Has anyone tried the Sun Valley 211/845 amp kit?

I'm considering constructing this kit. It is made in Japan, and looks very well done. They are available from Wall of Sound, in Vancouver, Canada. I would be glad to hear any information, be it positive or negative.

Thanks, and regards,
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Thanks, that all sounds like real good advice. Good thing my life insurance is up-to-date.

Check and double check and then check again all connections and layout before you power it up. Power it up with a variac.
Safety from when I used service CRTs many years ago.
  • When prodding around checking voltage, ensure your meter probe handles are designed for high voltage.ALWAYS keep one hand behind your back.
  • After you’ve powered it down AND let it discharge, ALWAYS keep one hand behind your back. Never let yourself become part of the circuit.
  • Discharge the power supply caps with a high wattage resistor. Measure B+ with meter to ensure it is discharged.
  • Ground your equipment
  • Tell your wife/friend what you are doing and to keep an eye out and do not work alone.
  • Have a safety procedure e.g. check and double check power is off and supply is discharged before working on unit etc.

I already have a beautiful sounding SET 300B. I am tantalized by those big triode tubes, an itch that wants scratching. DIY seems to be in my DNA. I just hope my itch doesn't kill me.

Any useful safety tips for dealing with these voltages?

Even a small pentode power amp is going to have dangerous voltages. But maybe it's a place to start. Bottlehead?
Well, I taught myself to solder pretty well, so that's not an issue. Possibly killing myself IS an issue. The vendor will build the unit, if requested. That shoots down my idea of building it myself, which I do enjoy. I've built three Class D amps, a tube line stage, crossovers & wiring up my speakers (plus doing a considerable amount of house wiring), so I have a bit of confidence, but there's still no guarantee that I, or the amp, will survive the ordeal...

So you want to build AND get some big triode sound?! If you can solder and know the basics of electronics AND how to discharge a power supply with a wooden stick and a 100k 25 watt resistor, you should be all set (sic)!
Thank you noromance, yes I have seen it, but I was hoping to hear from someone that has actually built one, and listened to it in action. I'm not too sure if I should even tackle it, considering the high voltages it uses, but curiosity about this amplifier type that needs? to be sated is driving me, and I've always wanted to build a tube amp.
