Herbie Hancock & Chick Corea

I picked up this double disc set, "An Evening with Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea", last weekend at a used cd shop I cruise from time to time. How can I put this . . . Wow! Holy smokes and gee whiz! Amazing!

I got to know Herbie Hancock by "Rock It", which I believe was seminal in pop music insofar as the precedent it set for making electronica musical. Most of the 80's, with some exceptions such as Prince, never really caugtht up to it.

As I matured, though, I got familiar with Hancock's jazz roots, and, I as I explored the genre more also came across Chick Corea. I never cared much for the electronic fusion of either of them. But a couple of years ago Herbie did a tribute album with Michael Brecker and Roy Hargrove, and I really enjoyed his arrangements and performance.

So I picked up this duet album - simply the two artists on piano - on a chance. It was done in the late 70's amidst a controversy among jazz enthusiasts about continuing to push the envelope of fusion versus returning to "straight forward" jazz. Each had recently cut an album whereon they "returned" to the latter, and then this tour occurred. (The album is actualy a series of concerts in California and one in Michigan.) Not only is their individual playing just fantastic, it is sbellbinding how they cooperate, dovetailing on one another's solos. And, though I know fusion is really appreciated by some as very advanced and complex, I think this album displays their artistry at its best - pure, unencumbered, and fully revealed. If you enjoy piano - jazz or otherwise - I highly recommend it.

And, as an aside, it offers an interesting workout for speakers. While I ordinarily enjoy a broad and well-blended soundstage, this recording at times reveals two very discrete channels, one piano on the left and the other on the right.
I'm suprised that no one has suggested "light as a feather" by Chick. Also, a classic.
Chick's piano improvisations (volumes 1 + 2) are among the finest releases ECm has ever put out and that says a lot. Not sure of they are sill available thru the catalog but strongly recommended if you can find them.
Fat Albert Rotunda and Headhunters are remarkable albums....now, has anybody heard Chick's ''Touchstone''....that's one great piece of music.
Cjfrbw, thanks for the heads up on the different label versions. I presume you are talking about vinyl? As I said, I jst grabbed the cd, but want to add the vinyl eventually.
This is a great album. I recently bought the Polydor 2 record set and the Columbia two record set as well. They have different selections from the same tour except side 4, which is the same song. The Polydor is much better sounding on LP for some reason, the Columbia LP's are more compressed sounding and a little murky by comparison.

I bought it too.
Listened a couple times.
Can't stand it.
Like fingernails on a blackboard.
Hey Mt10425, that is a coincidence, I just received the headhunters LP yesterday and I don't know if it is the pressing I got or what but it doesn't seem so great.
Herbie recently released on HEAR label (Starbuck's coffee label) 'POSSIBILITIES" which is a collaboration album with the likes of Jahn Mayer, Paul Simon, Santana, Annie Lennox and there is even a cameo appearance by Stevie Wonder on harmonica.

Go to Starbucks.com

A fun listen, allthough probably not as outstanding as the Chick Corea collaborations.
There is a companion double album on Polydor (Chick's label at the time) that is also good.

I was lucky enough to catch these two on tour together back in 1978.

You are bringing back some memories.
like you, i bought it (on CD) on a lark

listen to it regularly, and have owned it for years. la fiesta, last track on the 2nd disc, is absolutely priceless. i cannot possibly articulate just how much the two artists were in synch with one another during this track, but i think it stands as a paradigm for concert jazz piano. i've not heard its equal.

(great staging & venue on the disc too!).
