stop listening!!!
How do you handle this awful situation I your home?? ;-) D
Lak, Thanks for your music suggestions! I have Hugh's "Hope" album and find it's beautiful, so real, horn work magnificent!! I do check out suggestions on the web but my cheap headphones into my computer is but a vague hint at the actual sound.
You might also want to look into Hennie Bekker "Amani" African Tapestries and Hadouk Trio "Air Hadouk". I also enjo Hugh Masekela "Hope". All three very well recorded and dynamic. I always search out samples on the internet first, to make sure I think I will like what I'm buying.
@ddraudt I will continue to go through my collection I think I can pull a few more out of my hat. Lol. Keep enjoying. I'm glad that high fidelity uses a different approach than the typical speaker wires. Magnets make great music. I think that contributes to the speed that we get.

Are you resorting to name calling?

My name is mapman not magpie.

Just because your wires might be better than mine is no reason to call people names.
Magpie, although I greatly appreciate you concern for High Fidelity Owners
I know they are joyful. You seem so unhappy and negative I figure you are lacking love in your life. Cheer up ol' bean, life is as good as you let it be.
xoxo ;-) Dave Shillingsworth.