Help with Equitech 1.5Q power conditioner

Hello all. My Equitech GFCI plug on the back keeps popping when I turn on the switches Equitech switches. Am I overloading the unit or is there an issue with the GFCI plug. It worked for a while but was always super easy to trip. I only have my Amp, preamp, TV, and speakers plugged into it. Any help would be appreciated. I am in in San Francisco bay area, are there recommendations to any place I can take to to get it looked at? With it tripping so much would replacing the gfci plug with a new one help (wonder if the current one is worn out?). It is out of warranty and I do not have the box it came in to ship. Thanks!


So maybe I am conceptualizing this all wrong.

I guess in my mind I view electricity like water. It flows in through the hot pipe and out the neutral pipe, if you will, and the ground catches spills :)

Here we have 2 hots at 60V each flowing in through both the hot wire and what normally is the neutral wire. How does it flow out then? Can’t be through the ground wire. Is it then that the two hots are also neutrals? They just swap duties 60 times a second?

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thanks for all the tips... a lot go well beyond my ski’s. I’ll tinker this weekend - I thought the outlet would be a quick swap but looks like I have to take the whole chassis apart.

Interesting enough, I have everything plugged in a furman surge protector power strip and nothing has tripped. So hope it is just a faulty gfci outlet.

I don’t have any meters or other devices to measure current and if I did it would be all Greek to me.

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BTW, I just realized you can buy GFCI adaptors for ~ $20 from your local hardware store.   You plug one into your wall and that will let you test each device without having to move it, and certainly without having to require your conditioner. 

Here's what I mean: