Has to be said

i been reading most sites and the little arguments about this and that about making audio in this case be more pleasent ot better to any individual. and have to say upfront that if "you" believe its better to you than it is in fact true to you and you only. we are just reletive respondants to each other and therefore nature and the universe.
many of the subjects that come up as to improving ones audio system tend to go into little details that may or may not have "real" affects on most of us. and also be provable with phsics,math,medical studies etc.many musicians and many humans can distinguish alot of these aspects. and they are ALL quantifiable and measureable very easilly. from 1800 till today FFT and resonance,sound perfiliration has been well adjustable from the totally acoustic pipe organs to the music halls 100s of years ago with out electronic fixes, and all these new snake oil gagets on the market. many are always big commenters here on this site.
Its totally true you can "fix" and sound wave with free rocks,walls,chambers, etc. so go for it at a cost of zero dollars. and adbandon all these marketing hacks.
Ive been well into sound,RF,Radioation, Electron manulipation, Audio,phsics etc all my life and all my relatives aslso . I dont need to justify my opinions yet am dignified by holding 8 international patents,2 doctrets and my dad with similar fields.
one crazy obvious thing no one even bothers to mention is the way off standard of 440hz shifted 8hz the earths standard resonance. while all the 1000s of years 432hz was based on real natural happenings before electronics. dont you all care everything you listen to is 8hz off tune and therefore wrong, but you will bicker about a few microvolts noise from an ocslittating wire with parallell wire  hanging off a standoff. itf too funny to me.
yes all digital except one source tunes their DAC math to 435hz to be more correct to Verdi and other great composers.
ive got tuning forks over the audio and above spectrum and tune my panios violins etc to them 432 hz
and need to say again. yes please do everything Analoge
to correct your sound system, its been done in churches,music halls,the great pyrmids, with instruments themselves.
but do not chase the rabbit down the money hole to fix apparent physhoacoustics in your listening area.

ps the spelling and writing is horrid cause ive got a brain injury2 years ago and under go EEG,ehthesographs and neuro studies constantly. where various frequency sweeps are put thru me and studied by the medical and commercial fields.
Im off for now to play my bass thru 50000watts total. and resonate the neighborhood at 8.2 HZ....

440hz shifted 8hz the earths standard resonance. while all the 1000s of years 432hz was based on real natural happenings before electronics. dont you all care everything you listen to is 8hz off tune and therefore wrong, but you will bicker about a few microvolts noise from an ocslittating wire with parallell wire hanging off a standoff. itf too funny to me.
yes all digital except one source tunes their DAC math to 435hz to be more correct to Verdi and other great composers. 
ive got tuning forks over the audio and above spectrum and tune my panios violins etc to them 432 hz 
and need to say again. yes please do everything Analoge
to correct your sound system, its been done in churches,music halls,the great pyrmids, with instruments themselves.

Fascinating. If its the planet then we're talking millions/billions not thousands, but that only makes your point even stronger. But what exactly is this resonance you're talking about? I'm with you, but what is it?
Hello hemigreg, 
I would like to say that, brain injury aside, you make more sense than some here and your opinion is most welcome. I'd love to have read your thoughts and musings prior to your misfortune but take solace and rejoice in that you still make perfect sense.

Enjoy your bass playing and resonate that neighborhood. 👍

All the best,
The Earth behaves like a gigantic electric circuit. Its electromagnetic field surrounds and protects all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 hertz on average — the so-called “Schumann resonance,” named after physicist Dr S.

about 8hz. and this fact led to many govts and peoples making use of its propergation over the years. many times for so called mind control with the russian woodpecker transmissions and the Natzies too.   it really works by influencing the bio receptors replolorization during each nerve action. like the "QRS" interval which i used to invent the heartbeat seneing "smartepi" semiconductor which directly was quoted in the touch screen invention patents. really sensing a capactive difference from the q charge of the apparent field. remember the big deal field effect transistor. anyhow. the interference or additive effect of 8HZ has a major impact to every earthly activity except ionizing radiation wich by itself is Ion self excited. and why radioactive runaway can happen. all else on earth can be disrupted with an interference wave of equal amplitude and phase... oh boy now i started on phase relasionship. and such it the case with all wave functions least of audio which can be Phased away og gained upon
\thats how modern 500 KW concerts achieve 120 DB A weithed in open fields. the difference from the classic sound tunings of ancient to todays is no accident it became more commercially the thing to do.   not the "Natural" way.
so all the DACs using all the bits and bytes are wrong at the most basic level.
I hope some of you will hook up yout FFT spectrometers and look at all the harmonics, phases and such day and night and see the differences even due to the ionaphere move on a tempature change of 1 degc and the air density shift in acoustic impeadance from 29.9 millibars to 31 millibars. something that happens every day nighht.
so bottom line is there is so much measurable change and affect to the sound and all other wave/atoms that  most of what is disputed on here is totally wacked out......    like fuse and wire direction and breakin. kinda funny that many goverments spent billions studiying sucvh things and all to be found to be mathametically calcualble but irrevelent. to the "Human" which im assuming most of you are at this time.
Uh, it’s not an electromagnetic field, it’s an electromagnetic wave, the wavelength of which, since it occurs in the trough between the earth’s surface and ionosphere, is 25,000 miles. The earth doesn’t act like an electrical circuit. The trough acts like a waveguide for the Schumann resonance. It’s produced mostly by lightning storms. 
and thanks for the solice about the brain, but its all good, just made me realize that most stuff in scociety doesent really matter to the survival of the spices like spelling. as long as you get the idea.
Iused to teach all this freq and wave propergation to the Coast guaed and airforce   heck I did the actual radar jamming for f15s  via phased arrays in the nose.and my dad did it starting in the 30s with very first microwave oscillators using plutonium /uranium vacuum tubes.   the beginning of "radar Jamming"  still have his orignal  microwave tubes in attic.
he started wave influence with sensors that could identify german diesel locols on the track in europe to blow up supply trains. ive still got them too. they could differentiate from empty train,coal loco,freight car or coal car in front of lolo. so only the prime movweer would be blown up. all using specific harmonics,band gaps,resonaces and carbon steel wheel capacitance to the rail at passing.   yea Im bad heavy into this stuff.
whilest im on it most 8hz schuman things on market are also reaping 
the healing of naturalists..... the wave is already there people you dont need to buy a bedside oscillator. besided an 8 Hz pulse is not reasonablly going to happen tho less than a 12 meter diffusion....   see and 70s horn loaded speaker that only goes to 20hz

geo you got your usual stuff only slightly right,sounds like you quote wiki too much.
the earth is producing a constant field which lighting is nothing more than a breakdown of the off balance the magnetic field is produced from in a simple explain for you Iron molten in the core dragging off from electrons against a semidielectric - see semiconductor sand.
sending the chaege to the surface thus happening at about 8hs, a function of rotational speed, dielectric constant of dirt, reflective standing wave from ionsphere.   do you even have a clue as to why standing waves SWRs are relevant?? yes they happen in audio cables measure it to an termanition sometimes.. oops you dobt have the equioit... I do.

Let us not confuse acoustic waves with electromagnetic waves. Here is a pop quiz. How do you produce a 7.8 Hz acoustic wave in the room using a Schumann frequency CD playing through two bookshelf speakers? Pop quiz 2: How can a 7.8 Hz electromagnetic wave fit into a room if the wavelength is 25,000 miles?
I was on the anti jam committee. So no need to try to snow me, hemigrog.
and if its not a field charge how it the atmosphere keeping the charged particle from the sun from toasting us by ripping the ionized electrons off the breathable oxygen.. you know ozone is just an extra little charge thats only there case the earthe encompassing field charge hold it off... the northern lights are the discharge of this very field you dont reconigize up north cause the field phase vs the ait temp dilectric breakdown is low.  im sure you heard of right hand rule with magnets and charged fields.    always present not just 90 degrees but mathmetically a Sin fubction in strength to is origin..
go back to calc math class please,
Let us not confuse acoustic waves with electromagnetic waves. Here is a pop quiz. How do you produce a 7.8 Hz acoustic wave in the room using a Schumann frequency CD playing through two bookshelf speakers? Pop quiz 2: How can a 7.8 Hz electromagnetic wave fit into a room if the wavelength is 25,000 miles?

a wave is a wave period just at a different timebase.
and wrong a wave of wrong size can be produced in a bad size chamber but at greatly reduced Db.   its been done in General Semiocnductors acoustic/faraday  anacolehic chambers here in Hicksville Ny for the Navy . I was part. and dont make light of the Jamming work millions of lives depended on it and I doubt you had top secret clearance as me
Also done here at Brookhaven national Labs whils i worked there with radiation reflected of the ionsphers. thats why Tesla-you remember him, was located out here in his heyday of resonation the atmosphere

and as we speak i have a 7.5 Hz wave playing in my basement from an 10" jbl car sub at 100 Db A weighte.  yea it takes lotso o watts but doable. and im not nit picking the schuman wave its just an example of how some like you choose to nitpick to sell your wears on here.
tell all the posters how to improve their experience with totally free stuff.   the rocks and books are a good example not geos springs, thATS NOT PROFITABLE.
Whoa! I think I just got a contact high.

A photon is massless, has no electric charge, and is a stable particle. A photon has two possible polarization states. In the momentum representation of the photon, which is preferred in quantum field theory, a photon is described by its wave vector, which determines its wavelength λ and its direction of propagation.

thankyou for proving my point how is the photon emitted from the electric field sudden change. in lighting,northern lights etc. and startup of a nuclear reactor, you seen that blue glow... i did at MIT.
so like i sais how does any of your nitpicking help to audio peoples who may think you are knowlegable????
ans please show me the math that leads to the emission of a a weivelength like 600 nm or about???
hint laser phisics math. and proton emission    not that anything to do with audio.   sorry 
have you ever produced a proton from something considered docile like sand (silicon
i have in the LED wars of the 70s to make a Blue wavelength with gallium and other thought dull elements at 1x10 21 power doped layers can do the impossible   the nobel prize went the phisists for the blue led but it was yeasr in  the making here in Westbury NY.

also intersting that a photon is readilly emitted when resonated such as in a Laser example. but emitted at a super high ionizine field of neclear startup which i mentioned is a natural non man made process. but again nothing Auedio.
Please stick to relevant b20-20khz or 20-10khz for us 60+ ears.
yea the 20-40khz stuff does have real world effect but its not realized as concios.
proven in all my brain wave experiments
i will plot and publish any ann all info wanted
yes I had 8 original Hemi cars of the 60s

Sorry, but you missed my point entirely. The electromagnetic wave - the Schumann wave - is photons. All electromagnetic waves are photons. Like say, X-rays, radio waves, Gamma rays. That’s why all electromagnetic waves travel at c in a vacuum. Everybody and his brother has seen the blue Cherenkov radiation.
where are you geo???
google searching for proton stuff??
how about you show neutron emission start not proton?
back to audio. please use every home remady to solve all the illicit woes created by the $$$ seekers.
ps theres a dude on ytube thats a reasonable carrear sound engineer and Musician that debunks all the trash.
wow funny that my spectrum analyzer shows many sub 10Hz waves at all times.  again submarine transmission and why it weas used due to the density and foward power transmittance of such waves, like i told you i need 1200 watts to rignt now as we speak of 8-10 Hz at 100 dba.
how are photons showing on my electromagnetic wave meter as it is at night, in the caves of mines in space on the moons sensors?????
show me the data????
yes photons shooting thru a medium produce a charge disruption..   oh wait  photns arent producing electric current as we speak???
funny theroy you got. tell all the solar dudes they are not getting power and you will foot the bill
quantom theory is nothing but  I cant properly elplain it with a differental equation ast present...
 just for kicks my cousin on dads side was NYs top math genious and Czar of calculs from the 70-80s. she disproved many misconecptions of calcus at the time and made a repositopry of Quantom theory math for New York    then for the federal Govt.   wonder why???
Uh, it’s not an electromagnetic field, it’s an electromagnetic wave, the wavelength of which, 

Blah, blah, yada, yada, so on and so forth. 

Forest for the trees. It is in fact an electromagnetic field because you can't have one without the other (hence, electro-magnetic) and it travels out in every direction (hence, field). This is in fact how electricity is generated: by moving a wire through a magnetic field. From Hoover Dam to Koetsu to the transformer in every component ever made this is how it works. Its a field because its three dimensional. Your precious "wave" is nothing more than a flat 2D representation of a three dimensional field. 

Everyone else: Forest for the Trees is a prime example of the difference between memorizing words and understanding concepts. Understanding concepts you can actually explain them so others understand them as well. Memorizing words all you can do is correct (when you shouldn't) people actually using correctly the words you never were able to understand yourself.

Fascinating. If its the planet then we’re talking millions/billions not thousands, but that only makes your point even stronger. But what exactly is this resonance you’re talking about? I’m with you, but what is it?

We have a cable named after this end of the esoterica pool: Solfeggio.

The Solfeggio scale.

MIT. I’ve heard of MIT. What have I heard about it? I’ve heard it’s very hard to get into but easy to get out of. 
Forest for the trees. It is in fact an electromagnetic field because you can't have one without the other (hence, electro-magnetic) and it travels out in every direction (hence, field). This is in fact how electricity is generated: by moving a wire through a magnetic field. From Hoover Dam to Koetsu to the transformer in every component ever made this is how it works. Its a field because its three dimensional. Your precious "wave" is nothing more than a flat 2D representation of a three dimensional field.

thats my point with geo
live the concepts not memorize the wiki quotes. hence i  i ask the math
the key to my post is do your wnhat think with rocks,books,string tuning and space...    all the  harped upon stuff is so insiginent that you dont realize
electronic correction and  mass ballasts are bunk. that simple.
do you hand stuff off your ear lobe to retune it to 8hz or some other popular quoted  freq???
how many you play violin and  tune by ear???? thats reAL nor someones claim of your inadequadicy to reconigize some quantom precept.  theres no frets why, cause the ear can dispell all phase,noise,floor,harmonics in itself.

MIT. I’ve heard of MIT. What have I heard about it? I’ve heard it’s very hard to get into but easy to get out of.

how many years you spend thers??????
Note to self - never get into technical discussions with English majors or people with brain injuries. 
yes cause when you cause a rugass in the status quo you qre osrefisized umless a nobel prize is at stace...
english majors will not dictate the evolvement of yout passioa AuDio
again my limiting to geos interests

Thanks hemigreg for trying. Sorry about Forest for the Trees. I maybe kind of get what you’re saying.

We can draw a line from within a gnats hair from the beginning, through the supernovae that created every element, to the space dust that coalesced into the Solar system, and right on down the line to us. At no point on that entire 13.7 billion year time line can you say, "Here life began." Let alone, "Here human life began." Its all one long unbroken continuum.

Them’s just the facts. Which means "we" have been around not hundreds or thousands or even millions of years but billions. The exact same neuro-transmitters that work in lobsters work the same in us. We’re talking older than trees here. You flip back through your family album, all the way to your great great great (a million "greats" later) grandfather and guess what? Its a lobster! Yeah I’m kidding but to make a serious point: we’ve been around evolving and adapting to conditions here on Earth for so long now who is to say suddenly in the blink of an eye that we know for sure just what all those conditions are? Or how we have adapted?

Day and night, sun and moon, hot and cold, are pretty obvious. Electromagnetic fields, frequencies and cycles, who is so sure that just because they are less obvious that they don’t matter?
@hemigreg: Watch out! I see a van pulling up and men in white coats spilling out!

Everyone else: Forest for the Trees is a prime example of the difference between memorizing words and understanding concepts. Understanding concepts you can actually explain them so others understand them as well. Memorizing words all you can do is correct (when you shouldn’t) people actually using correctly the words you never were able to understand yourself.

>>>>God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. There is a big gap between English majors and science types and the Twain shall never meet. 🔛 That’s what Feynman was referring to when said, “If I could explain it to the average bozo 🤡 they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”
hemigrog, knowledge is what’s left when you subtract out all the stuff you learned in school and easily forgot. Whenever I see the word Hemi I immediately think of Dennis Hopper wearing an “oxygen mask” in Blue Velvet. 

hemigreg OP
geoffkait: MIT. I’ve heard of MIT. What have I heard about it? I’ve heard it’s very hard to get into but easy to get out of.

how many years you spend thers??????

>>>>Fortunately, none. Looks like I dodged a bullet.
Ironically the trough between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere that contains the Schumann “resonance” is analogous to the inside of the CD transport. The only difference is the photons inside the CD transport, the so-called scattered laser light, are much less energetic than the Schumann “light.” In both cases the space is all lit up. You just can’t see it because the photons aren’t in the visible part of the spectrum. Light is a wave. Light is particles. It’s not complicated. This is not some new fangled science.  It’s the same for submarines, the photons for the extremely low frequency communications, which is very akin to the Schumann resonance, must eventually travel through water, which absorbs and scatters the photons. But photons will definitely travel through some water. They just have to be high energy photons.
E = hf, where h = Planck constant, f = frequency.

The laser light photons are much more energetic than the Schuman resonance photons and the low frequency photons for submarine communication are also low energy.
It is not remotely the same as a CD transport where the light frequency is defined by the laser not the cavity as with Schuman resonance frequency.
This thread is a giant exercise in Corellation does not equal Causation. 
Way to miss the point. It doesn’t matter HOW the frequencies are defined. The point is that the cavities both fills up with light. AND that the light particles move at light speed. They’re waves! They’re particles! The laser output is a wave, that’s how CDs work. He-loo! It’s because the CD transport cavity fills up with waves of photons that scattered CD LASER light is a problem. 
Your point was horribly misstated. The Schuman resonance is specific to the cavity size. The cavity of a CD player has no impact on the wavelength just makes more reflections. 
I just edited by last post to point out it’s because the CD transport lights up with laser light that scattered CD laser light is a problem. You’re being argumentative again. YOU are the one who can’t see the forest for the trees. 
Whether photons or waves is meaningless in your CD player example. The speed of light is also meaningless in the CD player example. It had 0 bearing on the claimed effect. You are just trying to justify your wrong statement about photon energy.
This thread reminds me of a Stargate SG1 episode in which Jack O'Neill was working on a crossword puzzle.

His answer to "celestial body" was "Uma Thurman".

atdavid, you can never find the truth being argumentative. You are blinded by science! 😎 You’re as stubborn as an old mule. I can prove my CD laser theory whereas you can’t prove I’m wrong. It’s a win win for me. 🤗 By the way, the energy of the photons is a red herring. The rest of you so called counter arguments are obviously grasping for straws. You know, the “sky is blue” argument you’ve become famous for.
Actually, as I have mentioned several times, I am a certified public accountant specializing in corporate taxes.  Headed the tax department of the largest electric utility in Vermont (small by most other states).  I don't understand sh*t about electricity or anything discussed above.  You want to discuss the Internal Revenue Code or Treasury Regulations thereof ok. 

But I do want to know whether GK or atdavid are correct in their understanding of the above discussion.  Only because GK uses his knowledge of things unknown to a number of us as a sword to disembowel anyone who disagrees with him.  And I kind of wonder if he knows what he is talking about or not.
But I do want to know whether GK or atdavid are correct in their understanding of the above discussion. Only because GK uses his knowledge of things unknown to a number of us as a sword to disembowel anyone who disagrees with him. And I kind of wonder if he knows what he is talking about or not.

He is so clueless not even Alicia Silverstone could do him justice.

Peter Sellers. Maybe.
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