High end amp recommendation in China

I need some help.

I am in the process of upgrading my amplification. My current system consists of Egglestonworks Rosa loudspeakers being fed by an Electrocompaniet EMC1-UP CD player through a Mark Levinson 383 integrated. Analysis Plus silver cables all around.

Overall, nice sound - very nice actually, but the 383 doesn't drive my Rosa's with the authority I want.

But here is the wrinkle - I live in Shanghai, China. High end options are limited. I have a very good dealer here who is very knowlegable and helpful, but limited in their selection. My choices are Krell, Mark Levinson, and Halcro (and Graaf if I want to head down the tube path - I don't).

I am demo-ing a 320S pre / 436 power set-up in my home now. First impression - wow - talk about authority! Sucks me WAY MORE into the music than my integrated. Bass, imaging, width, and depth. I have heard the Halcro stereo amp (the 38?)demonstrated in the store - double wow - though I think it is out of my price range. I have yet to listen to the Krell's, but my previous experience with them back in the States is that they are not the sound I am looking for (Lyle Lovett, Eddie From Ohio, Diana Krall, etc)

So give me your opinions / experience.

Yes, yes, yes. I know - I intend to listen to my ears. I am just looking for some help to guide my ears into the right general direction.

No, no, no, don't tell me that these all are horrible and non-musical and that I really need to listen to Brand X - its just not an option for me.

In advance, thanks for your help!

Would second the Opera rec - heard rumors they go for 1/2 price over there - and they're already cheap here. The tube amp I have from them is simply incredible, but you're probably better off with the "Forbidden" line.
brad, did you ever audition the krells? i would think they would be a great match for eggleston's stuff. how do you like the halcro? i've never heard them, but i'm really looking forward to it.

sometimes, in a sort of conscious dreamstate, just before i wake up, i imagine i just brought home a dm58 and a pair of wilson maxx's... but soon i awake... *poof*.

i have krell, levinson, dynaudio now. very happy. i, too, find the levinson, the newer stuff esp., kinda laid back for my taste. incredible detail and control, just not as much meat as i'd like for my setup. so, krell. which constantly amazes me. even my wife notices the differences, and that's saying something.

I'm in Shanghai as well. Moved here in December and downgraded my system a bit. Living in Luwan. Where are you buying your CD's in town? I end up buying music in Tokyo and HK when I visit. You have any good leads on rock, metal, blues, well anything for that matter?
I would recommend Chapter Audio without hesitation.They offer the best iron fisted grip on the bass region bar none and with liquid 3-D.

First Impression Marketing Ltd
Phase One, Chai Wan Industrial City,
60 Wing Tai Road,
Chai Wan
Hong Kong

T +852 (2556) 3628
F +852 (2515) 0728
E fim@hutchcity.com

Good to find another audiophile in SH. I did buy a Halcro DM38 from Excel Hi Fi in Shanghai. They are great! I can forward contact information to you. Send me an email.



I am also living in Shanghai and could be interested in Halcro. Could you let me know where I can audition them in shanghai?

Your unfortunate audition options point out the value of a good dealer with regard to purchasing audio products.

>I can walk into a shop in a loud crazy cyber mall, see one piece from a mfrs line blasting away in competition with the din all around. If I like it, I can special order and buy the other peice from the line that I really am interested in (fully pre-paid, of course!) Obviously not a real audition process - and I am not going to drop this kind of money without a proper audition - first in a quiet shop, and second in my home.<

That kind of atmosphere does not promote sales of any kind.
People in that situation probably buy on personal recommendations of friends--or reviews they can get their hands on.
We are fortunate when we have great dealers who will spend hours of their time helping in the audition process.
Dan (porschecab),

Thanks for your response - this generally confirms my ears as well.

Re: Cello - I don't know specifically about Cello, I will look - but in China things are "complex". In theory, I can also get Pass, Gryphon, Meridian, Musical Fidelity, and several others. I say in theory because I can walk into a shop in a loud crazy cyber mall, see one piece from a mfrs line blasting away in competition with the din all around. If I like it, I can special order and buy the other peice from the line that I really am interested in (fully pre-paid, of course!) Obviously not a real audition process - and I am not going to drop this kind of money without a proper audition - first in a quiet shop, and second in my home. There is one "true" high-end shop where I can do both of these things. As I mentioned above, their staff and service are great - even better than my old shop in the US. It's just that their selection is limited.

I did receive good news last night - my annual bonus now potentially puts Halcro in the list of opportunities. I plan to bring home and listen. Any experience with the line? I would be looking at the DM38 stereo amp - not the big monoblocks.


Look into Opera Audio, their Forbidden Line, with a great, great looking Calaf amplifier. It might be right up your alley and I bet, it might be attractively priced instead of the $3200.... Even at that price, might be a steal. As always, an audition is at hand. For the looks, it is a killer.

unless you are going to be there for years, just get a good head amp and phones
Brad -
Levinson and Krell are both great. Levinson, imo, tend to be slightly more laid back than some of the Krell FPB monos. I like both for certain things. I personally run Cello Duet 350s which, to me, is a hybrid of the two!!
The perfect amp!

Can you get Cello over there?

I am using a Dared 300B with (chinese) Shugang tubes for my headphones (not quite enough power for my mains) and very happy. This may not help if you are interested in the high power ss amps you mention.

There are a number of companies manufacturing in the Shenzhen area, but that's far enough from Shanghai that I usually fly...