High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Thanks cheapbob. I enjoyed your writing style and what you had to say.
I've auditioned many HFC cables, cords and other products since 2012
and have enjoyed the times where my system got better every day for weeks as stuff broke in. gnomish to be sure.
My latest magnetic toys, two MC 1 Pro's were even better than I could have imagined. Lifting veils and revealing magic.
Sound improves nightly...GnomesAFFORDABLE AUDIOPHILE·MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018Monday morning-- 20AUG18 From the Sweetspot

I cannot seem to find my groove in song selection. I have gone from Knopfler to Gabriel, and now Phish...
Music and audio writing like any other "job" requires some work.

You would think with an extensive library of great music, deciding what to listen to would be the easy part. 
Quite the opposite. As a reviewer, we talk about the emotion of the music, the engagement of the Music. It is for this reason, the decision on what we listen to really is the election of the mood I am in, or the mood I am seeking.

If I wake up rather ambivalent, the choices are often difficult.
I thought the solution was to build playlists of music that I like to listen to. Obviously, any playlist will be themed. I put a lot of effort in picking songs that when they come on, I want to listen to them. My problem is remote controls, short attention span, and infinite choices.

I will be listening to an album while writing or reading, and a song will make me think of to have another song, and so I go searching for that song, while still listening to the first song, and so it goes, all day. 
Some days are better than others, I think myself a better programmer than the folks at the radio station.

And then there are days like today, Monday.
"Pink Floyd? meh! James Taylor? No, his son Livingston Taylor, hmmm, maybe, what else first?"Bear in mind, I am listening to a great stereo playing every song I selected to perfection, and the above-cited conversation is going on inside my head.

Then I push back the keyboard, relax and crank up the volume. 
I want the Music to Move through me, to make me the Music. Total engagement. Hit Save, and see you later-- this Phish has hit my spot! I don't believe in coincidence. I hit save, and pulled up the Audacious playlist, the song the Phish was performing as I was writing the above: 'You Enjoy Myself' on "Junta" by Phish. All things in their time. I have an hour of decent music.

My impression on the High Fidelity Cables loom after 100-hours of active signal-- there are glimpses of what is to come.
At this point, the magnetic adapters are fully burned in, and I am sure to have been carrying the water for the past few days. Of course, there is always the initial improvement upon plugging an MCT device in. That is a given.

The Reveal Power Cable has made a significant improvement in the sound, along with the Reveal Speaker Cables.
How can you delineate the improvement, from the Synergy?

That is a good question, and my answer would be called "circumstantial evidence" in law.

You see, I replaced a 6-foot run of copper lamp wire with a $999 Reveal Speaker Cable.

Therefore, an improvement is not only logical but an expectation.

In the case of the Reveal Power Cable, also $999, it replaced the 99-cent mass-produced stock power cord that was included with the unit.

Ditto above.

Therefore, if we could discern that actual source of improvement, circumstantially, the sound is better because there is $2,000 worth of technology at work here.
"Yes, we can reasonably conclude that the gun found in the man's hand is the one he used to shoot himself," answered the Detective to the attorney's direct question.

But what about the CT-2 Technology?
Well, that too is a very good question. It is totally ineffectual. All improvements are due to magnetic adapters, not CT-2.

But, but, applying the same logic as with the Reveal cables...?
No, that doesn't apply, even though the new CT-2 Technology costs $2,500 for interconnects? There is NO WAY the CT-2 is any more than just fancy interconnects, that have fully broken-in Magnetic Adapters. No different than the Monoprice interconnects.

Hey, Affordable Audiophile guy, you can't say that!

Well, I have said that magnetic adapters improve any cable, from the cheapest Monoprice $1.99 (with gold plated RCA) to "more expensive" audio cables.
Plus, EVERYBODY knows that the CT-2 effect doesn't occur until 400 hours of burn-in time. And I mean Everybody! So the magnetic adapters and the new speaker wire and power cables are doing all the heavy lifting, while the CT-2 Technology in the RCA and SPDIF interconnects are just lounging about.

"I don't even think about sounding good until at least 400 hours," said the CT-2 to the MC-01Pro Power conditioner... Neither wants to work until after Labor Day weekend.

While I am happy to go on flights of fancy, at this point, mid-day Five, I think everything is just perfect, just the way it is.
I have full expectation that the wee people will return, despite my efforts to secure the floor vent where I found the tiny wrench, and they will play with my stereo again tonight.

And tomorrow, I will wake up, get a cup of coffee, and turn up the volume.
Damn those Gnomes! (I will NOT be shouting.) In the place of my Schiit Modi Multibit, SPROUT100, and the loom of HFC cables is an entirely NEW sounding stereo, that looks identical to the one I was listening to last night. But, it doesn't sound at all like that one last night.

Five nights in a row, those fairies, gnomes, whatever they are--they have pulled off this stunt.

Rick Schultz--you never told me about the gnomes....damn expensive nightly service calls, I might add.  https://www.facebook.com/notes/affordable-audiophile/sound-improves-nightlygnomes/2106467576339868/

RCA Adaptors
I wanted to say that I have had a set of Magnetic adaptors for quite a while now and I was surprised at the huge improvement they made on a set of PRO series interconnects.
Magnetic stuff worked well on my old Panasonic receiver too!
68 Pete 
I put the MC Pro at the wall outlet to the system where I have all of my MC 0.5s. In my system 5s sounded better at the wall so I put the MC PRO there.
I have gotten a second MC 1 PRO and connected it also at the wall,
with my 16 MC-0.5s, where i have 3 duplex outlets plus 9 three way adaptors and two 12 gauge 2 foot extension cords.
The second PRO sounds great but it takes 5 days to break in new adaptors, so I'm waiting for that and the Pro to break in before my report.
I put the MC 1 Pro at the wall outlet the feeds the system. I haven't tried it in other places yet. I found that in my system, the 05s sounded better at the wall outlet then in other places so I continue to do that for now.
I have another MC Pro arriving today. I'll report after break in.
I went out and bought even more orange 3 way outlet extenders and a 12 awg- 2 ft, 3 way, power cord  that I can use to add both pros to the 16   MC-0.5s at the outlet.
There are 3 duplex outlets, 2 short power cords and 9 of the 3 way
connectors ( in 4 different shapes) at the wall outlet.
Where in your system did you place the MC 1 Pro? I put mine on the power line that feeds all of my front end. Will be getting another Pro and can add it to the same line at the wall or further up the line at the Hemisphere or on the power line for my amp. Everything is connected with High Fidelity power cords and MC O5s . With the exception of the 20 amp line for the amp which just has MC O.5s on that line at the wall.

I am really enjoying my First MC 1PRO and I'm looking forward to the second one. The one added another level of refinement and realism to my sound. I wrote some about my experience on a newer High fidelity thread called "High Fidelity MC 1 PRO". the One PRO does take some time to break in. I think 2 weeks is good. I already had 16 of the MC 0.5s
in my system. (All at the incoming power outlet as I heard it sound the best there). adding one MC 1 pro to 15 MC 0.5s made a very noticeable improvement. I will get more 1 PROs and report on how more of them sound. Check out the other thread if your interested in the 1 PRO.
Cheers D
Just pulled out my copy of the album above....

Got in touch with HFC to enquire about
a) Two MC-0.5s and two MC-01 pros
b) Four MC-0.5s and one MC-01 pro.
The latter sounds a better option altough the most economical to get on the ladder would be two MC-0.5s and one MC-01 pro!! This is the combination that hit the sweet spot with one reviewer with his set up.
So many options when one isn’t sure what it will do....and at what level of intensity.

From the Sweetspot - 31JUL18

"The Jazz Side of the Moon-The Music Of Pink Floyd"
by Sam Yahel, Mike Moreno, Ari Hoenig, Seamus Blake

I have been awestruck by this recording. I am already into the third cut before I could form words.
I rarely come across a piece of Music, so unique as to make me want to tell everyone I know that I have found Gold!

We have all heard "interpretations" of the Pink Floyd Classic "The Dark Side of the Moon", some better than others, but I had never heard a Jazz rendition.

This is a Chesky Records production and it is well worth tracking down on Spotify.

It is done well, it is done respectfully to the intent of each passage. Imitation may be a sincere form of flattery, but only if done well.

This is the Best cover of Pink Floyd I have heard.

I am shaking down this iFi Audio micro iDSD BL, letting the signals flow through the magnetic conduction devices 24-hours a day.

Burn-in time with Magnetic Conduction is the secret sauce.

You hear an immediate impact, just plugging in, but NOTHING like you will hear after 3 days (72-hours) or 9-days, which is over 200 hours.

This is what they call the "introduction to the potential"-phase. Each day it sounds better than the night before. like the gift that keeps on giving.

I have been told that 400 hours of signal (17 days) is the "official" break-in period, and the further up the design chain, the longer the break-in period.

New CT-2 technology begins to "come into song" after 400 hours of burn.

I am sure the R&D folks have realized that there is no end to the improvement. Think about it. The effect is immediate, but it gets better.

By what mechanism does this process "shut off"? Logically, it would be when the magnets begin to fail, right?

Exactly right, you get the gold star. These magnets will fail someday, and we hope that the slight loss of Sound Quality will not be significant...you see these are Permanent Magnets, and yes, in 10,000 years, they will have lost <1% of their magnetic power.

Okay, I get it...as long as the magnetic adapters are attached to the cable or MCT device, they will just keep getting better?

Well, the Lab boys say I cannot make that claim, as we don't have the technology to age a device for 10,000 years.

Alright, enough of the run-around, how long do I need to break in a High Fidelity Cables Magnetic Conduction device?

Let me answer in the most honest way I know how, and mean no disrespect---they will still be burning-in when you can no longer use them, if added to the Will, will keep on sounding good well into the future.

I am not a scientist, I am an audio writer, I have no way of telling how long, but 400 hours Minimum for maximum effect.
Unless you think there is a noise floor somewhere below dead silent...

Yes getting one or two is worth it. I started with two like it so much i kept adding over time. I would suggest get the MC O,5s first. They are a lot cheaper and do not take as long to break in. Then add the MC 1 Pro a little later if you like what the MC O,5s do. Just remember to place them where you want and give them some time. I would not move them around to quickly, it would be like starting over again. Yes i would do the MC O.5s or the Pro before speaker cables or both if you can afford it. that is what i like the most about the MC O.5s you can add them when it is affordably.
Good luck
My God is it even worth getting two?
Or I could get two MC-01 only instead? or do they do different things or much of the same but with more intensity?
What is your recommendation please?
The MC o.5s are a good bang for the bucks. And for me work well with the MC 1 Pro. The MC 1 pro had a much longer break in than the .5s for me. i am `thinking about adding another MC 1 Pro to my system in the very near future. I have 21 MC O.5 on my 20 amp dedicated line for my amp. I like what they do.
Good luck Report back
The MC1s intrigue me. I was thinking of putting some 0.5s on the dedicated line that I use for the server (Memory Player) and the amp (Absolare). The raw power is a fed through UPS acting in effect like a voltage stabilizer. I hope it will still be effective. Perhaps I should try the MC1s a try instead of the speaker cable upgrade.
Sadly with limited resources it will be one or the other, sight unseen....or unheard.
I went from the UR power cord to the URH power cord. It is a step up, i had the UR power cord on my disc  player. I moved it to my preamp and add the URH power cord on my disc  player. There was a increase in sound for the better. not earth shattering but noticeable for me. Keep in mind that my system has a lot of High Fidelity products in it. I did not do a A/B comparison. To do it honestly i think you would have to remove all of the High Fidelity products from a system for a couple of days then start the comparison. I feel depending on where you compare the 2 power cords would all so make a difference (equipment used on). I did add a Pro power cord to the mix and that was night and day difference for the better. The power cords are not cheap so what is a good amount of increase for some may not be worth it to others. I would give the MC 1 Pros a listen. Cheaper than the URH power cord and a very nice increase in sound. Slower to break in than a power cord. But if you like what the other High Fidelity products did for your system . The MC 1 Pros will make you happy.
Report back on what you did or find.
Enjoy Pete 
@sevenoranges if possible (based on your location) give HFC a phone call and ask them because they should have heard both and could describe sonic differences. By the way your question is an excellent one!
Sadly I am miles and miles and oceans away from being able to trial anything.
I love the system at the moment with the CT-1 UR speaker cables but just wondered if those that have heard both versions (original and Helix) could chime in with their experiences on the improvement.
I have asked to see whether my upgrade will include the CT-2 technology. Helix I am sure about, the latter not as yet.
It is my understanding that the CT-2 technology will replace CT-1 in the future products. As to whether you should upgrade, it not a obvious answer. If you are interested in a trial, your dealer should allow a trial. If it sounds better, then know it will only get better. If is the same...
To Helix or not?
I have a set of CT-1 Ultimate Reference speaker cables - quite an early version and am debating spending money on upgrading them to the newest Helix version. I am not sure if it has the CT-2 technology.
Can someone wax lyrical on the perceived changes (I assume for the much better).
I must confess I am really quite satisfied with the system with the CT-1 UR speaker cables (treated with Total Contact) as they are....
Okay. I am excited because I have heard an improvement on a very modest entry-level system. I heard it immediately. And over 72, 200, and more hours, it continues to come into song. As for my literary style...I was a Sports Editor in a prior life. Audio review isn’t much different. Folks defend their Audio positions like rooting for the home team. We build alliegence, and argue with Home team enthusiasm.
Obviously, everyone isn't going to agree 100% of the time, different strokes for different folks.
Although I respect fleschler's opinions just because he heard one system with high-end HFC products and replaced all interconnects with a much less costly product doesn't always mean the results will be the same.
You said "there is an improvement" which implies better. If you think everyone likes the sound, check out fleschler's rants.

hyper hyperbole = the best thing since sliced bread
gross generalization = "ANY stereo system will be improved"

@jay23It has been my experience, personally that the improvement is so noticeable, no one who has experienced it has disagreed. Now whether different is better, the same or worse, is an entirely different question. I am more prone to hyper hyperbole than gross generalizations. I heard them, I heard them improve over time, I bought them, no regrets...other than that, to each his own.
My point is merely that not everyone will hear a difference, and of those that do, not all will consider it an improvement. Any stereo may be improved for your tastes. To say anything more is a gross generalization.
"This will never be true of ANY product."

Have you ever heard the Magnetic Adapters implemented on a 20-year old receiver, hooked up to 50-year speakers? 

And the interconnects were the CHEAPEST ones sold by Monoprice.

Probably not, or you would not make such a sweeping generalization of every know tweak from Magnets to Tiptoes.

Based on my experience, not speculation, the deployment of HFC Magnetic Adapters on my digital coax, and RCA audio interconnects elevated the sound quality of my Affordable Audiophile Reference system to a level commensurate to a system costing thousands of dollars.

And I throw down the proverbial glove and challenge you to give them a try on your own system. If you don't hear an improvement in Soundstage, Transparency, and Detail, then report back.

I am confident that ANY stereo system will be improved by the HFC Magnetic Adapters.

Well to each his own. Can’t tell me what i heard or,didn’t hear. All I know things sound bigger than they sounded with the ct1 the ct2 is a big step in the line. I’ve listened to a lot of cables and this is one of the best so far. 
yet anyone who has heard the Magnets will agree...there is an improvement in Sound Quality, Soundstage, and Transparency.

Any stereo, no matter the price, will be improved by the use of HFC Magnetic Innovations.

This will never be true of ANY product. 

I’m listening to,the CT-2 interconnects and wow. They sound great. They are open and clear with a lower noise floor than the CT-1. Then they also have better treble extension. This is a great interconnect Cable definitely and improvement over the ct1

"In an experiment utilizing an RCA cable with one connector 100 at each end of the cable, nickel and gold plated neodymium magnets were used for the active signal pin in the RCA connectors. Upon inserting the cable into an audio system, there was a noted performance enhancement that provided the listener with increased musical detail and clarity, when compared with a using an RCA cable with standard RCA connectors having non-ferromagnetic, non-magnetized pins made of, e.g., copper, silver or brass. Potential benefits of using a permanent magnet in the circuit path with active (data or power) signal contacts such as pins and sockets may include improved signal to noise ratio, lower total harmonic distortion, lower intermodular distortion, an increase in low-level resolution, lower losses in the cabling, lower resistance in the connections, and a potential increase in energy efficiency, for example." -- https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160219701A1/en?oq=20160219701

"What about new CT-2 power cords? Any experience?"

I am doing the CT-2 interconnects, and Reveal Power Cable.
As the "Affordable Audiophile" I own a set of the HFC Magnetic Adapters. "100%" is a modest measure of the improvement.

My findings: Magnetic Adapters will create a Holographic Soundstage, eliminate the noise floor, and expand the musical presence after 200 hours of signal, burn-in.

This test was conducted with a vintage receiver, and a pair of 40+-year-old Advents, using the cheapest Monoprice interconnects they offer. (Digital coax and RCA  interconnects).

I challenge anyone to test out a set of Magnetic Adapters on ANY stereo system, and if you don't hear the same improvements, you may have hearing issues.

I tested an HFC Titanium interconnect ($6K) for 72 hours, and I can honestly say that the synergy of the Magnetic Adapters came very close to the level of improvement I experienced with the Titanium.

I have also heard the improvement that Rick's CT-1 Ultimate Power Cable had during a brief visit.

I will be testing the newest CT-2 interconnects, on my system with Reveal speaker cables replacing my Nordost Valhalla Reference Speaker cables, and a Reveal Power cord, as neither the speaker wires or stock power cord have any HFC influence.

The point is-- Magnets Make More Music, and More Magnets Make even More Music.

In the last century, Tesla and Edison fought the nasty AC-DC battles.

Most folks could not understand the science of a filament light bulb making light, but when hooked to this "electricity" it made a dark room light. 

Magnetic Innovations and the inventor Rick Schultz are similar to Tesla...misunderstood by the masses, yet anyone who has heard the Magnets will agree...there is an improvement in Sound Quality, Soundstage, and Transparency.

Any stereo, no matter the price, will be improved by the use of HFC Magnetic Innovations.
Drop the Magnets.
+1 lak I do not claim to understand the science behind it or any body else products. But the end results is what counts, and with the High Fidelity products in my system it has improved 100%. Its the end results that matter not the science or the theory. Just better music sound.
I prefer to listen carefully to the music I hear and determine for myself if there is a difference and do I prefer what I hear. For me a scientific explanation isn't necessary and regardless of what some believe everything in the univeste can't always be proven.
I've attended his/HFC demos and heard his system at shows for several years. I've also heard bizarre statements/contradictions by him like "I don't make balanced cables because it's impossible for two conductors to be identical"....and then the next year when he started selling balanced cables, I remind him of what he adamantly said the previous year, and he gets a perplexed/nervous look... dead silence... then claims he can't remember saying that.

I also watched him focus light from a certain bulb with a demo magnet while implying that the same thing happens with the signal in his cables.  It's sheer folly, but seems some people in this thread actually believe him. Obviously they didn't know the two simple questions they could have asked to prove that it doesn't work like he implies.

The first thing I asked him to do was take that powerful demo magnet that was bending light in a bulb (and that he said was more powerful than the one in his cable) and, instead of putting it up to the light bulb, put the magnet up against the dinky unshielded power cord connected to his projector being used in the demo.  If that super powerful demo magnet was doing the same thing with cable signals as he was implying with light, then the magnet should pull the electrons away from the power cord and either shut off the projector or at least dim it.  Guess what? The magnet did nothing to the power cord. He actually proved to himself that his analogy was sheer folly. I didn't have to say a word.

I won't go into the second question I asked him, but you can figure it out yourself if you know how magnets work and see the difference between the power plug things he sells which he implies can go anywhere to help, yet listen to him explain how important it is to place the magnets precisely on his ICs.

Like most snake oil, you don't have to even argue or debate science. You can just listen carefully to what they say... ask logical questions... and they will shoot themselves in the foot for you.
You don't have to have the volume turned up when burning in. I created a mp3 playlist enough for 12 hours. Left it playing in a loop overnight or when not actually listening during waking hours. 200 hours is like nine days. Trust me, it is worth the effort.
I recently added the HFC CT-2 RCA interconnect and it was a significant improvement over the HFC Reveal RCA interconnect. If you want to hear the synergy of your system components, I highly recommend the CT-2. I found it to be very transparent while increasing the soundstage width and depth. As well, the additional clarity, dynamics and bass allowed a much more intimate involvement with the music. As one of my audiophile buds says, "...you can't miss it if you have not heard it..." The CT-2 let me hear music I had been missing on my media. Since it was the only change in the system, it was without doubt the culprit for my added enjoyment. As an added bonus, the trade-in allowance for the Reveal RCA significantly reduced the cost to upgrade. Considering that HFC doesn't advertise and has won six 2018 "Best" in show awards to include AXPONA is a testament to the "magnets make more music" HFC motto! 
The Pro Power Cord is just getting better and better-The sound stage has become very layered from front to back  very deep now. the width has all so grown to  the outside of the speakers. could not be happier with it.
The Pro Power Cord has about 50 plus hours on it and its still getting better. The music is just really becoming 3D like in the sound stage. Everything is better across the board. I have to be careful the sound really draws you in and i do not get my honey do list done i just listen all day. This power cord is not a tweak its a major component up grade in sound. Yes they are not cheap, but worth  the cost.
enjoy Pete
I am currently testing an entire set of RCA Magnetic Adapters. The true "burn-in" is closer to 200 hours, although the effect is profound from 72-hours on. I have them on both my Digital Coax (which is a Premium Monoprice for $3.99) https://www.monoprice.com/product?c_id=102&cp_id=10236&cs_id=1023603&p_id=2681&seq=1...

And both ends of a pair of handmade RCA stereo interconnects, purchased from the builder for $30 off eBay.

I have tested a $5,900 HFC Titanium interconnect, for 72 hours. I believe that the entire set of RCA  Magnetic adapters create a synergistic effect when deployed on ANY stereo system, no matter what cables are involved. Because the technology of Magnetic Conduction is so new to the industry, people don't understand that the electron beam is going from diffused to a focused beam. The physical structure of the cable, and therefore the price-- are irrelevant to this technology.

Now does this synergy of $800 worth of adapters elevate the sound quality on par with the Titanium interconnect? Yes, it does.

And here is why. My "Computer Audiophile on the Cheap" reference system is nothing spectacular. I have a Denon AVR 2805, a pair of Original Large Loudspeaker by Advent (new-1975), and I use Raspberry Pi with SPDIF as a network endpoint, feeding the Schiit Modi Multibit ($249) with a bit-perfect data stream.

In each application, the High Fidelity Cables adapters have fully enveloped the signal path with electromagnetic conduction. Instead of a diffused cloud of electrons flowing along the skin of the cable, you have a razor sharp, a focused beam from the source to destination.

Sure, better quality DACs and more expensive amps may make an incremental improvement, the investment of $800 on a full set of adapters will improve the SQ of ANY stereo, from an old receiver and speakers from the 1970s, or a high-end audiophile dream system.

That alone sets Rick Schultz and HFC in a class all of their own.

No other tweak, at any price, will improve the system sound more than the deployment of HFC Magnetic Adapters.


Drop the Magnet.

The MC-1 Pro looks like Mickey ears, and a Disney lawsuit waiting to happen! 😂

I hope it is as good as claimed. This seems like a deviation from their approach, and the MC-1 Pro description seems to be filled with contradictions.

The description of the Hemisphere says:

"Traditional power conditioning requires electronic devices such as transformers, inductors, capacitors, and even resistors. These devices rob the system of electrical efficiency causing some of the electrons to be taken or flittered to earth ground in hopes to eliminate noise. This old approach literally wastes the vital energy, discarding both good and bad and never knowing the difference. This results is a slower, more muted and even veiled representation of the music. Until now it was understandably the only choice engineers had because there was no technology to properly "condition" electricity."

"The MC-1 Pro has a new active circuit that helps strengthen the magnetic system. This “active” magnetic system exists only in our Pro Elite power conditioners but operates a bit differently. This system helps to better center electrons and functions as if it were wired in series. A simple series of capacitors are used to help the magnets center the electrons."

"Its filtering approach is also closer to that of a traditional power conditioner. In short, the active MC-1 Pro has more magnetic power and does a much better job at cleaning the signal as well and the spinning electron wave we call power."

Look at how active is quoted. This seems to support that the capacitors fill their usual role. MC-1 Pro = a more powerful MC-0.5 combined with capacitive filtering?

"Without its active portion, the MC-1 Pro already offers up magnetic power up to Ultimate Reference levels."

I wonder what explains the big difference in price with the Ultimate Reference power cable?
@68pete  - I know what you mean.   You were right, the resulting sound can become addictive.

So far I have two MC-0.5's in the wall and the RCA adapters on my tonearm cable.  I'm not sure what magnetic induction does but now I'm a believer.  Adding the RCA adapters was quite a noticeable improvement in the sound.  I have one more MC-0.5 but I'm waiting for the adapters to break-in a little bit more before I plug it into the wall with the other two.

Joe at HFC said that the adapters take about the same amount of time to break-in (300-400 hrs.) as the MC-0.5's depending on how much juice is sent through the cable but break-in is much faster when used in series with other HFC products.

I think a MC-6 is in my future ;- )

Will keep you posted.