Help with Modified Audible Illusions Modulus 3

Can someone help identify what has been dont to this Modulus 3?

It has worked flwlessly in my posetion. I used this with my Martin Logan MOnolith 2's and a Stereo Grand Amp.

Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.
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Danphealy this might help with a comparison.

Here is a pic of a modulus 3 that I use in a system.

Viridian - is this stock ? thx
Looks like decent work to me, I've done several mods on my own stuff. I've used the Russian caps and have always been impressed... The silver are either PIO or Teflon, the green are pio caps. very high value and great sounding parts. The teflon are outstanding fast articulate and smooth. The paper in oils are rich and involving, still fairly detailed, not quite as fast as some of the better caps, but still not slow... I hope this helps.
I agree 100 percent with the above post. I bet it sounds better and the work is fine.
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First instinct is to say, WTF; as AI interiors are a thing of beauty. This one sure ain't! However, on a second look it seems as if they by-passed some circuitry. Do all the switches work?
If the caps that were replaced are shorted or the wrong value it could cause the preamp to be unstable. I am always careful to use the same value parts in any preamp I update. That preamp also has solid state regulators in it and that could also be a problem. Do the tubes light up?
Those are good sounding caps and may well sound better then the originals. But they are not originals.
The replacement caps appear to be Russian K40Y9 PIO and Russian green ones whose nomenclature escapes my memory. The NOS Russians are generally good caps, but may or may not be better than the factory originals.
For one thing, all the caps have been changed. Does it work ok? You can send it to Audible Illusions in Florida to have brought back to factory spec. Whoever updated it did a pretty crappy job.
Clearly, someone has added some green cylinder-type devices and circled them with yellow wire. They have also added some silver and yellow ones and done the same. There appears to already be enough wire, so why add more I have no idea. Very, very odd mod if you ask me.