Heavy speakers: How to be able to reposition?

I suppose this is an odd question but, here goes...

Perhaps unlike other audiophiles, I play with speaker positioning occasionally. I have a pair of Acoustat 1+1s which are very sensitive to room placement. The upside to that sensitivity is I can easily play with the sound stage they present. And as they are easily moved, I do so every few months to enjoy a wider or narrower, more intimate stage. It's rather fun actually.

In a very few years however, my wife and I will be moving into our retirement home. There I will have exclusive use of an appropriate sized room for my audio salon where I can install my pop's B&W Matrix 800's. Weighing in at almost 250lbs each moving them around seems rather daunting to me.

What do people with heavy transducers do to facilitate moving them around?

I know, you're wondering why I'm thinking about this now. It's simple really. Being retired I can start thinking about details like this now so I don't have to then! I'm already working on my rack design, electrical, etc. so when the time comes, I can hit the ground running. 😉 Thanks!

Happy listening.

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You may have thought of this or already have one, but if not a Bosch GLM20 Blaze laser measuring tool makes speaker alignment very accurate and you don't need a second person person to hold the tape.  Measures to a millimeter (1/25th of an inch).  About $70 on Amazon.



@ghdprentice - that's what I did; they don't cost much at all, and I've used them with both my very heavy standmounts and my large, tall bookcases.... 

I also used furniture gliders to move my 230lb speakers until I found the best spot to spike them.
