Has this ever happened to you?

Has it ever happened to you that you sit down to listen to your system one day and just go “Wow!”, THIS is the sound I have been looking for?  I have recently been hyper focused on incremental improvements that I have been making, and was really just listening to “the sound” of new components or cables but not actually listening to the music.  Recently, I sat down to listen to music, and I am hearing exactly what I had hoped it should like in my listening room.  I am feeling something new for me in this hobby for really the first time - contentment.

Curious the hear about your experiences.



Hyperfocus on hitting some performance peak point with the best couple of recordings is a ridiculous trap, setting yourself up to not enjoy music.

When you focus instead on making a wide variety of music ( differing quality of recordings included) enjoyable, the way you set up rigs will be different.

@deep_333 so what is your experience in the realm of audio satisfaction?  Are you happy with your system?

@deep_333 thanks for your concern. Even with all my tinkering, I still find lots of time to just listen - but now I am liking that part a whole lot more. In fact, I am going through all my lps right now and putting the ones I don’t just love in a pile to take to the used record store or goodwill to make room for new music.

And you have a lot of nice systems to enjoy all kinds of music with - congrats.


Yes, in fact it just happened - Listening to Sonny Rollins Volume one side one - from 1984

Stand on your head greatness :)


last song  How are things in Glocca Morra . Wonderful!

My "den" is where I mostly live when I ca't fish. In it, I;

  1- Tie trout flies for a fly shop

  2- Build old wooden sailing ship models

  3- Tend to an online collectible postage stamp store

  4- (Hate to admit this) Play an online video game (World of Tanks) . this is the only  video game I play. 

This room has my audio system. If I am doing any one of the above activities, I generally am streaming music.

On occasion, a cut will play, and I stop what I'm doing, move my chair to a listening position, and focus just on the sound.

Those few minutes,  on those few occasions, are near orgasmic. AHHHHH......