High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Good question, i hope you(we) get some feedback on it. I own the Hemisphere, but can not compare it to the Distributor. I can tell you that the break in on the Hemisphere is long. Exact hours i am just not sure now. I would guess north of 800 hours, my TV and Sat. box are also plugged into it so it has been drawing current for a while always in use. Out of the case it sounded good for maybe the first 6 hours. Then later in the day i listen again, the sound was still clear but closed in, very much between the speakers with no real depth. As i listen today the sound stage is starting to take off. The depth is returning slowly and its sound has gotten much wider than the speakers with great clarity. The sound is not thin by any means.
I have noticed that it sounds better after the first CD is played in a listening sessions. Like it has to warm up a little. My Preamp and Disc player are always on(24/7) with my amp in stand by when not in use.
Enjoy Pete
"My music is on and sounding so amazing!!! I hope you all get to hear
a system like this some day.
Kind of amusing to see folks explain how they misunderstand and misused a product then tell me how it dosent work. Amusing but
mostly annoying.
I never had a HF magnetic product not work or not get better over time.
I have tried almost all HFC stuff. It is perfect for me. 
YMMV. If you don't like it don't keep it.
I wonder what others are hearing when they listen to a good audio system. Or if they have ever heard a good audio system.
I have listened to many expensive audio systems and I have heard some good music.. but I have only heard two really great sounding systems in 4 decades. Both were modern systems with High Fidelity Cables throughout ."

I would agree that this comes across as condescending.  Interesting to know that anyone who doesn't draw the same conclusion as you has "misunderstood or misused" the product.  It's too bad that someone else who expresses a contrasting opinion is "amusing but mostly annoying."

I have been following this thread for a few years and it has led me to purchase a variety of products from this fine company that have made a very positive difference in my system but this has not applied to every product I have purchased from them.  However, this thread which used to have such value now seems to be filled mostly with comments from fanboys rather than legitimate audiophiles.  I don't doubt that you are hearing what you think you're hearing but I certainly doubt your objectivity about what you're hearing which makes it hard to find credibility in some of the statements that you and others make.  For example,  some have suggested that plugging in an MC-0.5 into a receptacle is making a difference even if that receptacle is outside of the circuit is just absurd.  If you are noticing a difference here, you should get a refund from your electrician for not properly providing you a dedicated circuit.  Just to be sure, I tried it with my MC-0.5 and not surprisingly, I heard no difference.  I think comments like this do more to hurt High Fidelity than help it.  Just sayin...
So how about we move on. I have a question for those of you who have used both the MC- 6 Hemisphere and the MC-6 Power Distributor.

Can you please describe the difference in sound between the two.
And what you use/used them with.

Also, what power cord to power them have you used.   

I have refrained from posting on this incredible (lengthy) thread for a long while (and to some extent, reading it). If one likes HFC, as I do, I question the rationale of some to post here every week on almost the same topic/config. You know, even cheerleaders take a break. We know HFC makes a big difference, my wallet does that as well ;-)

There are different ways to audio nirvana, e.g., I sold off one HFC CT1-UR and, for the same amount, upgraded my power conditioner, some fuses and isolation devices; finally added high-quality bypass caps in the xo of my speakers. The sound quality is way much better than before.

Sometimes we old farts - I am sure John won’t take that offensively - can turn a misunderstanding to perceived hostility or more commonly, frustration into cynicism. I hate to see great people getting into unnecessary fights. Maybe PMs or better still, a phone call, would help to alleviate the misunderstanding.

Before some of you respond, I am not targeting you but only some of "the regulars". Sometimes less = more, thanks!
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Good to read 68pete. There are plenty of shills in these forums.
No need in adding (1) more, IMO.  Happy Listening!
I am no shill or employee for HFC. I have not received any compensation from Rick or any other employe of HFC. I purchased my HFC products just like any body else, either from Audio Gone  or direct from HFC at listed prices. The HFC products have taken my humble system to the next level and higher  at affordable prices for me . The 8 MC O.5s and the MCO 6 Hemisphere are great products. That do a great job in my stereo system. 
Enjoy Pete

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HFC makes a great product. I have enjoyed the service I have gotten and the performance. Kudos to Rick.  They are other good cables out there but this has made a difference for my system.  Listen and enjoy if you like it. If you don't try something else.  Fun comparing and trying things.  It's part of our hobby.  Lol.  

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My music is on and sounding so amazing!!! I hope you all get to hear
a system like this some day.
Kind of amusing to see folks explain how they misunderstand and misused a product then tell me how it dosent work. Amusing but
mostly annoying.
I never had a HF magnetic product not work or not get better over time.
I have tried almost all HFC stuff. It is perfect for me.
YMMV. If you don't like it don't keep it.
I wonder what others are hearing when they listen to a good audio system. Or if they have ever heard a good audio system.
I have listened to many expensive audio systems and I have heard some good music.. but I have only heard two really great sounding systems in 4 decades. Both were modern systems with High Fidelity Cables throughout .

jmcgrogan2,  I made the changes one at a time allowing adequate break-in time in between.   It's possible with SR BLACKS, MC-0.5 will also work for you too?

I had a VAC SigMKIIa pre upgraded to SE.  I tried upgrading to a Master but Kevin said not feasible with too many changes.   I'll save you all the hyperbole's but it well exceeded my expectations.  

One area hoping upgrade will address is noise.  Now it's dead quiet with blacker background and higher transparency.

Since moving MC-0.5s back to sound system, getting complaints HD TV is broken with a fuzzy dull picture.  LOL!   Ultimately if MC-0.5 doesn't work for you, move it to the TV and whole family can enjoy the tweak.   :-):-)
I do not think the "burn-in effect" is lost for the most part. But it needs to be directly connected to the finale system.
With the HFC products they need to be connected in ones system over a period of time so that its technology can work in a "symbiotic" way, ideally in direct connection.  But in order to get to its best it goes through a period of ebbs and flows.

Because systems are different we can experience variations on its finale effect and how it gets there.
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Question -  why when these have been playing in a system and then taken out so someone else can try them in their system is the "burn-in effect lost - referencing hifail's post above? 
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John, I would say my experience with the waveguides mirrors yours.  Once broken in, the soundstage did seemingly get higher and wider but took some time to deepen.  Another thing I noticed was instruments being more discrete in space, even deep bass imaging separately from midbass, or bass drums imaging separately from bass guitar.  I start my rig from a cold start because, like you, I don't get that many chances to listen, and during an LP I can hear the soundstage growing and locking in dimensionally.  It seems as if this curve moves upward each time I go through this routine, if you will.  I do remember hearing a number of years ago a system at a local dealer with some very expensive Gryphon solid-state monoblocks and Artemis EOS speakers that had a very deep and layered soundstage that was way behind the plane of the speakers.  When the dealer played an Opus 3 LP called Depth of Soundstage, you could hear instruments being played in the deep recesses of the soundstage, literally.  I also heard a system with Apogee ribbons that had that deep soundstage and I thought it way cool.  My current system is in a much smaller room and is more up-front and immediate than that Artemis system, so I could imagine that the use of HFC products would spoil that deep sonic perspective.  For my system, the effect of the HFC products is to move me inside the soundstage and make everything more enveloping and immediate.  I also hear a lot more differences in this aspect of recordings.  I recently listened to an old Andy Narell recording of steel drums jazz and the soundstaging and dynamics were absolutely unreal.  With a Greg Kihn Band recording this effect was considerably less but still there.  Anyway, I am just going to let things break in for a while and see where they go.

Your MC-0.5 experience mirrors mine so I understand your conclusion EXCEPT I have an additional chapter.

2 MC-0.5, sounds good but tight so moved to HT system. Like you, I'm very busy and can't listen daily plus all tube system with 8 power tubes per mono, so like to avoid use for break-in.

Learn from thread dark and hard are expected but will open up after further break-in. After ~5 weeks, moved back to main, sound improved, no longer dark or hard but slightly too agressive. I guess the best way to describe MC-0.5 is like going from a regular to HD TV. In this case, it was HD X-RAY TV sometimes.

Had to ship preamp to VAC for upgrade so system was down for 7 weeks. Moved MC-0.5 back to HT. After getting preamp back and break-in, tried MC-0.5 again in main and this time it was regular to HD TV, no more HD X-RAY. The only difference is upgraded preamp and replaced 7 SR RED with SR BLACKS fuses. (The most obvious differences between SR RED and BLACKS, BLACK is more organic with improved PRAT.)

Listened for 6 hours and next concern was SQ following day ... back to dark and hard again??  To my surprise, sound was more relaxed. It's like moving a cable and now had time to settle. MC-0.5s in system for a week now and still sounds great.

Since your MC-0.5 are broken-in and no longer dark or hard, I don't have any suggestions. Like every tweak or component change, it's a fine line whether it works or fails.
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Jmcgrogan2, please do give those MC-0.5's more time as others have suggested and please report back here and let us know if there is any improvement. I still have mine plugged into two different Furutech GTX-D outlets in my second system and the MC-6 power distributor in my main system, and am waiting longer before I do any serious listening.
I trust your ears and any conclussions you may come up with after further use ;-)

John, my I make a recommendation about trying the MC-0.5's in your system.

I found when I demoed them in my system (they were a pair of loaners so had plenty of time on them) when first inserted I experienced something similar to what you heard. I was not that impressed overall. somethings got better but others got worse.

However, I left them in and played some background music for the next 24 hours. During that time I noticed a slow, but uneven, improvement.

After about a day the sound really opened up, not just hight and width but the depth also. The sound was "cleaner" but more natural sounding also. Something it was not in the beginning. There was a more three dimensional soundstage and 3D images.

I too can not get over how not being in the signal path of any kind that the MC-0.5 does what it does.

You have come this far so give it some time IN your system.
Do it sooner then later. You will know in around a day.
And it may turn out you still find no change.
But then again...
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I like what the MC O.5s did to my system.  The sound stage has not really changed at all but the sound with in the sound stage just got better. Mine went from great out of the case to dark later on then slowly got better again than originally. Each time i add a HF product the break in was the same, from great to dark to better.  The ones i used on my PSaudio P10 where not as dramatic as the ones on my amp line. I still liked what it does to the P10.( i have not plugged any into the back of the P10, just on the line that feeds it.)
The most expensive speakers in the world would not suit, or make the right sound stage for a lots of people. I will be adding more MC O.5 to my system until i fell there is no return for the better.
Enjoy Pete

I think majority of people found MC 0.5 sounds dark and hard initially and requires many hours of breaking in.  I never got the impression from anyone that MC 0.5 works for everyone.    As matter of fact, everything is a matter personal preference.

In general members offer advice to help.   When you find it hard and dark, usually it requires further breaking in from experience.   But in you case, it didn't help so sorry for the advice.
That should have read that I seriously don't doubt the candor of those who like the changes.
denon1:  The MC-0.5 does make a big difference immediately and I was amazed on how big the effect is.  If this were how the sound were to be for eternity, I would gladly take it.  However, as with most products, there is a break-in.  Eventually the sound still takes many of the characteristics of the initial change, but IMO sounds even better with a bigger soundstage and more immediacy but greatly relaxed.  If you want to diss what others are saying to prove your point, please leave me out of it.  These products have made the biggest change I have heard in over 40 years of serious audio.  John heard changes but personally doesn't like them, so no argument there.  Many others like the effect.  I seriously doubt the candor of the others who like it.  And I was just suggesting a break-in while in the system--my experience is that the sound changes when moving these products in and out.  I was merely trying to help as opposed to the negativity you just spewed.

BTW, have you tried these products, and if so, what did you find?

John, thank you for the honest feedback. Finally voice of reason on this forum. This is what I am not clear about - majority of people on this forum when commenting on MC-0.5 swear by immediate positive effect(s) right after plugging the mc-0.5 in their system. But when somebody comments that MC-0.5 did not bring positive desired effect into THEIR system, all follow-ups advices on more burning and giving time to settle .

John burned it for 8 weeks – this is a lot of hours for product to be ready for a prime time. Why some people just can’t admit that in some systems the effect is not welcome.

Without truthful facts and acknowledging that any tweaks are system/person depended - all of these threads sounds like a marketing pitch ( wow  plugged my 6th and improvement even bigger) and eventually can hurt a product reputation.

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Hi, John:  I agree with what you have found and personally like the more immediate, front-hall sound.  There is no arguing in matters of taste, correct?  However, in addition to replacing them in your system again, you might want to let them break in while in your system for a few weeks.  I found them to have an initial effect of speed and transparency, then sound closed-in and flat for a while, then begin sounding big and immediate again but more relaxed. Again, each person has to decide whether they like this effect but these things, like all HFC products as you probably have found, go through transitions sonically.  The nice thing I have found with HFC products is making even sonically dreadful recordings listenable, not to mention what they do for great recordings.
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Just finished plugging in my last 2 MC O.5 for a total of 8. Will be looking to add 4 or more in the very near future. the sound just keeps getting better.
enjoy Pete


Have you tried plugging in your neighbors house?  I heard plugging in neighbor's house is an option if out of outlets.  Just kidding ... couldn't resist.  LOL!!!

Sounds like your MC 0.5 is not broken in.   Several of us experienced same problem when new.     Try plugging in an outlet that's constantly drawing current for a week or so.

I have 2 MC 0.5, each in a 20 amp line open Furutech GTX-D (R) duplex  . Adding a MC 0.5 is like turbo charging your car, improves everything.

MC 0.5 has changed the ranking of my tweaks.  It's on the same level as replacing builder grade outlets with Maestro so #1.   I have 7 open outlets on 2 line distributors so will add 4 more soon.
denon1, maybe you had it plugged in backwards!! Just kidding...

A quick look at the Triton power conditioner.. it has many different things going on in there including a grounding box.

Could be a mismatch somewhere.


Wow i think you are the first person that did not enjoy what the MC O.5 did to their system. I would try taking one piece of your system off the Shunyata Triton, plug it into a different sock(wall outlet) with the MC O.5 and give it a listen to see how that sounds. I do not know if any one else  using Shunyata products,  that  the MC O.5 did not help the sound. Please try it and post back.

Hello all, last week I got for demo HFC MC-0.5 and after 24 hours of burning, I installed it in unused part of my  Furutech GTX-D  (R)  outlet that feeds Shunyata Triton pc  that in turn connects to all my system components.

The initial impressions: sound became harder and darker with less air. I burned it in for another 24 hours and sound with MC-0.5 in place has been still  darker and less resolving than without.

After that I removed MC-0.5 from AC outlet and put it in unused one on my Shunyata Triton pc. After I let it settle for another 8 hours , I listened again with basically the same results – overall sound with MC-0.5 in place has been darker and less resolving than without. I guess it’s all system depended, but what makes me think that maybe I’m doing something wrong is that majority on this forum have

very audible positive improvement using MC-.5  in some place on another. Btw the MCP-0.5 I got has been a dealer demo and burned substantially before.

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To Audiophiles that are using HFC and products:

In my main system I have a full loom of HFC including some MC-O.5's and one  MC-6 Power Distributor. I was able to add some Synergistic Research BLACK Quantum Fuses to my Yamamoto Dac and Allnic L-3000 Preamp (in addition to the HFC products I'm using) and with a little break-in time the results shocked me in a very positive manner. Similar to someone trying the HFC for the first time or a major upgrade in cables. If you have not looked at this thread on Audiogon, you should because you own it to yourself and your system for further improvement:
Just trying to pass on some good information.
I have 2 MC-0.5s (using a splitter) plugged into the service outlet that sits just next to the main breaker panel. The effect is very noticeable. Even on my plasma TV which is located upstairs on a non dedicated line. My audio system is on 3 dedicated lines via a subpanel off of the main breaker box.
ddraudt475 posts04-17-2016 12:59pmJustubes2, I have heard a demo where MC-0.5s made an improvement even connected to non audio ac lines. Less effect there but very noticeable.

How's it possible if not on the same circuit?   

I have 2 20 amp dedicated line each wired to a duplex for audio.  I was wondering how can MC-0.5 influence the sound if not connected to these 2 lines?
Justubes2, I have heard a demo where MC-0.5s made an improvement even connected to non audio ac lines. Less effect there but very noticeable.

How long are you leaving the 0.5s playing before your assessments?

I don't have tubes in my system so our experiences would be different.
Cheers D

Widow type in accidentally.   Lol.   I was just saying that the mc 6 is a great improvement value for those who are curious about high fidelity.  I'm really happy with mines. 
Guys,  I have been try to place the last mc-0.5.

Whilst the sound does still show opening up slightly with a tad deeper bass, it still shows a slight shift towards neutral, thong i it does lose that bit of "presence" that makes the system sound so real and like having  instruments in the room! 

Yes, it's a tad towards the warmer side, It's a slight improvement as well as a slight loss.

I still like both with and without the extra, but tending towards the slightly warmer or less 1 mc-0.5 from my optimal number.

I was actually hoping to add as many as you guys to like 10 mc-0.5's :)  But seems i have found the optimal balance.

I tried adding one to another non audio circuit ( I have a dedicated line for my system. Holy!  i also hearing the effect of the mc-0.5, and that's through a cheapie patchcord extension on a totally separate circuit and still hearing the effects!

Wow, i just couldnt imagine it will work, though less pronounced effect, but the similar shift in more mid prominent to slight more open sound, though to a lesser extent!

Has anyone encountered the same effects?

Hi, Ddraut, yes, I have been reading up on how to add more MC-0.5's and I like the idea of adding a MC 6 and 6 of the MC-0.5's.  I will see what Norm has to say as his break in as well.  Thanks.
Rlawry, I see you asked a few pages back about how to apply splitters.
Did you get a good answer?
I am using a 3 way splitter from Lowes. it took Silabant 22 and 3 or 4 days break in for the splitter to sound good.
I consider the MC 6 with 6 MC.5s and a Ct-1 power cord as Norm has has success but the cost of these 7 items and the fact that I'm without funds at the moment stops me. I may afford 8 more MC-0.5s and 4 more splitters in a while. Car repair and a Pro IC set me back money wise.
Words fail to express the sound improvement of the Pro IC.
I have trouble doing anything but listening to music these days.
 3 Dimentional soundstage is blowing my mind!!
Cheers D

Jmcfrogan2, Norm is experimenting with a second HF distribution box.
the MC 6, with 6 of the MC-0.5s in it connected with a Ct-1 pc to the wall outlet where the Pro cord to his HF UR power conditioner is plugged. He has reported great results!!

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You widow will enjoy the mc6.  It is a great value and provides a level of clarity that puts you closer to the music.  I was very happy that I could get this level of power conditioning for this price. It's a no brainer

justubes2, Thinness is usually the sound of any magnetic conduction item that has not fully broken in.
I find the broken in HFC to be the most balanced, musical, real sound ever.
I have discovered over the decades that a lack of warmth can come from many components and too much bright metal in inlets and outlets ( I.E. Silver, Rhodium, Palladium ect.), silver wire can be clean but cool. the wrong DACs, Preamps, amps, cones, stands- all can be bright
as well as room reflections off glass or metal.
Sometimes "warmth" is a distortion that some folks prefer.
I feel like I am getting more of what is in the recording than ever before!
YMMV ;-) Enjoy the Music! D
I have all 7 of my waveguides up on Star Sound platforms and Audio points, as well as my power distribution, speakers and components.
I find this also critical to my sound.