Help us build our playlist for our next show in November!

We want to know what music you like to listen with your awesome sound system. Try our list for upcoming CAF 2023 Music List with your system. 

CAF 2023 Music List

Let us know which song you like the most and if you want to recommend more music for our next show, please share here and let us know why. 


I love when people tell me why this music piece is special for them; whether it is personal experience, just sound great to test audio gear, one thinks this is the greatest music artist, or the simply the best band. 



Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

@roadwhorerecords ...a 'blast from my past', once upon a time in Oakland, CA....

Late night listen to KSAN, SF legendary AOR station....'bout 2~3am-ish, don't remember Why I was 'up' @ that time....but, obviously, old habits tend to 'beg to stick around'....

DJ between cuts has a fit on air....

"NO!  I am NOT going to play Freebird Again this morning!  Once is Enough....If you're that drunk or f'd up that you need to engage in some sort of 'my girl just broke it off on me and I need to go get in my car and go smack it into an oak... DO IT AND STOP CALLING!  This is radio...not psycho therapy!"

...and launched an entire side of an album...

Don't remember Exactly what that album was, too busy laughing...

(Not an exact quote either, it was +/- 50 yrs. ago...)

Freebird....The perfect song for a drunk punk to get all whiney and pissed off at every thing and anything within a roundhouse swing....can't resist singing to it off-key and badly rendered....

"Ah kan't pants are staiiiinnned e aaannndddd..." Etc. you get the pic? ;)