Here's to the temperate, the gentle, the moderates in audio

Just a shout out to the audio dealers and youtubers who:

Don’t rant

Don’t eviscerate hobbyists and others in the industry under the guise of some kind of "truth bomb"

Don’t claim to be the only one "on your side" and then tell you to buy from them.

Want to understand what it takes to connect an individual, however limited they are, with gear that brings them music and fun.

Understand that this is for fun and that people want to enjoy audio and keep their serious attention on issues that really matter.

Provide informed and temperate commentary about audio -- Hans Beekhuyzen, Tarun, Darko, Steve Guttenberg, Lachlan (Passion for Sound), Sean, Harley Lovegrove, and many others. I don’t always agree with their analyses but they’re not trying to be "shock jocks" or leaders of "tribes."


How about some great responsive dealers and suppliers: Aric Kimball of Aric Audio, Alvin Chee at Vinshine, Mike Kay at Audio Archon, Don Sachs, Mads Buchardt at Buchardt Audio. Chris at VH Audio…..I don’t always end up buying all of their products, but they’ve all been generous with their time and honest with their opinions (in my eyes)

I’m adding another vote for this being the best post of the day!!  Thanks, great topic!  I added a bunch of YouTube channels to my list of favorites.

@flynehome Thank you for your compliment.

I think by this point, we're all tired of the nattering nabobs of negativism and the blowhards on the internet. We're really really tired. They need to get a life and stop harshing the mellow of good people just trying to enjoy a nice thing.

Here's to Audiogon who even has a forum. Not sure what they gain from this as it's a website for selling but appreciate they do.