If you liked the SPENDORs with their particular signature sound, hifishark.com has a bunch of used ones listed for approx. 400 + Euros used + shipping.
You can also get USA new/demos for $US1200 ($1800 new)
I've had both the TOTEM ARROS and FORESTS in prior systems (both now long gone) and IMO and experiences --- for sure --- any TOTEM product will be much more fussy about accompanying equipment and also result in a radically different signature sound that that "classic British" SPENDOR sound you like ..... Not even close .....
Your takeaway: if you liked the SPENDORs, either go get 'em again or substitute with a close relative British speaker manufacturer. e.g.: Tannoy, KEF, ATC, REGA, just to name a few in a crowded arena of competing products.
Of course, you already know that (1) system synergy matters big-time, and; (2) you cannot escape the basic tenet in this hobby: you get what you pay for.