Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!

Yes indeed.  Several years ago, the absolutely incredible Revel Salon 2 speakers finally took me off the speaker merry-go-round.  I do believe that I'll be taking my Revel Salon 2 speakers to the grave with me.  What's your end-game speakers?


I owned a pair of Martin Logan Monoliths, but wanted a more in your face sound. Purchased a pair of Wilson Maxx II’s and love them. My son recently purchased a pair of Martin Logan’s, now I’m missing mine. I have a pair of Klipschorns just taking up space. Thinking about getting a couple tube monoblocks for them. 

Vandersteen Quatros in the living room. Very refined and open. Jean Marie Reynaud Bliss Silver with Rel sub in the study. More pressurized. Love both rigs. The Quatro Wood CTs are probably end game. They were a budget stretch. I'm loving the JMR Bliss Silvers but will probably upgrade to Proac D3rs in a year or so. 

Great forum question!   

aerial acoustics 5T and 7cc— expanding on that line, dabbling with inputs and subwoofer(s) as circumstances permit

yet I see magnepan and Wilson more than thrice mentioned here….  Perhaps either are nexto??? :))



I'm sticking with my Wilson Benesch Vertex Loudspeakers mated with the W-B Torus System.

New to me Magicos. I’m sure I could be happy with several different speakers in their class. The fact that I just crack up laughing in the middle of a listening session as I realize just how deeply i'm listening tells me everything I need to know. Not going anywhere anytime soon.