Has anyone seen the new Meadowlark Swift?

I just looked at the Meadowlark web page, and they have a new speaker out called the Swift. It caught my attention right away, because it looks just like a short Voigt Pipe, with a tweeter added. A guy on the Speaker Asylum heard them, and posted that they threw a huge soundstage, and were as good as the Kestrels for only $995.
I think it is interesting that now, after all these years, there are numerous Voigt Pipe designs hitting the market, like the Meadowlark Swift, and the Cain&Cain Abby, BD designs, and of course the original Lowther.
Anyone heard any of these speakers, especially the Meadowlark? What do you think of the sound, particularly the bass response?
Hi! I have seen and heard the Swift and spent a lot of time on the phone with Pat McGinty talking about the Swift and the Swallow. The Swift is amazing. Nice wide soundstage, accurate, musical and captivating. A very liquid and sweet midrange. You can just sit and listen. They can also handle power. They just sound better, not louder as you turn up the volume. The new technology lets the bass excel. These are not bass shy speakers, nor is the bass boomy. I was shocked when I first heard them. They sounded better than my old Kestrels but I still love my Vieros (which in my opion, are more accurate than the Kestrels with just as good soundstage.) Pat feels that both the new speakers blow the Verios away and he will be using the new technology on the Shearwaters. The new cabinets are solid and the finish outstanding. The combination of "BassIC" technology and the cabinet making capabilities at his new factory are a true home home. If you have any other questions or want to talk me, send me an e-mail. Val
I saw and heard them at the NY show, and was impressed from what I could tell in those sort of circumstances, i.e., not knowing the room, music selections, ancillaries....

They are striking looking for sure, but I am unsure about the outriggers, which I might interpret as a visual reference to the way geese fly.

There are people around selling them for less than 1k, which tells me a lot of people/dealers are feeling pinched these days.
Suits me raises an very important point. Summer is the slow period for audio and this year is worse. Many dealers want to make the sale. However, the Swifts retail for $995, so they should be selling for less than 1K. As for the outriggers; yes, they are different. Yet, other manufacturers use similar devices. It's personal taste versus desire for best sound.
Heard very briefly. Very good sound. I think with tube amps. Definitely "high end" sound quality. I would think Kestrels would give better dynamics and bass since it is bigger. Other than that Swifts might even be better.
I didn't get to really give them a critical listen and find out all their faults but they did not seem fatiguing or too much bass like the bigger Meadowlarks stuff.
It is interesting to hear about this new speaker's performance value. I wonder if anyone has heard the Gershman "Cameleon" and compared them to the Swift???(though the "Cameleon's are $1799!!!) It would be, I think a shot in the arm(if not a kick in the ass) for the audio business, if a manufacturer produced a speaker with two-thirds or more of the performance of some of the mega buck speakers on today's market. Finally, those who heard the Swift. what "level" of electronics was driving them?? Are those "bird" feet stable and vibration free?? SJ
I heard them for quite a long time at the NY show with Rouge tube electronics. They are very impressive and at their price very tough to beat. Additionally, they are fairly efficient and have a benign impedence making them very tube friendly including SET's and OTL's.
As with Frank, I heard them at the show. They were most impressive with the analogue set up, reflecting the quality of the turntable in that room compared to the digital set up. I have also heard them with CJ electronics and the music just flowed. The feet add stability and I believe can be fitted with spikes/cones, etc. Pat McGinty said that the triangular format provided more stability than a four point rectangle. As for Sunnyjim's comments about sound quality versus price, I believe that Meadowlark is on to something interesting with their BassIC technology. I want to hear the next generation Shearwaters that will use the same technology. I think we will see a resurgance of American made speakers that out perform the European products, are highyl affordable and, more important, very desireable.
Cellorover, I second that - "I think we will see a resurgance of American made speakers that out perform the European products, are highyl affordable and, more important, very desireable."
American speaker mfg'r are really starting to get their stuff together. Thiel 1.6, Revel Gems, Montana, Meadowlark, Polk Lsi series and on and on.
I've heard these speakers both at the NYC HiFi Expo and during a visit to Pat's factory up in Watertwon NY. Now, I do not sell Meadowlark, but I think Pat has a great little speaker here. The plinth (or outrigger as somone has called it) that mounts onto the bottom of the speaker is a great idea for such a small speaker to give it a much more stable footprint and looks sharp to boot. The speakers are quite articulate and transparanet for thier price and are capable of throwing a big soundstage. Personally, given thier articulate character (and easy load) I would probably prefer tubes on them.
