High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Pete , I spoke to Rick today about how you had the Hemisphere plugged into the P10 and have now plugged it straight into the wall.

I asked him how many hours would it need to reach its optimum now that it is plugged into the wall.

He said it is like it is starting over, like new kind of. He said at a minimum it would need 200 hours but it will still change noticeably for another 200 hours. And then from there it would change in subtle ways for another 200-400 hours.

He said to give it at least 200 hours before you make any decisions.

The reason for this is not just the Hemisphere its self but the whole system having it remap the previous magnetic conduction of the system.

I hope this helps. 

I also found out why the Hemisphere is "10amp", NOT.

But I will tell in another post, when I am not ready for bed.  
Ozzy, as so often happens to me on AudioGon, I lost what I had written, so I will jump to the case. I tried several power strips that would allow me to plug directly into the wall plug. The HFC MC-6 proved better than a SR Quantum Line Source that is Tesla Coil treated. But putting Star Sound Audio Points under both really improved the sound but more so the MC-6.

There are just too many remaining questions about the MC 0.5s to go. Is there any limit how many will improve the sound. I know Rick took 17 to the Chicago show. I guess I could use my two SR QLSs to add 15 more. Not any time soon, however.

Well I am convinced that the best approach is still to load up the MC-05’s at the wall outlet than at the P-10. The sound is much purer and the video is the sharpest and with a much more natural appearance.

Funny, I thought that placing the MC-05's at the P10 it would have been closer to the source, but no, keep them at the wall!

Excellent discussion guys- I like the fact that upper tier M.I.T and Transparent Ref XL are compared to the offerings from HFC.

Happy Listening!
Thanks for the info,  lets us know after you get a little more time on them.
 Just saw this to day In the July issue of Stereophile vol 39 no.7 There is a review of PSaudio P10 by Jim Austin  He reports about what i experienced when i removed the P10 from my loop, about the drop off of  tightness in the base. 
My Hemisphere is still plugged straight to the wall(no P10 not in loop)The highs and midrange is just beautiful,  sound stage is taller wider than it has ever been. The base is still disappointing (not as good as before). But to be fair i will give it at least 100 hours more before i decided on putting the P10 back in the loop
Enjoy Pete


I just tried 6 of the MC-05’s in my PS Audio P10 for a day. I still have 3 at the wall outlet. The sound again got a little louder but more up front. In comparison to having those six added at the wall that resulted in the sound stage going back again. Which is correct? I don’t know. The video may make the difference. I’m going to try again while viewing my 85" UHD Samsung.

A thing I noticed. Once you move the MC-05’s it may take several hours to get the full result. To play it safe, I’ll’ give them 24 hours at each location.

tbg, mentioned about vibration control with the MC-05’s. I may try adding some teflon tape (plumbers tape) around the MC-05’s to see if that has any affect.

jay 23, from the HFC web site, for the MC-6 Hemisphere.

[newly developed waveguide system we call the "Hemisphere". Derived from the successful Helix technology used in our very top-end products, the Hemisphere has been specialized for AC power to utilize the magnetic fields inside the wave guide.]

So it is another waveguide but is based on the Helix.

When I spoke to Rick a few months ago I remember him mentioning that it was based on the Helix.  I also got the impression that they were planing on bringing out other products based on the Hemisphere Waveguide.

I will try and find out about the 10amp. I just need the time to reach HFC.
Thanks for the answers guys!

Please do do let me know if you get any clarification about the 10 amp limit.

Anyone with knowledge of the Hemisphere internals:

I have determined that there seem to be 6 versions of the wave guides (listed below). Do you know which one is used in the Hemisphere?

CT-1 Enhanced - Wave Guide V1 modules
CT-1 Ultimate - Wave Guide V2 and V3 modules
CT-1 Ultimate Reference - Wave Guide V4 (?) modules
CT-1 Ultimate Reference (?) - Helix Wave Guide modules
Professional Series - Professional Series modules

Also, for those that own 4 or more of the MC-0.5s, have you seen this High Fidelity Cables YouTube video (    https://youtu.be/sjJFCiEmAr4 )?

Rick seems to be using the Ultimate Reference Helix Power Conditioner, Professional Series Power Cables, Professional Series Speaker Cables, and probably Professional Series RCA Interconnects. Even with all of these magnets (and more), the 4 MC-05s make a substantial difference to the noise floor. Did 4 MC-0.5s make a similar difference in your systems?

Thanks for the responses!
I will give the Hemisphere more time before making a change back. I did experience the roller coaster ride when the Hemisphere was plugged into the P10 for about 300 plus hours, so giving it 100 hours more out of the P10 loop no problem. The sound of the Hemisphere  mids and highs are very good.

The P10 is great piece of equipment. If you get a chance to plug the MC O.5 into the back of it please post your finding. Have you noticed on the P10 screen if the THD has change any with the MC O.5 on the power line coming or going ?  I do not know about the Graphene and magnets. the Graphene is from what i read very very dense maybe its holding the magnets back? A question for Rick at High Fidelity. Rick is real good about responding to question put to the High Fidelity web sight.


Nice to know another audiogonner has the P-10. No, I have not tried the MC-05’s plugged into the P10. I have 9 of them plugged into the outlet that the P10 is plugged into. That may be something for me to try though.

From the P10 I am using the CPT 300 balanced power cord into my DIY power strip. From there I have all of my Cerious Technologies Graphene Extremes plugged into the strip for my front end components. I will add to this that when I plugged a few MC-05's into this power strip the sound became louder but it lost it's purity, so I put them back at the wall outlet(s). I wonder if the balanced power did this?

I am interested in your findings with the Hemisphere vs the P10.

Pete, thanks for the update. Yes, please give the Hemisphere more time before you decide. IME you should give it at least another 60 hours but another 100 hours would be ideal.

From my experience the HFC products can produce a rollercoaster ride on its way to how it will ultimately sound.

One minute the mid range is not there the next hour it is back. Then the sound stage opens and then it closes before it opens again and stays there.  And etc. 
Have you tried any of the MC O.5 plugged into the P10? If so how many and what was the results? Do you use the multi wave feature on the P10?

I removed my PSaudio P10 from the loop, plugged the Hemisphere straight to the wall(non dedicated line 15 amp) The P10 fed the Hemisphere for more than 300 hours. with the P10 no longer in the loop the Hemisphere as about 30 hours straight to the wall. the sound and sound stage has changed. The Mid range and highs have increased quite a bit very  smooth  and clear not harsh in any way shape, opened way up. The sound stage has gotten wider. Very happy with the mids and highs. The tv picture seems to be much sharper than before.

On the down side the base has lost a little, it just not have the clean or detailed base as before the change. May be not as deep as before or tight. Going to give it some more time, before i make a decision on putting the P10 back in the loop.
I have add 4 more MC O.5 to the power line that feeds my amp for a total of 7. The line that feeds the Hemisphere has always had 3 MC O.5 on it(same for the P10 when in the loop) The Hemisphere has 2 MC O.5 plugged into it.
Enjoy Pete

Ozzy, I now have eleven MC 0.5s. While I have two dedicated lines to my listening room speaker wall, everything except my turntable is plugged into right dedicated wall plug. I have a HFC MC-6 with six MC 0.5 plugged into it and a CT-1 pc to the wall plug where the HFC Pro pc leads to the HFC Wave Guide Power Center has three 0.5s and the pcs to the components. I think can see why I have everything plugged into one outlet. Well over 50% of the cost of my system is in cabling. 

I also should note that I found having Star Sound Audio Points under the MC-6 with the six 0.5s in it had a very nice improvement in the sound. Apparently MC-0.5s don't like to vibrated.

Heaven knows how many MC-0.5s it would take to get no further improvement. I wondered what length of wave guides with more magnets would be the peak of ic, pc, and speaker wire improvement. I thought it would be at the Ultimate Reference Helix line, but learned better when I heard the Pros.

Thanks for the quick replies here is a little more info for my question.

I have 3 dedicated circuits, one for my digital that goes to a PS Audio P10 Power Plant. One that powers my JL Audio subs and the last one for my Pass Labs Amp.

I think, that loading up the one line to the PS Power Plant for the digital with the MC-05s (9 of them) seems to be the best. The Amp line now has just (3 of them) MC-05's and the subs line have none.

I am adding the MC-05's at the wall not at the PS Power Plant.

facten, I've experiment with multiple 3 way splitters for MC-0.5s.
takes the splitters 5 days to break in but it seems to work very well for me and my friends. I like the fact the the splitters are very short runs for electricity in stead of adding power cords into the mix. I have a splitter system that is holding 8 MC-0.5s, if i and 3 more splitters I can up the total to 14 in that one splitter system with only one foot of wire.
For me, they sound much better plugged at the source then spread thru the system.
And yes, they are CRAZY GOOD for the money.

Ozzy, I have used MC-0.5s and both digital and analog components.
the make the power better to both and the improvement is substantial with both.

Jay23, thanks for your questions.
I have 8 of the MC-0.5s and love the effect.
they are all at the wall before any other magnetic stuff.
I plan to get more as soon as I have the funds. I'd like to start with
six more.
I haven't tried the 6 and the 6Hemisphere.
I believe most companies under rate there components power handling capabilities to protect themselves. Huge difference between peak current and operating current if it's not a class A operation.

Do you find more improvement with the MC 05 when used on Digital or on Amps?
I would try a MC O5 in your system, if you liked that then i would look into the cables. All the products come with a 30 day return policy. the MC O.5 are the easiest to install into a system and try. I started with 1 and now have 12. I plan to add more in the near future.
Enjoy Pete

Will these cables help my Sanyo Mini Deck system? If they already help a really good system, I might as well buy these instead of new speakers or amp. 
Hi jay23
Would have to agree with hifial. although 1 MCo.5 on my 20 amp dedicated feeding my amp, made me sit up and take notice. I now have 7 of them on that line. Each time i add some it just got better.
I am still comparing my Hemisphere with my PSaudio P10 and will post later in the month on it.
Enjoy Pete 
Hi jay23. I will try and give some limited incite to your questions but others might be able to more justice then I can.

Q1) While I am still waiting myself on this question I have spoken to Rick of HFC about this.

The MC-6 is a true entry level bare bones get an idea of what can be done for as little money as possible. For its price it gives a level that others can not touch at or near its price.

The Hemisphere however is in another league. It has some of the upper end HFC tech in its design. It would compete and beat competitors costing more then two to three times as much.

I can say that after talking to Rick about the differences (about two months ago) I have bought a MC-6 Hemisphere and should have it sometime mid to end of next week.

Q2) This is a little tougher. What I can say is IME the 10amp limit has nothing to do with any inefficient part on the design. I think it has more to do like a wire has a gauge that can limit how many amps it can handle. But I will try and get some clarification from HFC.

Q3) I had a chance to audition the MC-0.5.

Yes, one will give you an idea...but two will make you sit up and say wow, for what these are.  At least it did in my system. I can not imagine what happens when one adds 5, 8, 10+ but others can.

Hope this helps. 

I have a few questions for those more experienced with High Fidelity Cables products:

1) I’d like to repeat the question, has anyone compared the MC-6 and MC-6 Hemisphere?

2) In the HFC description of their power conditioners, they state, "Why Magnetic Conduction and the MC-6 Hemisphere over other power conditioners? Traditional power conditioning requires electronic devices such as transformers, inductors, capacitors, and even resistors. These devices rob the system of electrical efficiency causing some of the electrons to be taken or flittered to earth ground in hopes to eliminate noise. This old approach literally wastes the vital energy, discarding both good and bad and never knowing the difference. This results is a slower, more muted and even veiled representation of the music...The MC-6 Hemisphere is uniquely different in every way, using an entirely different approach patented and created in North America."

While I agree about their description of most traditional power conditioners, if the Magnetic Conduction Technology and waveguide system are efficient, what makes the MC-6 and Hemisphere 5 amps inefficient? This is as bad as active power conditioners!

3) I see that many of you are using a multitude of MC-5s - will auditioning one be enough to truly get an idea for their effectiveness?

Thanks for any input you can provide!

macdude - If you’re still reading this thread, and really aren’t going to just try the MC-5s for yourself, I’m going to be auditioning them with the original Quantum QRT products.

Thanks Pete for the XLR adapter update. I'll be waiting...

I was fortunate enough to have the hindsight when I installed my 3 dedicated lines using 10 gauge wire to also install 2 sets of dual duplex Furutech's on each line. But, even with that I am still using a 3 way plug / adapter to add a few more on one line.

Really wasn't a question. Compliment their marketing ability to find any way to keep priming sales. 
Hi facten
Good question, the room at the Newport Show sounded very good. I think they had 3 or 4  of the 3 to 1 plug splitters plugged into every socket. Not to mention of the other High fidelity gear in the room.
Enjoy Pete
" they where stacking the 3 way plugs on top of each other (plugged into each other) thus giving you a way to add more MC O.5 to a single outlet.'

When do you stop?
Just returned form the Newport Show,2 full days Friday and Saturday and a 3 hour on Sunday. Had a real good time. Stopped by High Fidelity rooms. Spoke with Ricks staff each day and met Ricks family. Everything was 5 star. they make you fill welcome. Need to give a shout out to Rick and crew outstanding room.
Picked up 4 more MC O.5 at show prices great deal. this bring my total to 12 MC O.5s.   In thier demo room they where stacking the 3 way plugs on top of each other (plugged into each other) thus giving you a way to add more MC O.5 to a single outlet. Going to try moving the PSaudio P10 out of the loop this week and plug the Hemisphere straight to the wall. Will add the new MC O.5 to the system after i finish with the P10 change.
OZZY     I spoke with Rick and crew about the XLR caps and they have stalled on them(Lots of new stuff going on per crew) it will be a while before they are ready. Looked at their new XLR interconnects, they have no magnets in the end plugs just in the middle tubes. Could be why their is no XLR caps? Also noticed that they just have 2 single wires coming from plug to plug ends. Maybe i am wrong on this, but should it not  be a positive, negative and a ground 3 wires? Time for the experts to jump in and comment. 
Enjoy Pete

ddraudt, I like the image you paint. To continue the car analogy, magnets are like horse power as more greatly increase speed. I know each successive cable series had more magnets. I asked Rick whether there would be enough. He didn't think so. To once again use the horsepower analogy, I think the cost of the car would define the limit of new series. Many cannot afford a Lamborghini.

I have been using the HFC Enhanced phono cables for many years and hopefully will heard the HFC Ultimate Reference Helix phonos soon.
In my system, the power cords made more difference than the interconnects from levels Ultimate to URH. The Pro interconnect may be better than the Pro pc's but both are worlds away from the other HF gear. I've heard the Pro speaker cables make a huge difference over URH and there is no apparent signal loss in the Pro speaker cables.
I only have UR speaker cables  but hope someday to be able to afford the Pro spk cable.
 Although all HF stuff has similar attributes, the first levels compare to the Pro like a 50 year old VW in a ditch compares to a showroom fresh Lamborghini. They both have 4 wheels but..............

Post removed 
knightfi, interesting post!
can you tell us what level of power cords you are using?
Philipwu, Thanks for your experience with these cables. I have enjoyed MIT spk cables in past decades.
From my personal experience with each level of HFC from E to Pro..
 HFC offers 6 levels of speaker cables and each level is many times better than the previous level. Even more as one goes up the line. The difference between the E- $4K cable and the Pro- $34K cable is, as one might expect, an ANT to elephANT comparison.
Even the Ultimate was no comparison with the E. The UR absolutely blew away the U, the helix was amazingly better than the UR and the Pro, another universe altogether.
also- magnetic cables can take days to get back to top performance after being removed.
Cheers Philip
I used a combination of HFC and Shunyata Sigma/Alpha PCs in my system.   HFC excels in low noise, imaging and organic sound but compare to Shunyata, it's slower, smaller soundstage and less information.   

I had a full loom of Shunyata and was too much of a good thing but excellent with some HFC in the mix.   For me, one is not better than the other but just different.
Hi hifial, 
i don't mean to start a war with you about the experience you have with MIT cables. Perhaps system synergy and individual taste do come into play when A/B between cables. I'm using electrostatic speakers which often project big sounds into the room, and maybe this work better with MIT cables when compared to HFC cables. I did A/B between these cables and the result is the strength of HFC gives a more coherent and balance frequency response. But it did not let me feel as much as "I'm there with the event " whenever i switch back using MIT cables. I do prefer the coherent sound of HFC but it is more relax and less "impactfull" as a whole. The MIT have a liveliness that make sounds fill with energy, more PRAT and its lower registrar have better impact than HFC. Btw, the comparison is done between Magnan MA and HFC ct-1E cables, so i maybe wrong given that I didn't try comparing higher range of HFC products. Base on my present experience, both these cables have more similarities than different on other sonic areas. 
Anyway I'm mixing both cables in my system to fine tune the qualities i prefer and sometimes do swapping here & there for certain songs/album according to how the recording studio mix the materials. 
Thanks hifial
I plan to see Rick at the Newport Show and will look into them. I am using Transparent Ref xl  MM2 balanced now. Please post when you get your cables.
enjoy Pete
I owned one level down from the top MIT Speaker and Interconnect (XLR) cables several years ago.
The HFC are in another league IMHO. And the HFC I owned was the CT-E.
Hi Pete. It is my understand the HFC XLR Interconnect is a true XLR/balanced cable and not an RCA with XLR adapters.

A few years ago Rick had some special XLR adapters built by Purist Audio that I used with two pairs of HFC RCA cables per channel to create a type of balanced XLR cable as I was balanced only in my system.

When I spoke to Rick about the new XLR cable he said it preformed beyond his expectations.

I hope to try them in a few weeks. 

Post removed 
Has any body check out the HIGH Fidelity XLR(balanced) interconnects yet? Are they a true XLR interconnect or RCA cable with XLR adapters on them?
Enjoy Pete

Lak, Your question about what power cords to amp...
 I am very fortunate to be using a Pro power cord to distribution and another Pro pc from distribution to the amp. I have a Pro IC from my source to amp. My new amp, H-cat Mk III is truly amazing and made much better with Synergistic Research SR-Black fuses and a Star Sound Rhythm rack. I hope to have my new, upgraded to 4x DSD, DAC/pre
next week.
I know TBG has all Pro cables to his Mk III Amp also.

I didn't say you couldn't draw that much. Just that this level of current draw is high and those systems must be pretty special to experience.
Bugredmachine 5-31-2016 8:14am EDT
If you’re pulling 10 amps with an amp, that would be some major kilowatts happening!! With 250 watt monoblocks and my full system in play including all peripherals, I only measure around 3 amps total pull at 85 db levels.
First, in the absence of further information I would not assume that your current meter is fast enough to capture brief high current peaks in the AC current draw that will occur on brief dynamic peaks in the music, assuming (as I believe) that your TRL Samson amplifiers operate in class AB at high power levels.

Second, keep in mind that under typical circumstances most music requires just a small fraction of an amplifier’s power capability most of the time. In general, most of an amp’s power capability is required just for brief dynamic peaks in the music.

Third, keep in mind that a musical peak of 95 db will require 10 times as much power out of the amplifier than an 85 db level. For a class AB or class D amp, that means a great deal more AC power going into the amp during a 95 db peak than at 85 db.

Roughly speaking, class AB amps tend to be in the vicinity of 50% efficient at full power. So to deliver 250 watts x 2 channels something on the order of 1000 watts of AC would be required, just for the amplifiers. In the USA and other 120 volt countries that is about 8.3 amps.

And then there are class A amps, which draw enough AC power all the time to support their maximum output power capability. A Pass XA200.8 monoblock, just to cite one example, is rated to provide 200 watts into 8 ohms and is spec’d as requiring 750 watts of AC. For two monoblocks that would be 1500/120 = 12.5 amps, drawn continuously.
