Try one of the Topping products. I have a DX3 Pro+ and it’s pretty neutral IMO. They have other more pricey stuff, but I haven’t tried them.
headphone DAC/amp
I need some advice on a DAC/amp for usb-driven Sennheiser HD650's. I use this configuration when I'm working on my laptop. I got a Shiit Vali 2 and Modi3 but am dissatisfied with the result - too mellowed-out, too laid-back. This is a surprise to me because in my main system I really like the British sound (I have British amps and several pairs of British speakers). Go figure. So, I'm looking at a modest (sub-$500) DAC/amp that will do justice to the Sennheisers. Here's what I've narrowed down on: a) Cambridge DAC Magic 200M, b) Shiit Asgard 3 with multi-bit DAC upgrade or c) E1DA 9038D DAC. I know, these are very different solutions, especially the E1DA, but that's where I am. Any thoughts or other suggestions? Thanks.