Have JBL K2s...best Amp pairing please?

Fellow AGONers,

I have purchased a pair of JBL K-2s, as my "End Game", speakers. Need best advice on Amplification Pairing with the powerful horn Mids and Tweeters. Previously impressed with older McIntosh sound, now playing an AVM SA8- beautiful detail, imaging and soundstage over the Mac, but some music has very pronounced mids and highs. I'm curious about the new Audio Research SS gear about to come out, but if you've heard a Luxman M10X or the MAC 611s or other SS amps, would love to hear your assessments please. Want this to be my end game amplification as well, I'm not getting any richer or younger.

thanks all...steve


Thank you gents, your enthusiasm for my speaker choice makes me feel good about that expense! 

I have only ever tried the MC462 with my JBL 4367s and I have no complaints or desire to change amps. Modern Mac sounds a bit different from the older stuff. 

I love the K2’s and have heard them many times with ML electronics.  That’s a pretty obvious pairing to consider.  Infigo amplifiers are very, very good and fly under the radar.  I think they would pair extremely well with your speakers.

do you have a budget in mind?

Thanks again all, no hK_fan, I haven't heard of Infigo, will research them, and yes, I have a max Budget of $16k, and would prefer Monos.